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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Seventeen hours later, in a Central American country, Belize.

Sun Cheng deactivated the optical stealth device on his body, and his figure immediately appeared in the border rainforest adjacent to Mexico.


Forerunner respectfully half-knelt on the soft muddy ground and reverently presented a lead box containing the fragment of the All Spark to him.

Sun Cheng took the lead box and sensed the continuous energy radiation emanating from it, confirming that it indeed contained a fragment of the All Spark.

Satisfied, he nodded at Forerunner and scanned him up and down before speaking after a while, "Get up; you did well!"

He had to admit that Forerunner had impressed him this time.

When he had to abandon the first base established within the United States, with the joint efforts of Autobots and the American Empire, and instead rebuild in Brazil, South America, he had already made up his mind to establish his own influence in the world of Transformers and had been working towards that goal ever since.

However, reality was cruel.

He couldn't be as reckless as the protagonists in those movies and TV shows, who forgot themselves once they gained a little power and dared to challenge entire hostile forces on their own. Apart from personality differences, the main reason was that reality was too cruel.

Calculations, planning, and efforts had allowed him to accumulate some strength and have loyal followers and forces.

But Sun Cheng knew and constantly reminded himself that his influence on Earth was still insignificant. Both the Autobots and Decepticons were giant behemoths, easily capable of crushing the second base.

The leaders and top commanders of the Cybertron factions were currently on Earth, and the influx of wandering Decepticons and Autobots from all over the Milky Way in the past two years had formed a dense meteor shower that astonished astronomers on Earth.

Sun Cheng conservatively estimated that there were now over two to three hundred Autobots on Earth (due to the many bugs in the movie version, some modifications would be needed if the novel's plot was to continue).

As for how many Decepticons had gathered on the moon, he didn't even want to guess, fearing that he would lose his will to resist.

Besides the Autobots and Decepticons, many human countries on Earth also possessed the power to destroy the second base.

Even the Five Rogue States gave him a headache. Nuclear weapons were straightforward and brutal; a detonation of a fifty-megaton warhead would turn the base into nothingness.


Overall, his influence was slowly growing stronger, and Forerunner had set a good example.

When he personally approved the design of a new mechanical body plan to reward his Decepticon warriors, he had used the partially obtained mechanical bodies of Autobot Jazz, Mudflap, and the captured Decepticon cannon fodder warrior Dust Up as references. Everyone knew that the theoretical level of the base's warriors, with a C4 to C5 level of new mechanical body, would be enough to deal with the mass-produced Decepticon cannon fodder warriors. With B1 to B3 levels, they would have overwhelming advantages against Decepticon cannon fodder warriors.

As for the more excellent B4 and B5 levels, they might not be as good as the high-level warriors, but they would still be formidable. Since Sun Cheng's mechanical lifeforms were severely lacking and were gradually getting rid of their dependence on energy, he was more willing to equip his few warriors with the energy weapons that the Decepticon army and Autobots were reluctant to use.

However, all of these were just theoretical data on design drawings.

Without undergoing practical testing, including Sun Cheng himself, they were all cautious and tried to avoid direct conflicts with Autobots and Decepticons with their warriors.

In simple terms, they feared that their expensive-to-train warriors would be gone in an instant if they faced those opponents.

Now, at least Sun Cheng could finally relax a bit because he had someone capable under his command. He no longer had to personally handle everything, fearing that a single mistake would lead to an all-loss situation.

"Send me two copies of your battle process with Constructions, one for me and one for the base. And include a summary of your own thoughts—what you think can be improved in the new mechanical body or any areas you feel need further improvement during the battle..."

"Yes, Master. I understand."

Forerunner did a good job this time and secured a piece of the All Spark fragment for him.

Constructions was indeed not very strong. Sun Cheng had once stolen a portion of Megatron's memory, which included some information about the Devastator Plan, and he naturally knew that when Shockwave was developing the giant combined Decepticon—Hercules, the members of the Digger Tiger six-person group that formed Hercules were not particularly powerful due to their inadequate technology. Constructions, for example, could barely be considered an advanced warrior, mainly due to his large size, which granted him superhuman strength.

This slow and bulky guy with no long-range attack capabilities was optimized specifically by Forerunner, who had exceptional speed and was equipped with energy weapons, making him more than capable of dealing with him.

However, Sun Cheng looked at the head of Constructions, which Forerunner had thrown to the side, and the motionless miniature Decepticon Rewind, lying there like a corpse. He knew that he had to reward this loyal and devoted subordinate.

The Spark and Core of Constructions were in his head. Although he was only one-sixth of the Digger Tiger six-person group, it would still be useful to use him to gain insight into the secrets of the Devastator Plan.

These six Decepticons, whose combat strength was not outstanding, could combine into a war machine with overwhelmingly powerful combat prowess.

Sun Cheng was undoubtedly interested in the secrets of giant combined Decepticons.

So even if Forerunner didn't manage to obtain the All Spark fragment this time, the fact that he dealt with Constructions and presented his most crucial head to him was a significant merit.

Rewind was also considered a decent gain. According to Forerunner, this little guy had already guessed his identity and even claimed to know a lot about him and Soundwave.

This was interesting!

Sun Cheng never hesitated to reward those who made achievements; it was one of the principles that had allowed him to rise in this world.

"...You've done well in these recent events, and I'm very satisfied. After things settle down here, I will instruct the engineers to improve and strengthen your mechanical body!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 443: Return to Washington


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