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After listening to Sideswipe's analysis, someone immediately spoke up very rudely, interrupting his words.

"Decepticons reaching an agreement with humans? That's impossible!"

Sideswipe frowned and looked in the direction of the voice. However, upon seeing the owner of the opposing voice clearly, he snorted and crossed his arms, standing there in silence.

The person who rudely interrupted him was a robust Autobot with a black and white mechanical body. It was evident that he was a highly capable warrior. If Sun Cheng were present, he would undoubtedly feel a sense of familiarity.

Yes, this Autobot, who had a mechanical body and facial features that bore some resemblance to the Decepticon senior warrior Barricade, was named 'Prowl.' He was the younger brother of Baricade, a former Autobot who had defected to the Decepticons.

Prowl used to be Optimus Prime's right-hand man, serving as a tactical adviser and head of the Internal Security Forces of the Resistance.

However, due to Baricade's defection, he had resigned from all his previous positions out of self-blame. Nevertheless, he, along with Ratchet, Bumblebee, and the deceased Jazz, was one of Optimus Prime's direct subordinates.

Like Shake, the meticulous Prowl was always responsible for the security of the special operations team under Optimus Prime.

Half a year ago, when Optimus Prime and the others rushed to Earth upon receiving the long-distance communication from Bumblebee, it was Prowl who was responsible for covering their rear.

After all, even his own brother had been persuaded to defect to the Decepticons. So, like Ironhide, Prowl could be said to be one of the Autobots with the most hostility towards the Decepticons.

Even Autobots like Sideswipe, who had defected from the Decepticons, harbored a significant degree of animosity.

"... Leader, we have been dealing with the Decepticons for so long. They are villains at their core, driven by nothing but plunder and destruction. How could they possibly join forces with humans? Therefore, I believe it is highly likely that North Dovinsk has fallen into the hands of the Decepticons. I even suspect that they may be controlling humans as part of a conspiracy, with the ultimate goal of seizing control of this planet!"

His solemn words caused most of the Autobots in the garage to nod in agreement, echoing his sentiments.

Even Sideswipe, who didn't quite align with him, found himself nodding inwardly.

Compared to the possibility he had previously speculated about regarding cooperation between the Decepticons and humans, Prowl's viewpoint undoubtedly aligned more with the impression the Decepticons had always left on the Autobots.

Optimus Prime also nodded, but the crease between his brows had yet to smooth out.

"Leader, if my guess is correct, then a new cruel war is about to begin. And besides us, humans are very likely to be drawn into it as well!"

Prowl seemed unaware of his concerns and walked up to Optimus Prime, volunteering himself: "We must take the initiative and teach those villains who only have destruction in their minds a harsh lesson!"

"Yes, Leader. We can't let the Decepticons' conspiracy succeed!"

Prowl's words elicited unanimous agreement.

However, Optimus Prime's brow furrowed even more.

Seemingly aware that everyone's gaze was focused on him, he pondered for a moment and spoke slowly, looking at Prowl and the others, "We do need to be vigilant against the Decepticons' conspiracy, but this is not Cybertron, and we are not the masters here..."

He paused before finishing his sentence, "I will contact the United States. If we can resolve this through communication, it would be best... But the choice is not in our hands, it's in the hands of humans!"


Prowl wanted to say something more but was interrupted by a wave of Optimus Prime's hand.

"...There's no need to say more. I know what you're worried about, and in fact, your concerns are the same as mine. But this is not Cybertron!"

Optimus Prime sighed, feeling somewhat helpless.

At the beginning, the decision to cooperate with the United States government was based on respect for Earth's civilization and the intellectual life forms known as humans.

At the same time, there was a deeper hidden agenda behind it: to operate the surviving Autobots on Earth and make Earth their second home.

In other words, although he advocated peace and respected Earth's civilization, he was also a qualified Autobot Leader.

However, recently, Optimus Prime had to start reflecting on whether it was necessary to continue the cooperation with humans, which he had strongly advocated.

There was no choice. The pressure from the United States government was increasing.

Since the establishment of Sound Nest, there had been few notable achievements in their operations.

The most devastating loss for the Autobots in these operations was the sacrifice of a dispensable combatant, Mudflap.

But looking at the US military, the number of casualties has already exceeded a thousand, and the losses in various military equipment are countless.

They have suffered far greater casualties and losses than in the war in Afghanistan, yet all they have gained are a few Decepticon corpses, which they obtained only under the repeated pressure from the United States government, and it doesn't even include the remains of Megatron that they desired the most.

So it's easy to understand the dissatisfaction of the United States people. Continuing to invest large sums of money and military power in studying those few Decepticon corpses, spending a significant amount of time without knowing when they will obtain advanced technology—why would they choose that when it is easier and quicker to obtain it directly from the Autobots?

That's why the last time Galloway visited Diego Garcia Island, he came with orders from the President of the United States, representing the big tycoons and arms dealers who supported him from behind, ready to confront the Autobots.

Optimus Prime still remembers, that intimidating attitude and the repulsive face of Director Galloway, which even made him, someone who is usually calm-tempered, unable to resist the urge to slap him dead.

He represented the President of the United States and the United States government, constantly demanding advanced technology and weapons from Cybertron.

Those short-sighted people from the United States seemed to have completely forgotten the threat of the Decepticons and were only concerned with how to obtain advanced technology and weapons from him.

The result was predictable—he and Galloway parted ways unhappily.

Afterwards, although the United States government approved their operations, they were also unwilling to engage in a nuclear war with Russia.

So, the recent constrained operation in North Dovinsk took place. Sound Nest was strictly prohibited from entering Russian waters, and the Autobots were only assigned reconnaissance missions near North Dovinsk, with their numbers strictly limited to single digits.

Just thinking about it made Optimus Prime feel increasingly restless.

"...Perhaps I should pay another visit to Washington and have a proper discussion with Mr. President!"

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of two familiar human figures approaching the garage entrance—one black and one white.

He waved his hand, indicating for the others to disperse for now, and then calmly walked towards William Major and Captain Robert. He headed in their direction, ready to engage in a conversation.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 383: The Fractured Alliance (Part 2)


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