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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"......Your Excellency Forerunner, welcome to La Paz. I am Yuri!"

On the night before the military coup, Forerunner arrived in La Paz two days later than the originally scheduled time.

In a warehouse on the outskirts of La Paz, when the towering mechanical giant, over five meters tall, appeared before Yuri and his companions, even though they had dealt with mechanical beings before, they were still startled.

In terms of impact, the Number 2, whose size was similar to a jaguar, was far inferior to Forerunner, who had just obtained a new mechanical body.

No one dared to question why he was late, and Forerunner naturally did not voluntarily tell them that to ensure his own safety during the coup, he had stayed a few more days at Base Number 2 and had the Atlas team install an optical camouflage system on his mechanical body.

"Do I only need to deal with the presidential palace?"

Forerunner asked with interest, his Decepticon-exclusive cold mechanical voice making him sound like a ruthless war machine rather than an intelligent being.

Having dealt with Number 2 for quite some time, Yuri, who thought he had adapted to interacting with these extraterrestrial visitors, felt a bit overwhelmed when he was coldly stared at by Forerunner.


Although he was considered a hero-like figure, Yuri quickly adjusted his emotions and politely said, "The presidential palace is the most crucial part of the coup. The new president has no plans to go out recently, so he must be staying at the palace. If you can eliminate the palace as soon as possible, it will undoubtedly have a severe impact on the enemy's morale..."

He never doubted the combat capabilities of the Decepticons. Number 2 alone was able to make continuous moves during the dark nights of Rio de Janeiro, causing the deaths of at least a hundred Rio de Janeiro police, military, and gang members in just a few months. It was inconceivable that Forerunner, who looked so imposing, would be inferior to Number 2.

Of course, considering that Colonel Numar was currently under suspicion and under house arrest by the authorities, requesting with a brave face, Yuri said, "Of course, if it's convenient, I hope you can also help eliminate the threat from another target."

After saying that, he looked up at Forerunner, feeling somewhat intimidated by this towering mechanical giant with whom he was dealing for the first time.

Fortunately, Forerunner, who had been following Sun Cheng for the longest time among the Decepticons, was far less menacing and more rational than Dust Up and Number 2.

In his mind, the master's plans and strategies were always the most important. So when he heard Yuri's request, he didn't feel any resentment or displeasure. He nodded expressionlessly, indicating for Yuri to mention the location of the targets.

Yuri was overjoyed and quickly had his subordinates bring out two maps of La Paz, one for the city and one for military defense, and pointed to several locations on the maps.

"The presidential palace is here. Due to leaks, security has been strengthened. Forces have stationed here and here, and there's another platoon... This is the base of the 712th regiment, located about seventy kilometers between the city and the presidential palace. There are over a thousand Bolivian soldiers stationed in this camp. If possible, we hope Your Excellency can come here immediately after dealing with the palace to block them. We only need to hold them off for about an hour, preventing them from reaching the city within two hours after the coup, and then we can end the battle..."

"Is that all?"

Forerunner's face showed a clear expression for the first time.

He seemed somewhat disdainful and more displeased. "If it's just these two targets, the battle can be finished within fifteen minutes."


Yuri hesitated for a moment and tentatively asked, "Are you sure you can eliminate these two targets within fifteen minutes?"

Doubt was natural. Although Forerunner's combat capabilities seemed far superior to Number 2 just from his size, he had only been a senior CIA operative in the past and did not have the opportunity to witness the Battle of Las Vegas. He was even less aware of the Decepticons, who were born for combat and could suppress higher-level Autobots in a short time under full firepower.

Forerunner snorted lightly and couldn't be bothered to say much.

Not long ago, four Autobots almost suffered a major setback in Russia, and Sun Cheng felt it necessary to awaken some of his subordinates' contempt for the military strength of human countries on Earth. He duplicated all the recorded combat footage captured by his drones and transmitted it to all his subordinates.

That footage of the battle between the Autobots and the Russian Army did indeed alert many people. In fact, after taking on the mission, Forerunner quickly learned about Bolivia's military strength through various channels.

And then...

And then there was nothing...

All he had to deal with was some MiG-23 aircraft for the air force, and the army couldn't even put together a single third-generation main battle tank. It was a country that relied on artillery for air defense, the epitome of being bullied.

Forerunner fell silent for a moment, lightly tapping his forehead with his finger. Suddenly, an enlarged image of the La Paz map appeared in the air before the people in the warehouse.

There was an exclamation in the warehouse as everyone witnessed the projection ability of the mechanical being for the first time, which surprised Yuri as well.

Unfortunately, Forerunner didn't pay attention to their reactions.

On the map in front of him, several dots were continuously blinking, clearly marked in Spanish as the "Presidential Palace," "Bolivian Military Base," "Police Headquarters," and other locations.

"I'll take care of these few locations... Your people and Numar's forces should be responsible for quickly controlling the parliament, the Ministry of Interior building, the national television station, the airport, and the train station. Try to end the battle within two hours..."

Forerunner took charge of the most difficult targets, and he clearly remembered Yuri's plan, so he didn't include the location where Colonel Numar's forces were stationed.

Yuri hesitated for a moment, trusting in the immense power of the mechanical being, he nodded without questioning.

However, he informed Forerunner truthfully that Colonel Numar was now under close surveillance by the La Paz authorities and was likely suspicious of him.

In response, Forerunner replied indifferently, "Oh, really?" Immediately, another dot appeared on the map, and he said, "Then let's take care of his forces as well!"

After speaking, he retracted the projected map and looked down at Yuri, furrowing his brow as he asked, "Numar is an important part of the plan. The master does not agree with us exposing ourselves temporarily to avoid suspicion. We must keep this piece on the board... How are your people prepared?"

"Everything is ready. If it weren't for receiving news today that Numar has been relieved of his military authority and put under house arrest by the authorities, we originally planned to launch the coup in three days..."

"Three days?"

Forerunner immediately shook his head upon hearing that. "Three days is too long. Numar cannot be in danger for now! Your name is Yuri, right? I'll give you four hours of preparation time. Notify everyone immediately. The coup will begin in four hours!"

"Yes, Your Excellency!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 392: New Bolivia (Part 1)


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