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The Improved Type 2 65mm Plasma Cannon was a combat weapon designed and handcrafted by engineers. It might look a bit short and stout, but its power was not to be underestimated. The firing port was made up of three 65mm special guide tubes, which could control the energy flow upon launch, concentrating the explosion within a certain range. Not only was its power stronger than the originally designed 120mm plasma cannon, but its energy consumption was reduced by nearly thirty percent.

Constructions immediately experienced the power of this cannon. Despite attempting to break free, his massive body had become the perfect target at this moment. The distance between him and Forerunner was only tens of meters, clearly insufficient for the cumbersome Constructions to make more reactions. The projectile had already hit the large tire on his upper body. "Boom!" The explosion immediately caused massive cracks and pieces to break off the black tire, made from an unknown material, and the impact made Constructions's mechanical body suddenly jerk backward.

He was about to fall, but if not for his timely roar and swinging his fierce arm to smash the ground beside him, leveraging the impact to stabilize his body, he would have fallen to the ground. Just as Forerunner was about to raise the plasma cannon to fire at him again, the detection system picked up a fast-moving object. He quickly rolled aside. The next moment, accompanied by a 'whoosh,' a silver-gray metallic spear had already pierced the spot where he had been standing.

Forerunner glanced expressionlessly at the still projecting Sideways in the distance, then immediately shifted his attention away from him. The database of the base had far less detailed information about Sideways compared to Constructions, but this cautious and somewhat timid Decepticon perhaps did indeed hide his true combat power. However, one thing had been confirmed; like most Decepticons, he did not carry energy weapons.

And that was enough! Even if Sideways had some long-range attack methods, as long as he lacked energy weapons, he couldn't pose a significant threat. That's why Forerunner had used two of the four high-explosive missiles he was equipped with to deal with him. Sideways, a fast and agile fighter, would no longer be a threat after being hit. The next enemy he needed to face was only this massive figure.

"You've angered me, you bastard!" With a hit to his mechanical body, Constructions was clearly furious. He swung his left arm, and a massive boulder not far away was easily scooped up by his shovel and launched towards Forerunner like a cannonball. Forerunner's expression remained unchanged. Four propulsion nozzles appeared on the back of each leg's heel. Even in this mountainous area, his speed was now even faster than before.

Easily avoiding the giant stone thrown at him, Forerunner flicked his left arm, and the forearm-mounted close combat missile launcher on his left arm immediately shot out two miniature combat missiles towards Constructions's head. Constructions quickly raised his right arm and blocked the shovel at his left with his hand. "Boom!" "Boom!" The pair of large shovels on his arm was obviously his most durable and sharp weapon. The combat missiles hit the shovel that protected his head one after another, creating two dull explosions that only shattered the metal paint on the surface of the shovel.

However, Forerunner didn't care. He once again raised the plasma cannon in his right hand, but this time aimed it at the other giant tire on Constructions's lower body. This massive figure's mechanical body was different from ordinary mechanical lifeforms; he didn't have an upper body. His primary components were a massive head and two huge tires.

Clearly, Constructions's Spark was protected within the armored shell of his head. The combat missiles he fired just now had already confirmed that the head was his main defensive area. However, Forerunner noticed something. Both the head and the lower body of Constructions had a tire of the same size. It was with this special mechanical body structure that he could easily switch between the upper and lower tires when encountering difficult terrains, ensuring flexible movement.

One could say that the two huge tires on the upper and lower sides of his mechanical body provided him with relatively agile mobility. However, Forerunner observed that after he hit the large tire on Constructions's head just now, the Decepticon had not switched between the upper and lower tires to maintain his agile movement on the rugged mountain path. It seemed that after Forerunner's attack, Constructions hadn't switched back.

Something was fishy! Realizing this, combined with the fact that it was challenging to hit the head, Forerunner decided not to focus on Constructions's head and instead aimed the cannon at the other giant tire on his lower body. Aim, lock, fire! A deep blue energy projectile shot out and accurately hit Constructions's lower body, causing him to let out a deafening cry.

"Crack!" "Boom!" At the instant the energy projectile hit the tire, it exploded, immediately causing the black outer layer of the tire to scatter. It was quite magical; at the moment when the outer layer of the huge tire was blasted away by the plasma cannon, Constructions's body seemed to lose balance. He staggered and almost fell to the ground. In a critical moment, he used both arms to slam the ground heavily, stabilizing himself through the reverse force.

However, despite his effort, his situation was not optimistic. Forerunner's discovery was confirmed. After the black outer layer of the huge tire was blasted away, Constructions was like he was carrying dozens of tons of heavy objects on his body, unable to continue maintaining his agile movement on the rugged mountain path as before. And with his already slower speed compared to Forerunner, his speed had now dropped even further, making him an easy target to hit.

Forerunner's figure rapidly shuttled through the mountainous area. He didn't have many weapons that could threaten a behemoth like Constructions. The remaining two high-explosive missiles hidden under the back armor were shot out opportunistically, and the plasma cannon in his hand continued to be raised and fired. With one projectile after another constantly hitting Constructions, the giant's furious roars and cries became increasingly frequent and smaller.

Finally, when both arms that had been raised to protect his head were broken, a precise energy projectile hit Constructions's brain. Amidst the scattering alloy fragments and sparks, the massive body of Constructions crashed heavily to the ground. Constructions was defeated!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 441: Plasma Anesthetic Dart


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