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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Liu Zhen took more than ten minutes to provide a detailed account of the situation.

Afterward, Liu Qingyun began the report.

"...I can be quite certain that the target has received some form of psychological counseling and professional training, and they may even have a significant understanding of intelligence operatives."

"When we first met, despite their good disguise, I had a feeling that they were deliberately imitating or concealing something."

"...However, it seems that the target is somewhat cautious around me, and to avoid jeopardizing future contact, I did not push too hard."

Following this, Liu Qingyun played the recording of the conversation between Sun Cheng and the four individuals he met during his visit to Sun Cheng, which he had captured using his personal device.

The conference room fell silent for several seconds after the recording played. Then, once again, General Chen Jichang spoke up, "What about the investigation results regarding the [P·C·F] from your National Security? When you were discussing the investigation into Sun Cheng, you mentioned some suspicious aspects."

Upon hearing this question, even Liu Zhen, who had a great deal of composure, noticed furrowed brows on most of the faces in the conference room.

The answer was clear. "Unfortunately, despite investing a significant amount of manpower and resources into investigating [P·C·F], in the past two days, apart from Sun Cheng, whom we have already exposed, we've only managed to uncover some faint traces of this suspicious organization."

Wang An, as the Secretary-General of the Presidential Palace, was well aware of the ambitions of the President, who had been working tirelessly to restore Xia Country to its position as the world's leading superpower.

If [P·C·F] indeed possessed the miraculous capabilities they claimed, the President would not mind if Xia Country took some shortcuts on its path to resurgence.

He asked, "Director Liu, can we now confirm the existence of [P·C·F] based on the investigation results from the National Security Bureau? When you discussed the investigation into Sun Cheng earlier, you mentioned several inconsistencies!"

"There are indeed many suspicious aspects regarding Sun Cheng, and it's safe to say that what he told us during our contact with him was not entirely truthful. For example, if he had joined [P·C·F] two years ago, how could he have fallen victim to a loan shark scam earlier this year? This alone contradicts his previous statements!"

"By the way, we suspect that the case involving the owner of the loan shark Corporation, who was killed a few months ago, is related to him. It's worth noting that, to this day, the South Capital police have not solved this murder case."

"However, based on our investigation, even if [P·C·F] is fake, there are other forces behind Sun Cheng, and this has been confirmed."

"We've investigated all financial transactions of Cybertron Technology Group, including Sun Cheng, over the past six months, and we've discovered over 6.3 billion Xia Yuan, equivalent to approximately 1.1 billion USD, of unaccounted funds."

"The source of these funds is unknown, and data from major banks all show that these funds were transferred to Sun Cheng personally and Cybertron Technology Group's Corporation accounts through legitimate channels."

"Further investigation revealed that these funds have been in various stock markets, futures markets, and even the Bitcoin market in several countries worldwide, with connections to numerous offshore Corporations and overseas offshore legal zones."

"The sophistication and expertise involved in money laundering are undeniable, and it's clear that this is not something a recent college graduate could accomplish. Their expertise and discretion are no less than that of established European and American banking giants like J.P. Morgan, Citibank, and UBS."

Most ordinary people are unaware of the hidden sins behind the glittering façades of the world's renowned banks. Almost every year, media reports from various countries highlight fines imposed on different banking giants for suspected money laundering.

In fact, it's not an exaggeration to say that over seventy percent of the black money generated globally due to wars, drugs, and criminal activities is successfully laundered through banks.

The major banking giants would rather be fined hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars by their own governments and foreign governments than give up this lucrative business because money laundering is extremely profitable.

Since the source of black money is illegal, during the money laundering process, the banking giants can charge exorbitant fees, far higher than those of loan sharks, as long as they don't raise government suspicions.

Just one such deal, as long as it goes unnoticed by the government, can make a considerable profit.

And if they happen to get deals from exiled dictators of some small black-market countries overthrown by revolutions, the profits are even greater.

Perhaps he had spoken for too long, and his throat was a bit dry, or maybe he wanted to give everyone more time to digest the information he had just presented.

Liu Zhen paused, picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip, and after more than ten seconds, he continued, "There are many more similar discoveries. For example, when our technical experts examined the storage hard drives of Cybertron Technology Group, they found significant differences in algorithms, materials, and manufacturing processes compared to similar products from Western Digital, Seagate, and Micron."

"Furthermore, from the sales methods and prices, their costs are much lower than those of Western Digital, Seagate, and Micron. According to our technical experts, other than technological innovation, the only way they could sell at such prices is by deliberately taking losses."

"We believe that Cybertron Technology Group falls into the latter category."

For the next half hour, Liu Zhen did most of the talking, while others listened or took notes.

It couldn't be helped. National Security Bureau was the first to make contact with [P·C·F], and as one of Xia Country's only two major intelligence agencies, with global intelligence gathering and counter-espionage capabilities, they had the most knowledge about this mysterious organization among the top echelons of Xia Country.

After some exchanges among the senior officials from different ministries, some of the initial doubts were resolved, but new ones arose.

Yuan Yicheng, Sun Long, Wang Yuan, and the others who had been waiting on the sidelines for more than half an hour, as the first group of individuals sent by various ministries to make initial contact with Sun Cheng, began to report on their work.

Yuan Yicheng was the first to report. "I'm not particularly strong in technology and intelligence, so let me start by sharing my personal feelings and impressions from my initial contact with that young man named Sun Cheng."

"Based on the information available, this young man named Sun Cheng has just graduated from the South China University of Technology. I don't mean to belittle STEM students or recent college graduates, but many young people who have just graduated from college cannot have the kind of composure and calmness he displayed."

"During our contact, he exhibited excellent control over the situation, making me feel at times like I was negotiating with high-level executives of multinational corporations. His confidence and poise gave the impression that he was accustomed to such settings."

After Yuan Yicheng's report, it was Sun Long's turn.

He saluted first before speaking, "Sun Cheng used an iPhone, but it possessed extremely advanced optical projection capabilities, which should have been specially customized for him by the force behind him."

"It could project several screens, and I attempted to interact with these screens, leading to the display of more informative screens."

"Unlike existing projection technologies on the market, it was more akin to the virtual projections commonly seen in science fiction movies, which you can touch and interact with."

"I would conservatively estimate that it is at least one to two generations ahead of current projection technologies worldwide."

"...Sun Cheng showcased a total of 143 different technologies and devices in his online store, with 57 of them related to military technology."

"I deliberately questioned him about the [F100 turbofan engine] related technology he provided, hoping to gain more useful information, but he did not respond. My attempt to probe was unsuccessful."

"As Director Yuan mentioned, the target appeared very composed and confident. Combined with the virtual projection technology he demonstrated, my skepticism about the authenticity of this organization called [P·C·F] has turned into cautious belief."

"This is a preliminary compilation of some crucial military technologies and equipment that I've put together on my way here. The other document contains the full list."

"Personally, I believe that if Sun Cheng's claims are true, the organization known as [P·C·F] does indeed exist."

"In that case, the country should actively cooperate with them, as we could use this opportunity to gain access to some key technologies and cutting-edge equipment that have been blocked under the [Bawa Agreement]."

"Sometimes, it's necessary to take calculated risks."

"With that, I conclude my report!"

Unlike Yuan Yicheng's earlier report, Sun Long from the Equipment Department also provided two lists of military technologies and equipment that he had compiled himself. This led to quiet discussions within the conference room, indicating that his words had struck a chord with many.

After about fifteen minutes, Wang Yuan, the last person to be called upon, began his report.

"Sun Cheng presented 143 items, and while I'm not well-versed in defense-related technology, I noticed that almost all the items listed were cutting-edge equipment that our country currently lacks, with a very high level of technical sophistication."

"I was particularly impressed by the lithography machine, so let me briefly report on that."

"...Due to the background of the United States pushing for Xia Country's inclusion in the [Bawa Agreement] at the end of the last century, our semiconductor industry, which had been continuously investing resources and developing since the seventies and eighties of the last century, suffered a severe blow starting in the nineties."

"The two crucial pieces of equipment for semiconductor production, the lithography machine and etching machine, have always been products explicitly prohibited for export to our country under the [Bawa Agreement]."

"Etching machines aside, because [Xia Country Precision Instrument Manufacturing Corporation] overcame the relevant technology, our country has no significant gap compared to European and American companies in the field of etching machines."

"However, in the field of lithography machines, our country's backwardness is evident."

"...It was only in the middle of the year before last that [Xia Country Precision Instrument Manufacturing Corporation] successfully developed the 32nm DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machine, which had not been exported to our country by the Dutch lithography giant, Amis, for a long time."

"It was only at the beginning of last year that the Dutch authorities finally approved the purchase of a 28nm DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machine from Amis Corporation by our country, a year after the deal had been agreed."

"Last year, I, along with colleagues from the National Asset Management Bureau, participated in negotiations for the purchase of a 22nm Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography Machine produced by the Dutch lithography giant Amis by [Xia Country Microelectronics Manufacturing Corporation]."

"At the time, it was more like negotiations with Amis Corporation itself, rather than negotiations with a Western country, especially the United States."

"In the end, Amis did agree to sell us the 22nm Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography Machine, but we paid a hefty price for it."

"We purchased four 22nm lithography machines from them at a 17% premium, with two of them paid in full, to be delivered in the middle and end of this year; the other two were pre-paid half, with delivery scheduled for next year."

"In addition to these conditions, the four 22nm lithography machines purchased by [Xia Country Microelectronics Manufacturing Corporation] must undergo regular inspections by work teams sent by Amis Corporation, cannot be disassembled for research without authorization, and cannot be used to produce chips for military applications."

"This is what everyone knows publicly. Privately, three American special agents who were captured within our borders and a convicted American drug trafficker sentenced to death were handed over to the United States as part of this deal!"

"To say it's humiliating wouldn't be an exaggeration!"

"But we had no choice but to accept their arrogant additional conditions because, as the world's factory, without lithography machines, we can't produce qualified chips."

"...Due to this experience, I personally started paying more attention to lithography machines."

"Today, when I met Sun Cheng, he had two 14nm Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography Machines among the items he presented, and even a complete set of production technology!"

"While his descriptions were vague, he did not attach any additional conditions, and the price, although slightly higher than what we paid for the 22nm lithography machines initially, was payable in Xia Yuan, not in US dollars."

"Just these factors were enough for me to decide, after a brief discussion with Director Yuan, to purchase four of them!"

"As for the risks, I believe that Cybertron Group is located within our country, and they also accept Xia Yuan as payment. We just need to communicate with the banks in advance and ensure proper oversight of Cybertron Group's top management, especially Sun Cheng. If we confirm any intention of them leaving the country, we can take control."

"This way, we can keep the risks within an acceptable range."

"And if there is indeed a powerful force behind Sun Cheng, then this deal is nothing but a win for us. I believe the country, [Xia Country Precision Instrument Manufacturing Corporation], and [Xia Country Microelectronics Manufacturing Corporation] will all be more than willing to foot the bill for this transaction."

Wang Yuan's arguments were well-founded, and the National Asset Management Bureau was responsible for representing the country in certain situations to purchase high-end equipment from foreign companies.

Therefore, even though their hasty decision contradicted the previous decisions of the top management of the National Asset Management Bureau, Director Yan Zhe, who was present at the meeting, nodded in agreement.

[Xia Country Precision Instrument Manufacturing Corporation] is a state-owned enterprise managed by the National Asset Management Bureau and is the largest mid-to-low-end chip and semiconductor manufacturer in Xia Country and even the world.

In recent years, with the explosion of smart devices, the country needs to import over 100 billion US dollars worth of chips annually.

Chips have long surpassed oil as Xia Country's largest foreign exchange consumer. Consequently, the country's top leadership has increasingly emphasized the development of the domestic semiconductor industry.

If we can truly acquire advanced lithography machines that Western countries, especially the United States, strictly prohibit from being exported to Xia Country, it is worth taking a controllable risk.

The meeting lasted for nearly two hours before a consensus was finally reached.

"I understand. So, the opinions from both the National Asset Management Bureau and the Equipment Department suggest taking some risks to purchase equipment and technology from the other party as a means to test the authenticity of the mysterious organization [P·C·F]. I will convey your opinions truthfully to the president's office..."

Wang An, the Secretary-General of the presidential palace, who was in charge of chairing the meeting, nodded slightly and concluded the meeting with a single sentence.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 522: Busy Times Ahead 


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