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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


As Accel had thought, Sun Cheng was very satisfied with their performance in Bolivia.

Bolivia was the second piece he had taken on the South American map, and the base had successfully cultivated a humanoid Decepticon like Mora Kottir. Even though he had previously been stationed thousands of miles away in North Dovinsk, most of his attention was now drawn here.

"You did well!"

Sun Cheng nodded, but he didn't give any praise.

Just recently, Accel and the others had just replaced their new mechanical bodies. It was still a big problem for them to be able to exert a fraction of their combat power. Even he, who had been honing himself crazily for the past few months, couldn't say that he could fully unleash the abilities of his mechanical body.

If he himself was like this, Sun Cheng didn't believe that Forerunner and Accel could do better than him.

However, Accel was one of the oldest subordinates who had followed him for the longest time. Decepticons were always arrogant and selfish, and he never minded using the worst way of thinking to speculate about others.

Therefore, he understood that it was difficult to reward those who had done well, and it was hard to say whether it would cause resentment.

After thinking about it, he quickly had an idea.

"What about Mora Kottir? That humanoid Decepticon..."

Accel was stunned by his question, but he immediately answered, "Master, our relationship with humans has not been exposed yet. The only human who knows his identity is Yuri. Mora usually doesn't come to this side of the base and stays in La Paz city!"

"Is that so?"

Sun Cheng narrowed his eyes, and his interest grew stronger. "Did he request it himself?"

"Yes!" Accel replied.

"It seems he's not lacking in intelligence!"

After this thought came to his mind, he couldn't hold back anymore and immediately ordered, "You should have an emergency contact channel. Let him come here to see me immediately!"


Accel wouldn't disobey his orders. After standing facing the southwest direction for a moment, Sun Cheng caught a vague communication wave that was sent out.

After waiting for only seven or eight minutes, they felt a target moving at a speed of no less than 90 kilometers per hour in the mountain valley, and soon came to the valley where the hidden base was located.

"Mora has seen the master and Accel!"

A middle-aged man with brownish-red skin and obvious Native American ancestry knelt down in front of them.

Accel had obviously been told about Sun Cheng's identity, so Mora Kottir didn't hesitate at all and hurried over to kneel in front of him.

"You are Mora Kottir..."

Sun Cheng couldn't help but admire and be amazed as he looked at this middle-aged man who, from his appearance alone, was almost indistinguishable from a human.

Although he had already seen this humanoid Decepticon multiple times in the images transmitted to him by Atlas, Sun Cheng couldn't help but be amazed by the technology of Cybertron Planet when he saw him up close.

It must take such advanced technology to cultivate a new life form that not only has intelligence that is not weaker than humans, but also has an appearance that is completely indistinguishable from humans.

It should be noted that they are not intelligent robots in the sense of Earth civilization, but mechanical life forms with Spark as their heart, energy as their blood, and Core as their brain, capable of thinking, fighting, and even managing.

Mora Kottir felt uneasy under his gaze. The brown pupils he usually used to disguise his true identity had unknowingly turned back to their original red color. The suppression of his mechanical life form level made him look uncomfortable, and he quickly replied, "Yes, master, I am Mora Kottir!"

Nodding, Sun Cheng withdrew his intimidating gaze and beckoned to him.

"Come here, I'm very interested in you. Let me check your condition!"


Mora Kottir knew that the so-called check was a domineering scan of everything about himself, including the deepest memories. But he didn't show any dissatisfaction because the person in front of him was not only his master, but also the master of his creator.

He immediately reached out and grabbed Mora Kottir, lifting him up to his face.

"Don't resist!"

After giving this order, two bright blue beams of light immediately shot out from Sun Cheng's eyes, scanning Mora back and forth for thirty to forty seconds before looking into his eyes.

Accel couldn't help but shudder on the side, even if he hadn't experienced it, the basic knowledge inherited in his Core told him that being spied on like this was not a comfortable thing.

Mora Kottir was the same. Although he didn't resist, his body couldn't help but tremble constantly, looking like a broken puppet.

The whole process lasted for four or five minutes. Sun Cheng finally withdrew his gaze and gently put Mora, who was still convulsing, on the ground. He closed his eyes and focused on digesting the information he had just read.

After a while, he let out a sigh, "I see!"

Looking at Mora, who was struggling to stand up, Sun Cheng nodded at him. "You've worked hard. You don't need to rush to compete for the cabinet of the provisional government and the future parliament. Your current task is to completely control all the military and police in Bolivia. The plan for 50,000 police officers is very good. I will order a batch of civilian supplies and engineering machinery from China later, and the base will soon send them to you. Pay attention to establishing your Ministry of the Interior's prestige, and go and learn from China. This socialist country has done a good job in this regard!"

There was a hint of disappointment in his heart, but his expression and tone remained unchanged, so he was not noticed by Accel and the others.

The examination of Mora just now finally made Sun Cheng understand why Atlas and the others were able to cultivate humanoid Decepticons so quickly. It turned out that they just spent more effort on structure and appearance.

In plain terms, this guy was just a Decepticon engineer with a new shell, but his structure was designed to look like a human, and he was covered with artificial skin.

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