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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Unexpectedly, there is also a piece of the All Spark fragment in Sam's hands?!

In that instant, Sun Cheng immediately understood why Barricade and the others appeared there for Sam.

The Decepticon army needs the All Spark fragments to resurrect Megatron!

"Keep the fragments safe and immediately evacuate Duluth City... Wait, you don't need to go to Washington right now. Retreat to Mexico for a few days, wait for my signal..."

He quickly recorded a voice message and sent it out. Sun Cheng could no longer hide his excitement; he became thrilled.

The All Spark fragment, it's an incredible treasure!

Not an exaggeration to say that much of his current power is due to the few fragments he greedily obtained during the battle in Las Vegas.

Could it be that these are the legendary fragments of the Cybertron's Sacred Artifact? Even if it's just a small piece, it has the power to turn any object containing electronic components into a Decepticon. Not to mention that it's an essential part after replacing a new mechanical body.

Even Atlas speculated that since the All Spark fragment can activate the electronic components in machines and turn them into mechanical life, perhaps it could also directly integrate into a mechanical body.

Sun Cheng couldn't bear to waste such a precious fragment just to prove their theory, but considering the past behavior of the All Spark fragment, there's a high probability that the theory is correct.

In other words, using it directly to resurrect a dead mechanical life might not be possible, but if the target is severely injured, in a comatose state due to the natural aging of the mechanical body, or in a state of pseudo-death, then an All Spark fragment should be able to awaken them again.

"The Decepticon army is finally starting to take action..."

He had already gathered several scattered clues, and now they were finally connecting. Sun Cheng realized that the Decepticons might be on the move.

This was a good thing!

Although the Decepticons' strength is above that of the Autobots, Earth is currently under the protection of the Autobots.

The more frequent the Decepticon's actions, the more conflicts there would be with the Autobots, and naturally, there would be less attention on him.

This was a good thing!

With this thought, he felt a burden lifted from his heart, but he knew that only half of it had been relieved.

Having his fate controlled by others was not a good feeling, and it was because he and his faction were too weak.

Thinking of this, the joy and excitement that had surged in him diminished.

After briefing Accel, Sun Cheng didn't delay any longer. He activated the optical stealth device and headed towards the second base located hundreds of kilometers away in Brazil.




With a wave of his hand, two heavy objects fell to the ground.

Sun Cheng ignored Hysteria and the others, who came to greet him with astonishment, and directly took out the corpses of the two Decepticons, Iron Hammer and Boomerang, from the Spherical Space inside him. He had just dealt with them in the Far East.

"Master, these are..."

Atlas and the others were a bit confused, but Dust Up, who had recently joined Sun Cheng, seemed to recognize their identities and had a noticeable reaction on his face.

"These two Decepticons we encountered in China..." He lightly kicked the remains of Iron Hammer and asked Atlas, "With the current technology, can we revive them?"

Unintentionally, his gaze met Dust Up's.

The latter was immediately frightened and quickly turned his head to the side. He was clearly startled by Sun Cheng.

Sun Cheng found it amusing but also somewhat satisfied. This guy finally learned to fear him. By continuing to show favors, it wouldn't take long before Dust Up became loyal to him!

As for whether Dust Up genuinely pledged loyalty, that was not a concern for Sun Cheng at all. His faction was growing almost every day, and as long as this growth wasn't hindered, in three to five years, he would truly command an army of newly born Decepticons.

By that time, he wouldn't need to hope for others to pledge allegiance to him; with the Decepticons' admiration for violence and strength, there would be plenty of individuals kneeling before him and swearing their loyalty.

"Resurrection..." Atlas was taken aback. He knew that these two Decepticons were already dead.

However, when the master suddenly made such a request, he had to approach the corpses of Iron Hammer and Boomerang and carefully examine them before answering, "The memory chips are intact, so theoretically, it can be done... but these two mechanical bodies seem to have suffered from strong electromagnetic interference, and the damage is quite severe. They can only be recycled and remodeled. If you want to resurrect them, new Cores and mechanical bodies need to be designed..."

Though Atlas and the others didn't have experience in resurrecting Decepticons, they had gained a wealth of experience in replacing mechanical bodies for Sun Cheng. Almost every time they replaced one, they kept only the Core and memory chips before transferring them to a brand new mechanical body. In a sense, getting a new mechanical body was like a rebirth for them.

So, in this respect, Atlas and his team had accumulated considerable experience.

"Hmm... boldly proceed. Make the mechanical bodies according to B1 standards... After the Core design is completed, hand it over to Mirage; it knows what to do..."

Their faces turned solemn, especially Dust Up, who looked visibly uneasy. They all understood Sun Cheng's intention. He wanted a sufficient number of control mechanisms designed into the Core, just like Dust Up was now under his control.

Why was Dust Up still following Sun Cheng, not daring to escape or expose the second base? Because his life was now completely in Sun Cheng's hands.

The thought of life and death entirely controlled by someone else was chilling.

Despite their fear, Atlas and the others, who had been with Sun Cheng from the beginning and gained significant benefits from his rise, were loyal. "Yes!"

After their prompt response, two engineers were summoned, and the bodies of Iron Hammer and Boomerang were transported to the factory area for research and the removal of their memory chips.

Hephaestus had been standing quietly next to Atlas. He was the second worker that Sun Cheng had personally named. Since he had followed Sun Cheng in Russia and the Far East, he had become Atlas's deputy after receiving his new mechanical body.

Hephaestus was responsible for overseeing the newly cultivated Decepticon engineers. As he hadn't been called upon by the master for some time, he thought he was nearly forgotten and felt a bit despondent.

To his surprise, Sun Cheng's gaze fell on him after watching the robots take Iron Hammer and Boomerang's corpses away.

"Hephaestus, I want you to personally lead a few engineers and a few teams of construction robots to the Far East... I have reached a new agreement with human nations. They will provide us with enough military supplies and industrial products to compensate for our lack of production capacity. Your task is to follow the agreement and assist humans in constructing nuclear submarines everywhere, as well as a batch of new submarines!"

Hephaestus was ecstatic and quickly bowed. "Leave it to me, Master. I am the most skilled at building submarines!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 433: Changes in the Base


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