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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sideways' non-combat form was a silver-gray sports car, swiftly and agilely weaving through the mountains like a nimble silver fox.

On the other hand, Constructions transformed into a heavy excavator, red with yellow accents. With its four giant wheels, each about three meters tall, it plowed through the forest with ease, crushing trees and rocks effortlessly.

Unless humans on Earth witnessed this scene with their own eyes, it was difficult to imagine that such a massive and bulky machine could achieve speeds of over two hundred kilometers per hour through the mountains.

The two Decepticons locked onto Forerunner and followed the radiation from the All Spark fragment.

They quickly crossed the valleys and appeared within Forerunner's sight.


Sideways didn't slow down. He leaped up a slope, and his mechanical body made a metallic friction sound as he transformed in mid-air, becoming a four-meter-tall silver-gray mechanical warrior.

Constructions, on the other hand, was even more domineering. His non-combat form was a heavy excavator.

It seemed like he had also spotted Forerunner and Rewind. After being left behind by his faster teammate, Sideways, Constructions had to cross the slope and suddenly seemed unstable. His vehicle body tilted forward as if losing balance.

In the next moment, the terrifying large bucket suspended in front of the vehicle split in two from the center. One half quickly moved to the left side of the vehicle, while the other slid to the right before heavily slamming into the ground in front of him, throwing up countless fragments and dust.

However, none of this affected Forerunner at all.

He fixed his gaze on the dust, closely monitoring Constructions' movements.

This bulky giant jumped nearly 120 degrees into the air, supported by the two shovel arms. In mid-air, his massive body rapidly transformed under the influence of centrifugal force, and then, with the force of inertia, he was flung tens of meters away.

With a dull impact, he crashed heavily onto the ground. Then, he rolled forward and stood up again, having completed his battle form transformation. He turned into a formidable mechanical giant, towering at least sixteen to seventeen meters tall, with two enormous wheels on the upper and lower parts of his mechanical body, each nearly four meters in diameter.

"Found the All Spark fragment... Rewind found it..."

After Constructions completed his battle form transformation in cooperation with his longtime partner, Sideways, his crimson electronic eyes locked onto the lead box in Forerunner's hand. His voice was deep and somewhat sharp.

As soon as the words fell, his familiar partner, aware of his temperament, gave a muffled groan but remained silent.

They had cooperated for a long time, and Constructions knew that although Sideways excelled in gathering intelligence, he was timid and not good at fighting.

They had been on Earth for some time and encountered Autobots several times in their search for the All Spark and the Leadership Module. Most of the time, they had to fight before escaping.

Apart from running away and evading, Sideways had never participated in any battles, relying on his powerful combat capabilities to avoid ending up like some of their fellow Decepticons, who had perished in the hands of Autobots.

From the beginning, Forerunner's attention had been focused on Constructions. Thus, when Constructions looked at him, Forerunner's mechanical body subconsciously tensed, and the Spark within his chest burned even more intensely.

Sideways' combat abilities were not worth mentioning. His enhancements were more focused on intelligence gathering. If he were to engage in combat, he would probably not be as powerful as some of the Decepticon cannon fodder warriors cultivated by Starscream. He might be on par with Autobots like Mudflap and Skids, the twin brothers.

However, his partner, Constructions, was no simple character.

One look at his size told Forerunner that he was formidable. Although there was no saying that the taller the mechanical body, the stronger the combat abilities among Decepticons and Autobots, the larger the mechanical body, the more extensive the combat systems it could accommodate. Almost all the large Decepticons and Autobots were powerful beings.

The Constructions before Forerunner was a typical example. The information about Constructions in the base's database was originally very brief, only a few lines.

But a few months ago, the master unexpectedly updated the database, adding detailed information about Constructions.

Although Constructions couldn't be considered an elite warrior of the Decepticon army, he indeed possessed a terrifying power comparable to a Leader, but it was limited to this extent.

In the Decepticon army, there wasn't just one Decepticon named Constructions.

They were part of a grand war machine created by Shockwave, known as the Devastator Plan. They were fixed members of the Trencher Team, one of six members.

The so-called Devastator Plan was to artificially create six Sparks that attracted each other through special manufacturing technology and transplant them into six different Decepticon bodies.

These six Decepticons were collectively called the "Constructions."

Their Sparks attracted each other, and their mechanical bodies were specially modified. Once the six Decepticons came together, they would instinctively merge into a powerful war machine called Hercules. It was a giant combined Decepticon that brought countless deaths and destruction to the Autobots during the Cybertronian Civil War.

As a result, to ensure the complete combat effectiveness of Hercules, Shockwave cooperated with Starscream, who was also good at cultivating Decepticon cannon fodder warriors. Although each war team initially had only six fixed members, within the Decepticon army, whether it was Hook, Scrapper, Constructions, Bonecrusher, Draw, or Scavenger, more than one individual was cultivated.

As the technology for creating the combined Decepticon, Hercules, was not yet mature during their inception, the six members of the Trencher Team couldn't separate once they combined. Additionally, the energy consumption of the giant combined Decepticon Hercules was terrifying. As a result, under normal circumstances, no Decepticon commander who understood the uniqueness of the Trencher Team would allow them to come close to each other, especially in the same area or mission.

Although the opponent looked terrifying, Forerunner's heart remained calm.

From his earlier observations, he was confident that the data collected by the base about Constructions should be accurate.

This guy's movement speed wasn't fast, and he wasn't equipped with any energy or high-powered weapons. He didn't seem to possess any anti-air capabilities either.

On the other hand, Forerunner was more agile, had a longer range, and had stronger firepower. As long as he didn't act recklessly and engage Constructions in close combat, Forerunner was certain that he could almost match Constructions in battle.

With this thought, the armor on his back, resembling wings, suddenly wriggled, and two slender missile launchers emerged from beneath the thick armor on his back. They quickly locked onto the target.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 439: Proof


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