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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Lady Loki waved her hand and a burst of light erupted from the top of her staff, projecting a huge magic screen in the air. For people of Ebony Maw and Lady Loki's size, the screen was a bit too big, and they couldn't even see clearly what was playing on it. But for Thanos, the size of the screen was just right.

Suddenly, a passionate music burst out from the staff, and the screen showed a black stage with Strange in a suit walking on it. The camera zoomed in on his face from the audience, and Strange's voice was more magnetic than usual:

"Sanctum Sanctorum, not just Sanctum Sanctorum!"

Then a scene began to play.

An operator on break picked up a model of a Spacespaceship on the table and admired it. As the camera zoomed in, the spaceship model gradually became a real Spacespaceship, firing at the enemy in an interstellar war.

Suddenly, the huge Spacespaceship was hit by a ray of light and disintegrated into fragments.

The operator woke up from his dream, picked up the ringing Telephone beside him, and after a brief conversation, the real spaceship jumped directly to hyperspace, avoiding the fatal beam.

The operator put down the Telephone, revealing a satisfied smile. The logo of Sanctum Sanctorum was enlarged on his desk, and the slogan below flashed with golden light: "Sanctum Sanctorum, not just Sanctum Sanctorum."

Then another short film began to play. The beginning was still Strange saying the slogan, but this time, the spaceship was replaced by demon gods. It was only because of the operator's early warning that the demon gods avoided the disaster.

After that, there were all kinds of promotional videos, such as demon gods receiving a renewal reminder during a meeting, and the renewing party constantly coming up with new ideas to refute the other side, or the scene of member gifts being distributed, making passing demon gods regret not joining earlier. In short, it was a collection of positive and negative propaganda, long and short, showcasing the top-notch level of advertising design masters in Human civilization, combining the strengths of various countries' styles, which made Thanos and Ebony Maw watch the half-hour advertisement in its entirety.

Lady Loki had already put away the screen for half a minute, but the two of them still hadn't reacted. Then Thanos restrained his expression and asked, "So, you mean that this place called Sanctum Sanctorum is your Asgard's strategic advisor?"

"Not entirely. Asgard has its own independent department for strategic and tactical planning, but we are still willing to make small investments to gain more ideas."

Then Lady Loki began to introduce the membership system of Sanctum Sanctorum. Thanos's head began to ache again, and he waved his hand to interrupt Lady Loki's speech, saying, "No, I don't want to become a member."

Lady Loki showed a sad expression, but then she wanted to persuade Thanos again. However, he was always unmoved, so she could only show a helpless expression and say, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty Thanos. Sanctum Sanctorum is indeed a membership system now, but..." Lady Loki's tone changed, and she continued, "If you handle the business through me, I can give you the highest discount, and even provide quarterly processing that is not mentioned in the membership service description..."

"Stop talking," Thanos interrupted her and showed an impatient emotion. Lady Loki took a deep breath, touched her chest, and finally had to say helplessly, "Okay, Your Majesty Thanos. It seems that your requirements are high. What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to become a member, but I want to know the specific details of that plan."

"You can buy it by the time..."

"Lady Loki." Thanos snorted and said, "How much benefit did they give you to sell so hard?"

Lady Loki was stunned by this question, but she shook her head and didn't speak. Thanos said, "You are a smart person, and my capable subordinate Ebony Maw is also such a person."

"Is playing a errand role what you want?" Thanos sneered, "You can get more."

Lady Loki restrained the fake smile on her face and looked straight at Thanos. Then Thanos continued, "I won't become a member, but I can give you this resource and let you find a way to use their services for free."

Lady Loki admired Thanos in her heart. He was indeed a new space overlord who was self-taught in the flaws of Human civilization. But Lady Loki showed a hesitant expression, and Thanos continued to tempt her:

"Lady Loki, even if this defection is really just your plan, Asgard only has one god king. Your elder brother has everything, but you don't have the right to inherit it. You still have to work hard for it. If so, this is what you deserve..."

Ebony Maw also chimed in, "Your Majesty only needs their information network. As long as you can use their information network to transmit the information we want at any time, Your Majesty Thanos will not be stingy."

"When you shouted the slogan of counterattacking Asgard, did you mean it?" Thanos looked at Lady Loki's eyes and asked.

Lady Loki lowered her head slightly, sighed, and said, "Even if I say I promise, you won't trust me, will you?"

"Correct, so we can try another way." Thanos snapped his fingers, and several figures walked out from behind the throne and stood in a row with Ebony Maw. Thanos looked at them and said, "You will arrange my people in, and we will find the information we want by ourselves. You don't have to worry about being exposed. I believe you have many ways to complete all of this quietly."

"Indeed, but what can you give me?" Lady Loki no longer disguised her voice, and her tone became somewhat indifferent, like a true God of Mischief.

Thanos raised his hands and said, "Whatever you want, I will give it to you!"

"What if I want the entire Asgard?" Lady Loki asked.

Thanos was not surprised and said, "Now, we are only trading a relationship. I will not pay such a huge reward for such a trivial gain. But if you pledge allegiance to me..."

"I am only loyal to All-Father Odin," Lady Loki replied.

The two looked at each other and did not continue this topic. The conversation between two smart people did not need to be too clear. After Lady Loki left, Thanos sat on the throne and whispered, "Odin... Nine Realms..."

Ebony Maw walked up, saluted, and asked, "Great Thanos, who do you want to send to the Nine Realms?"

Thanos scanned among the Black Order and finally looked at the tallest Black Dwarf. Black Dwarf immediately knelt down and said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

After the other generals left, Ebony Maw stood in place and said, "If that Sanctum Sanctorum can provide us with good tactics, it is naturally better to break through the current bottleneck in development. If not, we can still plant a nail in the Nine Realms."

"The only thing that makes me a little puzzled is, Your Majesty, why did you send Black Dwarf to infiltrate... Of course, I am not questioning your decision, but Black Dwarf's loyalty..."

Thanos snorted and said, "Of course, I know he is not loyal. He is just pretending to join me for the continuation of his own race."

"But I didn't intend to let him and Lady Loki bring back any useful information for me. I just used the excuse of wanting to know Asgard's strategy."

"Then what do you..."

"Odin has two heirs. He let one of them become the new king of Asgard. Will the other one be willing?"

"You mean to provoke a conflict between the new king and the elder princess and deal with Odin?"

"My goal has always been Odin." Thanos leaned on the huge throne like a towering mountain. His powerful strength and cruel rule gave him a strong aura that was different from those wise kings, belonging only to a tyrant.

"Only Odin will hinder my plan. The others..." Thanos stretched out his hand, pinched his fingertips, and said, "Are just small stones that will crumble at a touch."

After leaving the throne hall where Thanos was located, Lady Loki hurriedly left the Dark Dimension along the star port. After ensuring that she had left Thanos's sphere of influence, she picked up the Telephone and said to the other side, "Bad news, only one of those five generals came, and it looks like an abandoned child. Should I bring him over directly, or take the risk of letting Thanos change him?"

In the meeting room on the other side, when Stark heard Lady Loki's words, he frowned and looked at Schiller, but Schiller was not surprised at all. He said, "It's not easy to lure Thanos over. He is, after all, a space overlord. You just have to treat him as Odin. Will Odin fall for this?"

"He is willing to send someone over, which proves that he was just talking nonsense when he said he wasn't interested in the Infinity Stones. As long as he is interested, he will come sooner or later."

"What should we do next?" Lady Loki asked.

"Who is coming?"

"It should be called Black Dwarf, very tall, and looks like a native of a nearby star system in the Dark Dimension."

Schiller frowned and said, "You bring him over, and leave the rest to us. By the way, let him drive a spaceship over, the kind that can turn into a land combat vehicle after disintegration, like what you wrote on the Materials before..."

"No problem." Lady Loki nodded and went to call Thanos.

Now, Lady Loki realized the benefits of raising the stakes. Thanos thought he was on the fifth level, but he was actually only on the first level. Thanos thought this was a scam by Asgard, but in fact, it was just a weak human trying to get some new technology.

Therefore, Thanos didn't have much defense and agreed easily. In his opinion, Asgard could scam anything, but it couldn't scam this spaceship. After all, the science and technology content of this ordinary spaceship was much worse than that of other Asgard spaceships, and Odin wouldn't want it.

When the spaceship approached the Solar System, Lady Loki hurriedly created an illusion for Black Dwarf, turning him into a tall, dark-skinned human. Then she urged him to get off the spaceship and teleport to Earth.

Black Dwarf was confused by her attitude and asked, "Why are we in such a hurry? Shouldn't we survey the surroundings first?"

"This is the Nine Realms." Lady Loki answered while pushing Black Dwarf out. Black Dwarf was pushed out of the cabin door and asked in confusion, "So what?"

"Do you need to survey your own bedroom?" After pushing Black Dwarf out, Lady Loki began to prepare for teleportation. Black Dwarf was about to say something, but with a "swish," a beam of light flashed, and the two disappeared from the spaceship.

Soon, the Portal opened, and more figures descended on the spaceship. Seeing the huge spaceship, Stark waved his hand and said, "Get on board!"

"Wait!" Nick Fury, who came over at the same time, reached out his hand to stop the people's actions.

"According to the Human Interstellar Passage Law, all items lost in the Milky Way Galaxy and within 100 light-years around the Milky Way Galaxy will automatically belong to the only civilization in the galaxy, the Pan-Human Civilization, after 100,000 years of no one claiming ownership..."

"...I forgot the rest, let's get on board!"

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 551: Not Loving the Purple Sweet Potato Spirit (Part 3)


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