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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Almost at the same time as his companions transformed into their battle forms and began to attack Sun Cheng, another Decepticon, who had transformed into a black Land Cruiser, performed an emergency stop in the desert and drew a perfect arc in the sand.

The familiar sound of gears grinding together could be heard as another Decepticon warrior, with a mechanical body over four or five meters tall and two curved boomerangs emitting a chilling light on the outer side of his thighs, completed his transformation.

It was true that this Decepticon was worthy of the name, as he had no concept of taking advantage of the weak, not even considering Sun Cheng's identity.

While his companions had already fired grenades at him, this Decepticon did not hesitate to immediately draw two curved boomerangs from his right leg and shoot one at Sun Cheng with force. He then bent his legs slightly and rushed towards him with agility after the sound of the grenade explosion, holding the other sharp-edged boomerang in his hand and aiming it at Sun Cheng's neck!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

The grenades whistled as they hit his mechanical body.

The impact of the explosion caused Sun Cheng to take a half step back, but he was only defeated by the mechanics of the explosion, which he was satisfied with.

The weapons carried by these Decepticon cannon fodder, which were cultivated on a large scale by Starscream, posed almost zero threat to him.

At the same time, his internal warning system detected a hint of threat, and a sharp sound broke through the air.

Sun Cheng instinctively reached out and grabbed the object that was attacking him, which made a piercing sound when it hit the alloy in his palm.

He held the object he had grabbed in front of him and saw that it was a curved boomerang.

It seemed that Sun Cheng's previous warning had already taken effect. Although there were still fighter jets hovering in the air, the armed helicopters belonging to the Army Aviation were orderly retreating from the battlefield. Even the frequency of rocket launches covering the entire area from the rear had been reduced by half, but they had not stopped yet.

Sun Cheng was not surprised by this.

With his eyes slightly narrowed, he looked at the black Decepticon warrior who was about to rush towards him. He seemed to casually throw the boomerang to the side, and his face became fierce the next moment.

"Who gave you the confidence to provoke my patience again and again! Is it Starscream..."

His Spark burned at an unprecedented speed, converting the stored energy into surging power. Even though he had not activated the auxiliary power system installed in his legs, Sun Cheng was like a heavy tank equipped with rocket thrusters when Core had just issued the command to run. Two visible pits appeared on the ground where he had been standing, and he appeared in front of the Decepticon who was trying to ambush him in the blink of an eye.

Then, he raised his left arm to block the boomerang that was swinging down subconsciously, clenched his right fist, and hit the black Decepticon warrior's face with a heavy straight punch that had no technique.


It was like a collision that occurred under a sonic boom. Although this Decepticon, who had transformed into a black Land Cruiser, was obviously a Decepticon warrior who was good at close combat and agile, he could only barely move his head slightly to one side under the all-around crushing of speed and strength, and still could not avoid Sun Cheng's angry heavy straight punch.

Countless cracks appeared on his neck and head, and pieces of shattered alloy flew everywhere.

He reached back to his waist with his left hand, and immediately added a black short sword that was only about one meter and thirty-four centimeters long to his hand.

Taking it up, Sun Cheng did not hesitate to aim at a certain position slightly above the left chest of the Decepticon warrior in front of him and stabbed it fiercely.


The sharp edge of the short sword easily pierced the armor on the Decepticon's chest and directly into his chest cavity.

In an instant, his mechanical body stiffened, and Sun Cheng lightly pushed him.

Immediately, he fell to the ground. In the splashing sand and dust, his mechanical body could still be seen trembling lightly. Although the fierce red light in his eyes dimmed, his hostility became even stronger.

Clearly, he had not lost his life!

"...The engineers' newly designed close-combat short sword works pretty well..."

The one-meter-long alloy sword in his hand was indeed no different from a dagger or similar close-defense weapon.

The agile warrior who could have caused him some trouble had been taken down by him earlier, and Sun Cheng was satisfied with his own reaction.

He hadn't stayed in North Dovinsk for nothing. Since Starscream had sent Excavator to monitor him, he had been using him as a practice target for the past few months. He had been studying and learning the Decepticons' fighting style while constantly refining his new mechanical body.

This alloy short sword was designed for him during the refining process. He found that the previously equipped battleship sword, although good, was too sharp and affected his speed and reaction. So he had asked Atlas and the others to design two short swords for him, which would be effective in close combat.


His body was suddenly knocked back, but Sun Cheng remained calm. It was the companion of the black Decepticon warrior he had just dealt with, the Decepticon warrior who transformed into a Hino heavy truck.

Although he was knocked into the air, he swiftly twisted his body and, relying on his excellent mechanical body performance, controlled his several-ton body in mid-air to complete a somersault and landed steadily on the ground not far away.

While still in the air, he noticed the Decepticon raising the grenade launcher again, aiming it at his head.

Before landing, Sun Cheng extended his left arm to block in front of him.

"Bang, bang..."

Grenades kept coming, accurately hitting his left arm that was blocking his cheek, leaving shallow dents on his arm.

Sun Cheng extended his leg backward and allowed the continuous impact of the explosions. This time, he did not retreat.

The Decepticon in front of him was obviously not as crazy as he appeared.

Seeing that his weapons were completely ineffective against Sun Cheng, he glanced at his companion, who was still lying on the ground not far away, with his mechanical body convulsing.

Suddenly, he raised the grenade launcher that had just been reloaded and pressed the button again.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Six grenades, guided by infrared, shot towards Sun Cheng, while he immediately rolled to the side in the desert, transforming back into his heavy truck form, ready to escape amidst the roaring engine noise.

"Trying to escape!"

Sun Cheng sneered, raised his right hand, and slapped away half of the incoming grenades, allowing the remaining few to hit his shoulder, adding a few more dents to his new mechanical body.

He reached for his thigh, and the next moment, a basketball-sized metal sphere appeared in his palm.

Gripping it tightly, a crackling sound immediately rang out.

Seeing that the Decepticon, transformed into a Hino heavy truck, had driven more than thirty meters away, he smirked and threw the metal sphere towards the Hino heavy truck.

The Decepticon's heavy truck form drew a perfect arc in the sand and easily avoided the metal sphere thrown by Sun Cheng.

However, Sun Cheng remained unmoved, as if he had given up, standing in place and watching him go.


If someone looked closely at Sun Cheng at that moment, they would notice that his mechanical body, at the moment the metal sphere was thrown, immediately had many grid-like, eerie glowing armors appearing on its surface. Especially on his head, a uniquely shaped helmet had protected his eyes, nostrils, and ears in the first instant.

Three seconds later, an explosion suddenly sounded, and a violent electromagnetic blast spread crazily in all directions from the metal sphere's center.

Instantly, the Decepticon that Sun Cheng had controlled, lying not far away, and the Hino heavy truck that had driven over a hundred meters away, emitted thick white smoke.

Especially the latter, as if losing control, spun strangely in place for four or five turns before weakly falling onto the desert over a hundred and seventy meters away.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 413: Comprehensive Cooperation (Part 1)


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