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Even an entity as arrogant as Megatron would never allow his mechanical body to become a nest for sea creatures, even when heavily injured and on the brink of death, with his combat capabilities lost.

Ironhide obviously shared the same thoughts as Sideswipe. Moreover, after the Battle of Las Vegas, the inspection of Megatron's remains was personally conducted by Optimus Prime and Ratchet, so there was little doubt in their minds.

Thus, once they confirmed that Megatron's remains were still abandoned in the Mariana Trench, untouched by Decepticons, they let go of their worries that had persisted throughout the journey.

"All clear, let's go!"


In the depths of a trench reaching ten thousand meters underwater, even powerful Autobots warriors like them couldn't help but feel discomfort. Each passing second in this environment caused their Sparks to deplete as if they were engaged in an intense battle.

The two Autobots quickly left the abyssal floor of the trench and ascended towards the surface of the sea.

"Is everything fine down there?"

As soon as their companions surfaced, Chromia, who had been vigilantly lurking several dozen meters below the water's surface, swam towards them gracefully, reminiscent of a dolphin.

Ironhide inquired, "No problems. Megatron's remains are still on the ocean floor, untouched."

Skids impatiently chimed in, "I've said it before, how could we trust anything coming from Decepticons?"

Ironhide glanced at him without saying anything. Among the four Autobots in their group, the enmity between Skids and Frenzy ran the deepest. Skids' twin brother, Mudflap, was killed by Frenzy, and his remains were stolen as well.

"What should we do next? Just stay submerged here?"

It took Sideswipe a while to speak up and ask Ironhide, his tone quite impatient, "I hate diving!"

Ironhide exhaled a series of bubbles as he opened his mouth.

"We must follow Leader's orders resolutely! Regardless of whether the information from Frenzy is true or false, as long as there's a hint that those Decepticons might have designs on Megatron, we can't let our guard down."

He then turned to Chromia and asked, "Chromia, how should we proceed from here?"

Ironhide was a warrior, a fearless one at that, always ready to charge into battle. Even when facing Megatron or Shockwave, he would dare to resist.

However, he knew he wasn't a qualified commander, a fact he was well aware of. Although Optimus Prime had appointed him as the leader of this mission, he had also assigned Chromia to his side. This was not only because of their special relationship, but also to harness her composure and calmness to prevent him from rash actions during critical moments, and to provide him with advice throughout the mission.

Chromia didn't enjoy being submerged in water either. After thinking for a moment, she offered her suggestion, "Perhaps we should report the situation here to Leader first. Then, we need to confirm whether the humans are aware of our actions. If Leader has already communicated with the humans, we should request them to resume their previous fleet patrols for now."

Before the mission, they were already aware that the US military had only one tactical nuclear submarine patrolling the surrounding waters.

As a battle-hardened femme fatale who had participated in multiple civil war campaigns, Chromia was well aware of Decepticon combat prowess. If the information they received from Frenzy was false, that was one thing. But if it was true, they would be in trouble.

Even a couple of cannon fodder Decepticons could easily overpower the US military's tactical nuclear submarine patrolling the area. Every one of the US's nuclear-powered submarines deployed on Guam was either Los Angeles or Seawolf-class submarines, neither of which were as advanced as the Virginia-class submarines, let alone the fact that the Virginia-class would be useless against the Decepticons.

(Guam: It refers to the island territory in the western Pacific Ocean that is part of the United States.)

With a maximum underwater speed of no more than thirty-five knots, these submarines would be easy prey before Decepticons.

Ironhide took a moment to think and understood Chromia's point.

"I'll report to Leader. At least until there's some action on the Guam side, we'll temporarily take over the patrols here."

Sideswipe let out a disdainful snort, and Skids remained silent.

Among his assigned companions, all of them were a bit rebellious. Chromia had to mediate the situation and, using her status as a female Autobot, took the initiative to divide the patrol areas among the Autobots, finally bringing a halt to the squabble.

Meanwhile, on Optimus Prime's end, he breathed a sigh of relief upon receiving Ironhide's report.

"... Good, Megatron's remains are still intact."

He hadn't left Diego Garcia Island yet when he received Ironhide's report. Following that, he summoned his chief of staff, Prowl, who had recently arrived on Earth.

"Leader, you summoned me?"

Prowl was not a brawny Autobot warrior. His physique resembled Bumblebee's and Jazz's to some extent, which was indeed the case.

In fact, his mechanical body used the same design and structure as Jazz, Barricade, Bumblebee, and Phantom. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call them siblings.

Seeing Prowl enter the garage, Optimus Prime's face immediately brightened with a smile. He nodded to him with a smile, "Prowl, no need to be so formal. We've known each other for millions of years, old friends..."

Prowl nodded silently, a clear expression of nostalgia on his face, though it vanished quickly.

His original name was Sneak, the former Chief of Security for Cybertron's Internal Affairs during the time of the Senate. He was a trusted general of Superior General Sentinel Prime and experienced the overthrow of the Senate's rule and witnessed the day of Unification, when Sentinel Prime declared, "Cybertron will be ruled by Optimus Prime's Academy of Sciences and Megatron's Defense Force."

Following that, Megatron treacherously seized control of the military and political power of Cybertron to establish the Decepticon Army, ruthlessly persecuting and suppressing the forsaken Autobots. Sneak subsequently followed Sentinel Prime again, this time as the Tactical Chief of Staff of the Resistance Army, becoming the first-generation head of military intelligence for the Autobots.

During the civil war, Sneak was besieged by Megatron's personal squad while protecting Sentinel Prime, who carried numerous Energon cubes while fleeing Cybertron. The Autobots later discovered his remains on the battlefield, and upon Optimus Prime's orders, his core was preserved in pristine condition and, after receiving a new mechanical body, he was revived.

He now went by the name Prowl, and just like he had followed Sentinel Prime in the past, he now followed Optimus Prime. His mission was to aid the Autobots in defeating the Decepticons in the ongoing war.

After a moment of silence, Prowl spoke up again, "Leader, do you have a task that requires my personal involvement? I've been on Earth for a few days now, and Bumblebee provided me with a lot of information about Earth before he left. I believe I can participate in some missions now."

"That's good. The situation on Earth is more complex than I originally anticipated. Sky Lynx and the others haven't arrived yet, and I'm in need of manpower!"

Optimus Prime smiled and extended his right hand, his index finger emitting a blue light.

This was a common means of transferring information between Autobots. Prowl, not surprised, also extended his finger and touched it to the blue light at the tip of Optimus Prime's index finger, instantly gaining additional information in his mind.

"I see!"

In the blink of an eye, he had absorbed the information. Prowl suddenly realized.

"Are you planning to send me to investigate the Decepticon called Frenzy?"

"This information just came in from Ironhide. They've inspected Megatron's remains and found no signs of theft or tampering."

Optimus Prime shook his head, "Starscream, Soundwave, and Attack have all arrived in the Solar System. We can't confirm whether they're hiding on the moon or lurking somewhere on Earth. And then there's Lord Fallen. For now, there's no need to divert our attention to Frenzy!"

Optimus Prime wasn't very knowledgeable about the Cybertronian legend of the Thirteen Primes. After all, during the time of the Senate, the Thirteen Primes had been absent for countless years, becoming little more than a myth.

Initially, when Frenzy transmitted information about Lord Fallen, almost all the Autobots who arrived on Earth dismissed this information as an exaggerated lie. This included Optimus Prime himself.

However, as the information about the Thirteen Primes was organized over time, and with the arrival of Prowl, who had served as the Chief of Security for the Senate, Optimus Prime had to reconsider the information they had always regarded as a "lie."

Because Prowl was very certain and affirmed that the Thirteen Primes mentioned in Cybertronian legends were real. Superior General Sentinel Prime had even personally met one of the Thirteen Primes, Titan Master, and with his support, had become the King of Primus.

Even during the time of the Senate, Titan Master had spent a long time in the archives of Ironhold Castle, disappearing without a trace only when Megatron formed the Decepticon Army and Shockwave took control of Ironhold Castle.

As for the Leadership Module, Prowl had heard rumors about it.

In the past, Superior General Sentinel Prime had sent him to investigate the Leadership Module. It was said to be a miraculous treasure that was far more powerful than the All Spark, even implying that the All Spark had been created based on the Leadership Module.

Titan Master had told Sentinel Prime that it was the symbol of a super Leader, the source of power and life.

Unfortunately, the Leadership Module had become a legend during the time of the Senate. Even when Sentinel Prime searched for it for tens of thousands of years, it was only now, in a remote corner of the Milky Way on Earth, that they heard news about it again.

Prowl shared this information about the Thirteen Primes and the Leadership Module, and Optimus Prime already believed most of it. Moreover, it mentioned his mentor, Sentinel Prime.

So, he called upon Prowl not for any other reason, "Regardless of whether this information from Frenzy is true or false, I can't afford to sit around. If Lord Fallen is indeed an evil ancestor, then letting the Leadership Module fall into his hands would be incredibly dangerous. I can't leave at the moment, so I'm considering having you lead a team personally to investigate Lord Fallen and search for the Leadership Module. What do you think?"

Clearly, this was a very dangerous task, as it was highly likely that they would have to confront a Primordial-level super Leader.

However, Prowl didn't hesitate for a moment. Almost as soon as Optimus Prime finished speaking, he stood upright and responded.

"Leader, leave it to me!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 476 - The Beginning of a Fierce Battle (Part 2) 


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