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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Ye Qi was just an ordinary person at best, a female livestreamer with some modest popularity on online platforms.

Sun Cheng believed that there might be people with ill intentions towards her online, but he didn't believe that those so-called rich kids or second-generation elites could gather information about her change of residence so quickly.

After all, not too long ago in the Real World, he had put some effort into leaving Ye Qi in Nandu.

He had made sure that she terminated the lease for the house in Shen Cheng and had her belongings and clothes brought over when he noticed her change of heart.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Sun Cheng vaguely felt that those people might not be targeting Ye Qi but himself.

He had good reason to think this way. Not too long ago in the "Transformers Universe," a group of CIA agents had infiltrated Nandu. When he suspected that they were after him, Sun Cheng took preemptive action, deploying Safeguard to eliminate them overnight.

In hindsight, even if Safeguard had wiped away all traces of intrusion, did that mean no one would ever suspect him?

Not necessarily!

In the end, he had been somewhat panicked back then, and he acted hastily without considering all the details. This left a significant problem—the other individuals within the CIA who were aware of the situation.

Sun Cheng only realized this later, during his time in the "Transformers Universe." The Americans must have learned about the events that had occurred on Nublar Island from other survivors; otherwise, the CIA wouldn't have been targeting him and Ada Wong.

Even though those CIA agents he eliminated had come to Nandu to track Ada Wong, he had still made it onto their list of people to investigate.

Suddenly, they were wiped out in Nandu. Even though his previous actions had been meticulously executed, they wouldn't withstand the scrutiny of someone determined to uncover the truth.

Especially given the involvement of extraterrestrial civilizations and the sacrifice of some agents and spies, it wasn't surprising that the CIA had restarted their investigation and considered Sun Cheng, who was in Nandu, as a primary suspect.

"If it's really them, then it's a bit troublesome..."

He had dealt with the American intelligence agencies plenty in the "Transformers Universe," especially the CIA. Those guys were like hounds; they could catch the faintest scent and pounce on it. Nobody would feel comfortable being constantly pursued by a pack of villains.

After pondering for a while, Sun Cheng eventually decided it was futile to continue wasting time due to the lack of available intelligence.

Still, he looked at Revenge and instructed, "Authorize you to infiltrate the Nandu traffic system and any internet access points within the Nandu urban area. Keep tracking that black sedan and keep a close watch on that bar... If you find anything, remember to inform me."


After giving these orders, Sun Cheng still felt somewhat uneasy. He quickly asked, "How's the underground garage transformation going?"

The Villa he had purchased came with an underground garage—a private one.

This design had become increasingly popular for upscale Villas in China in recent years. At the initial planning stage, a space of around 35 square meters was reserved underground for the garage. Accessible via a slope that was around 10 meters long, it could accommodate two medium-sized to large family cars without taking up any above-ground space.

Of course, many people preferred to have wine cellars in their Villas.

Because he didn't drink, when Sun Cheng was selecting his Villa, he ruled out those with private wine cellars.

The reason he was remodeling the underground garage wasn't to expand the space, unlike most Villa buyers. Instead, he wanted to create a "safehouse."

Considering the time, the transformation should be nearly complete.

As expected, Revenge soon provided a satisfactory response.

"Master, after 21 days, the safehouse has been constructed and is ready for use at any time!"

"Very well!"

Satisfied, Sun Cheng stood up and said, "Take me to see it!"


The laptop on the desk transformed into a Decepticon, standing at over a meter tall. It leaped off the desk and then moved to a corner of the room. After lifting a carpet, it revealed a square alloy door hidden beneath, measuring about a meter on each side.

After opening the alloy door, a set of downward-climbing handrails came into view. It was the path leading to the underground garage.

The original underground garage didn't have this feature.

The underground garage of the Villa Sun Cheng had purchased had only one entrance and exit—the main gate.

However, the secret door allowing convenient access to the underground garage was a modification he had made after buying the Villa.

He had transformed the room on the first floor into his study precisely because it was located directly above the underground garage.

Following the specially reserved handrails, Sun Cheng easily descended from his study to the underground garage.

The underground garage wasn't as spacious as the rooms above ground. Its height was about 2.5 meters.

The secret door from the study to the underground garage was concealed behind a later-added steel-reinforced concrete pillar. This pillar was less than a meter from the inner wall of the garage, making it extremely inconspicuous.

Even if someone came to the pillar, they might not discover the hidden set of handrails leading to the study on the floor above.

In the garage, Sun Cheng didn't pay much attention to the two cars parked there. To be honest, he wasn't an avid car enthusiast. He valued practicality over brands.

Currently, he only had one domestic pickup truck and one mid-range domestic SUV. Although both were newly purchased, they weren't luxury vehicles.

He walked directly to a wall on one side of the garage, where he stopped in front of an indoor fire hydrant box about the size of a single door.

The seemingly ordinary fire hydrant box had a square metal box embedded in the adjacent wall. It was about 10 centimeters on each side. Revenge took a few steps forward and flipped it open, revealing an LCD screen inside.

"Master, as per your request, I've stored your and Miss Ye Qi's fingerprints and iris information. You can now use any fingerprint from your hand, or use iris verification, to enter the safehouse!"

After speaking, it stepped aside.

"I understand."

Sun Cheng impatiently approached the LCD screen. He believed that the items manufactured by Base One would be much safer and advanced compared to current products on Earth. So, he casually extended his right hand, using his index finger to lightly touch the seemingly ordinary LCD screen.

In the next instant, the screen immediately lit up. Several concentric circles appeared around the area where he touched the screen. After rotating for less than a second, they disappeared, replaced by a line of text: "Access granted!"

Simultaneously, there was a pneumatic sound, like the release of air.

Revenge stepped forward again and gently pulled the indoor fire hydrant box, revealing a well-lit elevator behind it, large enough to fit a single door.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 496: Safehouse 2 


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