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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"A mechanical soldier calling himself 'Frenzy' appeared near the Long Han hydroelectric station five minutes ago!"

This news appeared on General Chen Zhongyuan's desk in less than six minutes.

Although he was somewhat unhappy that the other party did not comply with the previous agreement and did not report in advance on the radio frequency channel specially reserved for China before entering the border, Chen Zhongyuan immediately applied to the Air Force to dispatch a Y-8 military transport plane to fly to the Long Han hydroelectric station in Guangxi province.

He had no choice but to take it seriously.

After a confidential meeting half a month ago, Chen Zhongyuan, who had just been appointed as the head of the "Project 4728" for a few days, was reappointed as the head of the Rub' al Khali military base. The original "Project 4728" was completely hidden underground.

Now, a national-level veteran personally serves as the head of "Project 4728", and Chen Zhongyuan, who seems to have been demoted, has also been informed by his old superiors. It is not surprising that he will be promoted at the next medal ceremony.

From just a glimpse, it is clear how much attention the country is paying to the extraterrestrial visitor calling himself "Frenzy".

However, Chen Zhongyuan is not an ordinary person after all, and the Rub' al Khali military base was set up by China to facilitate contact and trade with Frenzy. As the head of this military base, Chen Zhongyuan is well aware of the astonishing changes that have taken place in the country in the past month.

Not to mention other things, let's just talk about changes in military strategy.

It is well known that the five permanent members of the United Nations have a terrifying discourse power in the global political arena.

This unique position was born during a specific period, but as time passed after World War II, some countries tried to change this situation.

But what is the result?

Even China, which has the smallest discourse power among the five permanent members and even lost its discourse power for a while, has now regained an unshakable position in the United Nations.

The only reason why this can happen is that the five permanent members possess strategic weapons that can determine the fate of Earth-nuclear weapons.

There are more than just five countries on Earth that possess nuclear weapons, but why only the five permanent members can intimidate the world and be called the "big five rogues" behind their backs?

Because just knowing how to manufacture them is not enough. You also need to master the technology of intercontinental missiles and develop a nuclear strike capability that integrates land-based, air-based, and sea-based systems to ensure that you can throw your own nuclear weapons at your enemies if your interests are harmed or your country is invaded.

Apart from the five permanent members, only India, Pakistan, and Israel possess limited nuclear strike and counterattack capabilities, but the gap is still significant compared to the big five rogues.

Even so, this has also given India, Pakistan, and Israel a certain degree of discourse power in regional affairs and on the international stage.

Putting aside other factors for now, why does China have the lowest discourse power among the big five rogues? There are many reasons for this.

It is due to historical legacies, racial discrimination, and economic strength, but in fact, the most important reason is that China's nuclear strike and counterattack capabilities are generally not highly regarded by other countries in the world.

As for land-based systems, China is one of the few missile powers in the world, second only to the United States and Russia.

However, China's air-based and sea-based nuclear counterattack capabilities have always been its weaknesses.

The shortcomings of large strategic bombers restrict China's air-based nuclear counterattack strategy, and China's obvious shortcomings in military aircraft, especially in the field of power, mean that without external intervention, it will take another twenty or thirty years for China to see a glimmer of hope.

The same is true for sea-based systems. Emperor Taizu had a grand vision and shouted, "We must develop nuclear submarines even if it takes ten thousand years." China's military workers have indeed worked tirelessly to achieve this goal.

However, too much has been lost in modern times. Despite the development of China's nuclear submarines, they still face numerous problems, and their lack of capability is no better than the shortcomings in the aerospace field.

China's domestically built nuclear submarines suffer from high noise levels, poor power, outdated technology, and insufficient nuclear counterattack capabilities. They have never been able to shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding China's 9.6 million square kilometers of territory and over three million square kilometers of maritime sovereignty like the nuclear submarine forces of the United States and Russia.

This difficult problem was not solved until the last visit of Frenzy, when China obtained a large amount of new technology based on Russian nuclear submarine technology that had been upgraded and improved through trade with him, leading to a thorough improvement.

One month was enough time for the country's military experts to verify and determine the advancedness and reliability of the technology they obtained.

Chen Zhongyuan knew that a 094-type strategic nuclear submarine that had just started construction somewhere had been halted, and the modification and verification plan based on the 094-type was being redesigned. If everything went smoothly, a brand new 094 upgrade would be launched by early next year.

He even heard rumors that the superiors seemed to be moved by Frenzy's help in building submarines for Russia, and some naval bigwigs were vigorously lobbying for the introduction of this cooperation method.

Although some bigwigs were worried about the risk of military secrets being leaked through this cooperation, if used properly, it could upgrade China's strategic and counterattack capabilities in a very short period of time at minimal cost.

Therefore, even if Chen Zhongyuan had many complaints about Frenzy's failure to comply with the agreement, as the person in charge of contact with the other party, he had to rush to the Long Han hydropower station in the shortest possible time.

Fortunately, since China decided to use the Long Han hydropower station as a bargaining chip in the trade, a lot has been done in the past month.

This includes not only the large-scale relocation of nearby residents but also the construction of several makeshift military bases around the Long Han hydropower station.

The transport plane carrying Chen Zhongyuan could reach Long Han directly, and after three hours of turbulence, it successfully landed in a military base temporarily named "Honghe No.1". There, he finally saw the extraterrestrial visitor he had not contacted with China for more than a month.

"Are you... Your Excellency Frenzy?"

Although he had already been informed in advance from the report that a mechanical life form calling itself "Frenzy" had suddenly appeared near the Long Han hydropower station, the mechanical body had expanded to almost twice its original size of about three meters.

However, when Chen Zhongyuan personally arrived at the Long Han hydropower station and saw Sun Cheng, who was waiting for him in the "Honghe No.1" military base, his shock and suspicion could still not be concealed.

"Hello, General Chen Zhongyuan!"

Sun Cheng, who had already become a little impatient, tried hard to maintain a friendly demeanor.

Although he knew better than anyone else that the new mechanical body's fierce face was beyond compare with his original Frenzy mechanical body, he could only say that the Decepticon genes had already been imprinted into the depths of his Core.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 346 Lies and Cooperation (Part 1)


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