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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The batch of electromagnetic weapons ordered by the Russians was manufactured on-site at North Dovinsk.

Although Sun Cheng only gave the order, the actual production was carried out by Decepticon engineers, workers, and numerous industrial robots in the military port.

The similarities between Decepticons and intelligent robots allowed Sun Cheng to quickly obtain the results through the internal network.

"No problem, they have all been completed!"

The manufacturing capacity of the base was terrifying. Even with just over two hundred Decepticon engineers and workers combined, the total number of robots produced by the base had exceeded one hundred thousand and was still rapidly growing.

Not to mention South America, even in the extreme north at North Dovinsk military port, the total number of robots deployed by the base had already surpassed five thousand.

To show goodwill towards Russia, Sun Cheng personally gave instructions to deploy only a few hundred military robots in the military port area, accounting for roughly one-tenth of the total number of robots.

Most of the robots at North Dovinsk military port were industrial models, naturally possessing strong manufacturing capabilities.

Sun Cheng gestured to lead the way towards the shipyard in the military port.

North Dovinsk used to be Russia's most important nuclear submarine production base, and the shipyard within the military port was still quite sizable.

However, due to the severe aging of the machinery inside the shipyard and the fact that North Dovinsk was chosen as the liaison center for both sides, Moscow was naturally unwilling to continue producing their country's strategic weaponry here.

So, these cunning Russians swindled a large sum of resources from Sun Cheng, and after acquiring equipment that was at least ten years ahead of Earth's current technology level, they happily established another nuclear submarine production base in Murmansk.

The original Northern Shipbuilding Yard located in North Dovinsk military port was transformed by the Decepticons into the second processing plant of the base.

Now, the metals obtained through cooperation between Sun Cheng's team and Russia would be smelted and turned into parts here before being secretly transported back to South America by four Typhoon-class nuclear submarines that had been completely converted into super-large cargo submarines.

Compared to unprocessed ores or large metal ore bodies, parts were smaller and more convenient to assemble once they arrived on land, thus increasing the efficiency of the base.

After passing through two lines of defense formed by combat robots, Sun Cheng and the others quickly entered the Core area of the military port—the shipyard.

Along the way, they could see busy industrial robots everywhere.

Heavy-duty transport robots carried containers filled with metal ingots or parts in and out.

Production robots responsible for welding and carving precise parts remained stationed in one place, continuously producing when materials were brought in, and pausing when containers around them were filled with parts.

Medium-sized cargo robots responsible for logistics shuttled between workshops, taking the metal ingots from the containers and delivering them to various locations. They would then pack the finished parts into designated containers, awaiting transportation.

The vast Northern Shipbuilding Yard had now been transformed into six factories—two large ones and four small ones.

Although only one Decepticon engineer and about ten workers were in charge here, the management was well-organized, showing no signs of panic.

Colonel Vasilievich and the others had been here before, but they were always impressed by the sight each time.

The advanced CNC machine tools manufactured by Europe, America, and Japan were already the most cutting-edge industrial and intelligent equipment on Earth.

However, while they might be able to turn a metal ingot into an extremely delicate part in just a few minutes, efficiency had always been a major issue.

The industrial robots manufactured by the Decepticons did not have this problem.

From the beginning, they were designed to compensate for the shortage of Decepticon workers and were intended to be machines serving in warfare.

Apart from lacking the intelligence of the Decepticons, the third-generation industrial robots had already caught up to the level of the new generation of Decepticon workers in terms of functionality. Moreover, their functions were becoming increasingly comprehensive.

Of course, the manufacturing cost also skyrocketed. The procurement cost of the materials alone for the third-generation industrial robots exceeded one million US dollars.

These things were so precious, and their technological content was at least two or three generations higher than the equipment and technology Sun Cheng had transferred to the Russians and that other country in the Far East. Naturally, Sun Cheng was worried about them being stolen and deciphered. After all, researching them with Earth's technology level would yield much more than what District 7 had obtained from Megatron.

To prevent the industrial robots from being obtained by certain countries on Earth, the power reactors inside the third-generation industrial robots were specially designed.

Once a robot was determined to have gone missing, the remote awakening of the self-destruct device inside the power reactor would cause it to explode. The explosion's power was roughly equivalent to several dozen pounds of high-explosive, and besides some metal fragments, outsiders would not be able to obtain anything else.

Sun Cheng noticed the change in Colonel Vasilievich and the others' expressions. To be honest, Moscow had tried to purchase a batch of robots from him more than once, and the same idea came from Beidou, but he directly rejected them all.

For the Russians, he only saw them as a mutually beneficial alliance, slightly transferring some advanced technology and helping them with some resources to ensure that North Pole Bear had the ability to compete with the United States globally.

As for Beidou, Sun Cheng's refusal was out of goodwill.

On one hand, China had a weak foundation, and just absorbing and digesting the technology he transferred would take at least ten years.

The "Warsaw Pact" of this world had a huge and profound impact on China, directly causing it to be relegated to the second or even third tier in many fields. Only in a few fields, with the efforts of the past few decades of reform, did it barely reach the quasi-first tier.

The catch-up in the field of technology could not be achieved by one or two people or in just one or two years.

According to Sun Cheng's understanding of China's macro-planning, it would conservatively take at least one or two extra Five-Year Plans to make China confidently compete with the United States in all aspects on this world.

The technology he provided to the motherland of this world was not more advanced than what he gave to the Russians, but it was more comprehensive, covering almost all aspects of industrial technology.

If they truly absorbed it, it would probably take the entire nation's effort and several years to fully digest.

Moreover, Sun Cheng didn't want to expose his connection to China. After all, after North Dovinsk was discovered by the Decepticon Corps and the Autobots, he had already exposed one of his trump cards. Now, he couldn't afford to take any more risks.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 472 Two Battlefields (End) 


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