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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Walking on the midnight streets, Sun Cheng seemed to have transformed into Ghost himself.

"... I've been so stupid. I clearly discovered the threshold a long time ago, but I was foolish enough to neglect it..."

Easily entering the residential area through the main gate, Sun Cheng glanced at the three former soldiers reportedly hired by the property at the security room. A faint smile curved his lips.

Unnoticed by anyone, within the dark night of the residential area, there was an occasionally distorted and eerie phantom.

And that eerie presence, resembling Ghost, was none other than Sun Cheng.

More accurately, it was him wearing an optical camouflage suit.

Months ago, on Nubra Island, Sun Cheng had obtained equipment from Hunter Civilization warriors, including a complete optical camouflage web.

With its assistance, his Decepticon engineers under his command had successfully developed a series of optical camouflage devices.

Back then, Sun Cheng had also brought back an optical camouflage suit from the "Transformers Universe," tailored to his body shape. However, due to lack of use, he had kept this suit inside the Spherical Space and had never taken it out.

Only a couple of days ago did he suddenly realize how foolish he had been. He had indeed missed a great opportunity.

The optical camouflage suit Sun Cheng had brought from the "Transformers Universe," strictly speaking, didn't have many enhancements or features related to his real-world physical capabilities, aside from its cloaking ability. However, it provided a promising direction.

He recalled that he had thought about developing exoskeleton armor back then, but with various events and the fact that he hadn't used the optical camouflage suit in reality, he had forgotten about it.

It was only a couple of days ago that he got inspired by Revenge and suddenly remembered about this.

While he couldn't bring mechanical's body back to the real world when he returned, he could develop a portable exoskeleton armor based on Decepticon's mechanical body design to ensure his safety in the real world for a long time to come.

That was the reason Sun Cheng gave himself a figurative slap in the face that night.

From his perspective, he deserved that slap.

If he hadn't forgotten this idea in a blink of an eye, perhaps he would have already brought back a custom-made exoskeleton armor by Decepticon engineers when he returned to the real world.

Fortunately, he was able to rectify the situation; it wasn't too late.

With both the real world and the "Transformers Universe" to rely on, Sun Cheng believed that by making optimal use of the research capabilities from both worlds, he could create an exoskeleton armor that was both portable and powerful in combat in no time.

However, the reason Sun Cheng was out wearing the optical camouflage suit in the middle of the night was not to test the suit's performance.

He had conducted numerous tests in another world, and devices utilizing similar optical camouflage technology were already equipped on many Decepticon warriors' new mechanical bodies under his command, all of which had been tested in combat.

His purpose for wearing the optical camouflage suit in the dead of night was for a very important matter.

A couple of days ago, the micro-sized surveillance devices he had placed in the suspicious "Danube Riverside" bar had transmitted a significant amount of imagery.

From that imagery, Sun Cheng had extracted valuable information.

Though he had almost confirmed that the bar called "Danube Riverside" was one of the operational locations of a domestic intelligence agency, he hadn't yet determined which agency it was that was investigating him.

Sun Cheng stepped out in the dead of night precisely for this matter.

To be more accurate, he had obtained the answer he wanted and was now heading back to his residence.

He returned home not long after, took off the optical camouflage suit that felt like it had been soaked in water, and lay down on a chair, utterly exhausted.

"Revenge, I've sent the invasive micro-spider-like robots... Can you infiltrate their intranet now?"

It had been two days since he had discovered the secret of the "Danube Riverside" bar.

After informing the company that he had personal matters to attend to, Sun Cheng had spent almost the entire two days in his villa.

In these two days, he had managed to figure out which intelligence agency was keeping an eye on him.

It wasn't an easy task, but Sun Cheng was willing to take some risks.

The micro-sized surveillance devices that resembled mosquitoes, developed by Sun Cheng, contained an equally inconspicuous micro-sized locator. This was why the hives, like the Queen Bee's Nest and the Drone Bee's Nest, could locate every micro-sized surveillance device they released.

To quickly determine the identities of those targeting him, Sun Cheng had taken some risks this time.

He had ordered all the micro-sized surveillance devices hidden in the "Danube Riverside" bar to implant their locators into the bodies of everyone who had entered or exited the bar in the past two days, leaving marks resembling mosquito bites.

Relying on the nearly a thousand micro-sized locators he had deployed, it had taken just a day for him to capture two inconspicuous 'customers.' They had left the bar, gone to Chungao District, and finally entered an imposing building in the government office area.

And that imposing building was none other than the headquarters of the National Security Bureau.

With this, Sun Cheng finally confirmed that the people surveilling him were from the National Security Bureau.

Revenge, transformed into a notebook, lay on his desk in front of him. As Sun Cheng spoke, the previously dim screen rapidly displayed rows of 0s and 1s, constantly flickering.

After about thirty or forty seconds, its cold electronic voice sounded, "ai-002 successfully located, searching for entry port... locking on starting port... connection successful... Master, should I immediately infiltrate their intranet?"


Finally, a smile appeared on Sun Cheng's face, which had turned slightly red due to prolonged covering.

"Follow the original plan, infiltrate their intranet, and place what I've prepared."

"Then, clean up all traces... Next, we wait!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 507: Let's Talk Business (Part 1) 


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