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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Looking through Schiller's eyes, besides his usual indifference, there's also a lot of irritability and impatience. Further in the depths of the Temple of Thought, two figures in black and white are standing at opposite ends of the tower, engaged in a heated argument.

"If you hadn't ignited the conflict between Iron Man and Captain America first, causing them to chase me around New York for so many laps, why would I have given you so much work to do?"

Wearing a black suit, Schiller with a serious expression said, "If you hadn't broken my umbrella, how could I have ignited the conflict between them?"

"Wasn't that my umbrella too? Did I want to break it?"

"Shut up! I acquired the umbrella through a plan from Copperpot. After I handed it over to you, you actually broke it. And you still have the nerve to say it was your umbrella?!"

"But didn't I get the New Umbrella for it later?"

"But you broke it before that!"

Wearing a white coat, Schiller took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, "Did you have anything to do with that 'Marcism' Stark mentioned earlier?"

"Just now, I realized that the Philby list and medal that were stored by Grey Mist are both missing. You must have deliberately taken them out in my world and let Stark discover them, trying to frame me as a KGB agent!"

"Are you not a KGB agent?"

"Of course not!"

"But I am."

The Schiller in the white coat was taken aback, while the Schiller in the black suit continued, "Since we are the same person, I'm not really framing you. I simply hinted to Stark about my beliefs."

"When did you become KGB?!"

"At the moment I saw the Red Flag Medal."


Marvel Schiller was so angry that he felt like he needed oxygen, while Black Suit Schiller shrugged and continued, "I obtained the list and the medal. They were just temporarily stored in Grey Mist. When I take them out and where I place them is entirely up to me."

"Stark broke into your Sanatorium and ransacked your house for clues. He happened to come across my personal items. That's just bad luck on your part," DC Schiller said casually.

Marvel Schiller rolled his eyes vigorously. Coincidence? That's a load of rubbish! If it wasn't for DC Schiller's guidance, he would've been in a real mess!

"Calm down. After all, we are the same person. This constant cycle of revenge between us won't solve anything," DC Schiller vanished and then appeared beside Marvel Schiller. He patted Marvel Schiller's shoulder and continued, "Furthermore, I'm not entirely pitting you. Right now, they think you're a lunatic driven mad by shattered ideals, and they even believe you want to resurrect the Soviet Union."

"We all know about the door-in-the-face technique. If you want to open a window and they disagree, you tell them you want to remove the ceiling. Then they'll agree to let you open the window. It's the same principle."

"You said you're with Hydra, and they might want to judge you for that. But if you say you're a staunch communist warrior, devoted to resurrecting the Soviet Union throughout your life, even Hydra can be accept in that situation."

Marvel Schiller glanced at DC Schiller and sarcastically made a sound. "Tsk." But DC Schiller continued:

"Moreover, earlier, when Stark chased you around the skies of New York for so many rounds, you surely must have thought of revenge?"

"Recording devices and such are too childish. Your methods, Marvel, are truly... not worthy of praise."

"But now, you see, you have a very reasonable excuse to chase Stark and Steve around the skies of New York and even to physically assault them, all because you're a lunatic."

"They not only have to control themselves from retaliating, but also have to speak to you gently. Later on, they will have to provide you with the highest-level hospital room and the best doctors. If you're unhappy one day, you can go crazy and beat them up again."

"Do you think I'm you?" Marvel Schiller rolled his eyes again. "I'm a pacifist. I've always dealt in business and never resorted to violence. And what's the benefit of beating them up, besides wasting my energy?"

"The benefit is joy!"

"More importantly, your character has become even more complex now. In Marvel, where the origin story is emphasized, such a complicated, bizarre, and mysterious origin story gives you more confidence when promoting to certain powerful entities."

DC Schiller draped his arm around Marvel Schiller's shoulder and walked down the staircase, saying, "Back then, when you were trying to sell Death over the phone, you should have asked, 'Do you have any issues with mentally ill patients?' She definitely wouldn't have dared not to show up."

Just at that moment, Moonlight Schiller's furious shout echoed in their minds, "You guys are arguing again!"

Both Schillers looked up simultaneously. The one in the black suit, DC Schiller, clicked his tongue and said, "We had quite a bad temper when we were young."

Marvel Schiller also crossed his arms and said, "But we did look pretty cool... Look at this move. Tsk tsk, now Stark can't keep saying I only know how to change light bulbs."

"This angle of attack is quite tricky..." DC Schiller leaned on the railing, gazed upward, and said, "I should've had him fight Batman that day. A clash between masters, it would've been amazing."

Just as Moonlight Schiller was struggling with the noise in his head and paused in midair, the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier lifted off, arriving at the battlefield. Natasha stood on the deck and spoke to Schiller, "Schiller, Director Fury wants to see you. He's asking about the criteria for calculating the salaries for the new season..."

"Is this really the time to talk about that?!" Stark yelled, "Can't you see he's gone crazy?!"

Suddenly, in Stark's gaze, Schiller became blank for a moment before quickly regaining his senses. He said, "Alright, I'll go right away."

With that, he transformed into a cloud of Grey Mist and flew toward the helicarrier, leaving the onlookers in the sky dumbfounded. Stark's teammates all turned to Stark and asked, "Didn't you say Schiller went crazy? Isn't this perfectly normal..."

Stark snorted and used his suit's controls to fly up to the helicarrier as well.

When the helicarrier returned to S.H.I.E.L.D., Stark, Steve, and Peter were planning to leave directly, but Natasha stopped them. She said, "Don't leave just yet. The Director has something for you."

Schiller entered the office first. After a while, Natasha came out to call Stark and the others. Stark, Peter, and Steve all entered the room, followed by several other Avengers.

Nick stood behind his desk, his expression extremely serious. With everyone present, he spoke in a somber tone, "There's news I need to inform all of you about..."

"Just a moment ago, during a meeting in Congress, someone proposed a 'Superhero Registration Act.' Now, they want you to attend the meeting and vote. If the majority agrees, the act will be activated."

"The Superhero Registration Act? What's that?" Steve asked with confusion.

"Simply put, Congress wants all masked heroes to publicly reveal their real identities and register under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s oversight and management."

"Why has this act suddenly come about?" Steve asked again.

"It's all because of the mess you guys stirred up," Nick said with his arms crossed, sounding annoyed. "I don't know who it was, but due to a power eruption, the seals on demon gods were broken, causing too many supernatural individuals to enter the stage."

"Furthermore, there's been an increasing number of superheroes imitating your actions, even appearing on variety shows, spreading more widely."

"Don't you understand those old men in Congress? They see these as uncontrollable powers that need supervision and control. Moreover, if your roles become too significant, wouldn't that make their roles seem trivial?"

"If superheroes replace some of the government's functions, their authority will be weakened, and people won't trust the government anymore. Instead, they'll trust superheroes. They won't allow that to happen."

"And you..." Nick rapped his knuckles on the desk, saying, "Today's battle has given them the perfect excuse to challenge you. Your commotion has been too great."

"Just as Schiller and Tony started fighting, they urgently convened a meeting. From then until now, less than an hour has passed, and the draft has already been mostly approved in the Senate. Only your votes are left."

"In other words, they've been waiting for you for quite some time, right?" Steve frowned.

"Correct. Ever since superheroes appeared on the New York stage, you should have anticipated this day. They believe that this country reached where it is today through various checks and balances on power, and the same will apply in the future."

"Therefore, whenever a new force emerges, they seek ways to limit and supervise it. Such individuals with extraordinary powers must be monitored."

"What's S.H.I.E.L.D.'s stance?" Stark inquired.

Nick sighed and said, "This is their way of restraining S.H.I.E.L.D. Because if we were to oversee you, you would surely be dissatisfied, resisting S.H.I.E.L.D. in any way possible. When we become adversaries, won't we hinder each other?"

Just then, Natasha glanced at her watch and said, "Director, we need to hurry. They're pressing us hard. The military personnel are already there. If we're late, they might slander us..."

Nick waved his hand and said, "No time for explanations. Everyone on the plane, to the conference room. Follow my lead."

With that, Nick led the way out, the others following him. Stark and Schiller didn't exchange glances, just walked out straightforwardly.

At the Capitol Hill conference room, it was indeed crowded. Steve recognized a few familiar faces, the members of Congress who had been present during the Star explosion incident. Apart from them, there were more people, generals from the military, all familiar to Stark.

As they approached, someone registered their names. Iron Man and Captain America gave their titles, and so did Spider-Man. When it was Schiller's turn, without even looking up, he said, "Moon Knight."

Stark made a dismissive noise, seemingly disdainful of the title, but Schiller didn't mind. He only needed a formal entry.

In the center of the conference room, everyone took their seats. Stark and Schiller chose seats relatively far apart. Steve hesitated for a moment before sitting next to Stark. Peter, concerned about Schiller's mental state, sat on Schiller's side.

Once everyone was seated, an elderly senator at the center began reading from a script, "Given the uncontrollable nature and the immense power of superheroes, Congress believes it's necessary to impose restrictions on their actions to ensure the safety of ordinary citizens..."

"Public safety has always been our priority. The Superhero Registration Act will not only enhance cooperation among superheroes, but also better guarantee the safety of the public..."

Upon hearing this, Stark was about to speak when Schiller on the opposite side of the room slammed the table and said, "I agree!"

Everyone stared at him, even the senator reading the script froze. But unexpectedly, Schiller rapidly continued:

"However, I believe that merely registering identity, age, and occupation won't achieve the desired oversight. It's essential to register comprehensive personal information, including identity, age, educational background, family history for three generations, specific physical fitness details, ability specifics, religious beliefs, preferences, favorite colors, mental health history, and so on..."

"At the same time, I think that superheroes, with their strong powers, might view themselves as superior, lacking awareness of public safety, potentially abusing their immense power and harming ordinary people."

At this point, the senators began nodding in agreement. But Schiller's tone started to fluctuate:

"Therefore, I propose that superheroes should receive public education, realizing that to achieve impartiality, the revolution must continue until absolute equity is achieved in society."

"For this, everyone should 'lose the self'."

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 534: Schiller's Expertise (Part 1)


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