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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After getting busy, time always seemed to fly by.

It wasn't until Sun Cheng finally had some free time that he noticed his short sleeves had turned into long coats.

"Winter is coming!"

He muttered to himself, realizing that it had been four months since the official start of the research project at the Intelligent Mechanics Laboratory.

In the past four months, Sun Cheng had felt as if time had flown by, just like the saying, "In the midst of flowers, I didn't know the days were short, little did I expect that a thousand years had passed in the world."

He couldn't stay in the Real World all the time, considering that most of what he had now came from the Transformers Universe.

So, in order not to let everything in the Transformers Universe go to waste, Sun Cheng had truly immersed himself in it over the past few months.

The once-expanding Cybertron Technology Group had continued to expand its presence in the domestic Cloud disk and storage markets in the past few months. Its products and services had grown from a few to dozens.

Their target customers ranged from teenagers who used Cloud disks to movie and TV show collectors in their twenties. They also served small and medium-sized enterprises with online cloud services and provided advanced database construction services for large groups and research institutions.

With Sun Cheng's aggressive approach of headhunting and luring talent with generous salaries, Cybertron Technology Group had successfully recruited over a thousand high-level talents in the fields of Cloud disk, storage, enterprise cloud, and large databases from dozens of domestic companies, research institutes, and research institutions over the past four months.

These high-level talents were indeed competent. Some of them had been in the industry for at least ten years and had rich experience in product development. Others were graduates from well-known domestic and foreign universities, specializing in theoretical research in research institutions.

Training such high-level talent from scratch would take at least six to seven years, even if they were willing to invest the time and effort. Time was something Sun Cheng lacked at the moment.

Therefore, by offering annual salaries ranging from tens to hundreds of thousands of Xia Yuan, he was able to acquire these high-level talents, and he felt like he had made a good deal.

In a corner of the Ningjiang High-Tech Park, there was a production workshop belonging to the Future Mechanical Technology Corporation.

On this evening, as the night fell, Sun Cheng drove a nondescript domestic SUV slowly into a corner of the Ningjiang High-Tech Park.

Before he could reach his destination, he was stopped at a checkpoint.

He skillfully pulled out his pass and entered the production base, which had already reached the level of a first-tier national defense military enterprise.

After parking his car in a newly built parking area within the production base, Sun Cheng put on a Bluetooth earpiece and began walking towards one of the production workshops.

Today was a special day, not only for the Future Mechanical Technology Corporation but also for the country.

After nearly four months of repeated testing and several modifications, the first product of the Future Mechanical Technology Corporation, the Semi-Exoskeletal Mechanical Armor, officially designated as the X-1 Mechanical Exoskeleton, was ready to be delivered to the military.

Due to the sensitivity of the mechanical exoskeleton armor and the fact that the Future Mechanical Technology Corporation had not yet publicly revealed its existence, the initial equipment handover ceremony was kept simple, taking place in one of the corporation's production workshops.

Naturally, Sun Cheng had to be present, and a major general responsible for defense military procurement had also come.

The entire ceremony lasted less than twenty minutes, but its significance was extraordinary.

"Mr. Sun, thank you for the contribution that your corporation has made to the national defense. The X-1 Mechanical Exoskeleton Armor has significantly improved the combat capabilities of our soldiers. The military is very satisfied with the improved versions after several months of testing. Of course, if the price could be lowered a bit more, that would be even better!"

Over the past four months, with Sun Cheng's direct involvement and the Pseudo Expert who had participated in the design of Decepticon mechanical bodies, the development and upgrading process of the mechanical exoskeleton armor, from the initial trial version 1 to the current X-1, had gone smoothly. Any problems or requirements from the military had been quickly resolved.

The X-1 Mechanical Exoskeleton Armor, in its basic form, was powered by a 1.8-kilogram Lithium-Air Battery, reducing the overall weight by 1.5 kilograms compared to the American HULC.

In its standard configuration, when fully charged, it could allow the wearer to carry 80 kilograms of equipment at a speed of no less than 4.5 kilometers per hour for six hours.

In its enhanced configuration, when fully charged, it could allow the wearer to carry up to 110 kilograms of equipment and weapons, marching at a speed of no less than 4 kilometers per hour for four hours.

In addition, the X-1 Mechanical Exoskeleton Armor had added an auxiliary lifting device to its arms, making it 20% more energy-efficient when carrying heavy weapons or supplies.

The original trial version 1 of the mechanical exoskeleton armor only provided basic protection, with its front and back made from civilian-grade bulletproof clothing purchased from a domestic defense corporation in Xia Country. It had some bulletproof capabilities, but it was still civilian-grade and couldn't effectively stop bullets from standard rifles.

After the X-1 was finalized, the Future Mechanical Technology Corporation received authorization from the Equipment Department to directly purchase the latest products from a state-owned enterprise that produced military-grade bulletproof clothing, significantly improving the armor's protective capabilities.

However, all of this was not the main reason the X-1 Mechanical Exoskeleton Armor had gained approval from the Equipment Department and the military and was officially entering procurement in such a short time.

What the military valued most were the numerous weapon attachment points on the X-1 Mechanical Exoskeleton Armor. After extensive testing by the Equipment Department and the military, they were pleasantly surprised to find that if they purchased a large quantity of this type of mechanical exoskeleton armor, equipping each squad with two units would create excellent synergy in terms of firepower and mobility.

The X-1 Mechanical Exoskeleton Armor had eight weapon attachment points, allowing it to carry various backpacks, supplies, light and heavy machine guns, squad-level grenade launchers, and even heavy ammunition boxes with exceptional ease.

Even the heavy anti-tank rocket launchers that had been abandoned by many countries in recent years could be carried quickly on the back using the attachment points on the X-1, weighing several tens of kilograms.

For special forces units engaged in infiltration operations, who often missed opportunities due to a lack of heavy weapons after a parachute drop, this was a significant boon.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 541: The Spider 


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