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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Inside the dimly lit exhibition hall, a Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft quietly stood in one corner, its unique design and coating making it inconspicuous in the dark area.

However, both Sun Cheng and Forerunner had already memorized the layout of the exhibition hall in their minds.

As they pushed open the door and entered the hall, they both instinctively looked towards the Blackbird.

"Is this the one?" Sun Cheng asked with a serious expression.

When he had seized control of all the surveillance devices in the museum, he had focused on this exhibition hall.

However, his scanning ability, which had never failed him before, seemed to be malfunctioning here.

He couldn't detect even the slightest abnormality. The Blackbird not far away appeared to be an ordinary U.S. military aircraft, with no sign of anything special.

Forerunner nodded with absolute certainty, "Yes, Master. Just like you, I didn't notice anything at first when I came here last time. It was only when I released my scouts that I discovered the Decepticon insignia in the Blackbird's fuselage."

Sun Cheng nodded. He had seen the footage Forerunner transmitted to him, so he already knew.

He had asked the question earlier because he was shocked that his reliable scanning ability had failed.

The two Decepticons took a few steps closer and quickly arrived next to the Blackbird.

Since Sun Cheng had already taken control of all the surveillance devices in the museum, he had frozen the footage one minute before they entered. As long as they didn't cause a commotion inside the hall, there was no need to worry about being discovered by the two inattentive guards.

Additionally, Sun Cheng had disabled the fire alarm system in the museum to avoid raising any suspicions. However, to prevent the guards from becoming suspicious, he had left the communication signals in the museum unaffected, so caution was still necessary.

As he got closer, Sun Cheng quickly realized that there was indeed something wrong with the Blackbird.

As he gently touched the aircraft's fuselage, a glimmer of blue light appeared in his eyes.

"The material is definitely not titanium alloy... It's a Cis-Tem alloy... No, it's a different, unknown alloy..."

This discovery piqued his interest, and he immediately ordered, "Forerunner, keep watch. I need to thoroughly inspect the condition of this Decepticon..."

"Yes!" Forerunner replied, then walked to the side, not even bothering to look at the Blackbird, and started keeping watch attentively.

Seeing this, Sun Cheng nodded in satisfaction. He then let his hand that was touching the Blackbird's fuselage twist and deform, turning his fingers into a series of metallic tentacles that moved like liquid.

Without any further actions, those metallic tentacles began to quickly split and multiply from the original five to numerous slender tentacles, spreading up and down the Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft in front of Sun Cheng, soon enveloping it entirely.

"Activate full-body scan... No signs of life... Prepare to connect to the Core... Warning, Core refuses access... Change the reading method, Core refuses access... Change the reading method, Core refuses access... Change the reading method, Core refuses access... Change the reading method, Core refuses access... Change the reading method, Core refuses access... Successfully linked to Core, temporary access granted... Conducting mechanical body self-check, Spark depletion confirmed... Irreparable..."

"Dead?" Sun Cheng opened his eyes wide in surprise!

He had thought that this Decepticon was in a dormant state, but it had already died.

However, as more feedback data about the Decepticon's mechanical body came through the tentacles, he realized that he was wrong. More accurately, the Decepticon that had transformed into the Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft was not completely dead yet.

It was in a peculiar state, on the brink of death but not entirely gone. In Earth terms, it was in shock.


The data fed back by the tentacles showed that this guy was in a very dangerous state.

Perhaps due to its advanced age, although it didn't show on the surface, this Decepticon, in the form of the Blackbird, had already decayed inside its mechanical body.

In addition to the Spark depletion, its essential structures had severely corroded due to prolonged lack of energy replenishment. Even with a massive energy supply, it could only barely hang on to life.


Unless someone was willing to use a Sacred artifact like the All Spark to forcibly awaken it, otherwise, its consciousness would remain in a state of eternal sleep.

After confirming the Decepticon's condition, Sun Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

If his earlier speculation was correct, then this guy would be the third Pathfinder he had encountered.

However, unlike the other two Pathfinders he had encountered in the past, this one was different. This was the only living Pathfinder he had seen.

Although the information Sun Cheng had gathered indicated that the ancient Pathfinders, who were considered the elders of the Cybertronian civilization, were not as difficult to deal with as the current Decepticon army, he wasn't entirely sure if those rumors were true.

This situation was better. A suspected Pathfinder who was neither alive nor dead would undoubtedly serve his interests.

With the temporary access to the opponent's Core that he had just stolen, Sun Cheng quickly focused and began searching for the Decepticon's memory chip.

Unexpectedly, unlike his previous encounter with Megatron, where it took some effort, he found the memory chip almost instantaneously.

He quickly linked his consciousness with it, and in the next moment, an endless stream of memory data flooded into his Core.


"Oh, let me see... You're such a cute little one. You will undoubtedly become a brave warrior."

"I am Wheeljack, your creator, and also your father. This is my laboratory, located on the Skyfire Plateau on Cybertron. Your name shall be Skyfire."

"Skyfire, my pride... You're intelligent, valiant, and kind. You've been with me since your birth, over two thousand years ago... But you're different from me. You're still young, while I, your father, have aged. I have no more knowledge to impart to you..."

"I once deeply loved Cybertron, the planet that gave birth to me... However, the aristocrats drove me away just because I was loyal to Superior General... My passionate spirit has dried up, but you are still young... I know you've always wanted to explore the outside world, and there is so much knowledge that I cannot teach you... Leave this place, my child... Go to Kaon, go to Tarn, go to Crystal City, and then find Shockwave. There, you will learn much more..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 446: Skyfire (Part 3)


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