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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List

The chained flail whistled through the air, swung by Dust Up, and viciously smashed down towards Hysteria's head.

The ferocity of the blow was such that even a single hit from it would likely inflict serious injury on Hysteria.

It was clear that Dust Up was not holding back.

The sudden attack by Dust Up caught Onslaught off guard and gave Hysteria a startle, but he was not completely unprepared. After all, the Decepticons' nature made them ruthless, and since Sun Cheng had ordered Hysteria to guard Dust Up, he had treated him as a "prisoner". He had been causing trouble both overtly and covertly since then, taking advantage of his position of power.

Of course, it was impossible for Hysteria to not fear Dust Up, who was much stronger than him. So, even though Dust Up was acting as he usually did, with his eyes darting around, looking for trouble, Hysteria gave him a kick from behind. But after the kick, Hysteria also became more vigilant.

Fortunately, he was cautious enough that when Dust Up angrily pulled out his chained flail and swung it towards his head, Hysteria was able to quickly dodge to the side.


The flail landed heavily on the ground, and Dust Up's violent strength was unleashed on the concrete floor of the passage, leaving a radial crack in the ground.

After seeing the crack on the ground, Hysteria's face immediately darkened, and his eyes towards Dust Up were no longer filled with ill intentions, but with anger and killing intent. He knew that if he hadn't reacted in time and had been hit by Dust Up, his mechanical body would have suffered serious damage.

"Dust Up, do you want to rebel against our master?" threatened Hysteria in a sinister tone. This made Hysteria's chest burn with nameless anger, and he immediately summoned a plasma gun and pointed it at Dust Up.

This energy weapon had been provided to him by the base just over half a month ago, and its power was similar to that of the plasma shoulder cannons used by the other combat robots.

It wasn't that Sun Cheng didn't want to equip him with a more powerful energy weapon, but Hysteria couldn't bear the energy consumption of a more powerful weapon for the time being. So, until Hysteria and the others were given new mechanical bodies, including Forerunner, all the weapons used by the Decepticon warriors in the base were the lowest-level plasma guns.

After being coldly threatened by Hysteria, Dust Up temporarily regained his senses. Although he didn't break out in a cold sweat like a human, Hysteria's words did wake him up. He couldn't help but tremble at the thought of Frenzy, the Decepticon warrior who had left countless control mechanisms inside his core. His arm shook slightly, and his grip on the chained flail also loosened.

However, in the next moment, the gun barrel pointed at him by Hysteria, and the team of combat robots behind him who had switched to alert mode and were constantly pressing towards him, reignited the anger that Dust Up had not yet dissipated.

"Are you threatening me, you despicable reptile!" he glared at Hysteria fiercely, his heart boiling with killing intent. Although he hated Frenzy, the Decepticon warrior who had taken him prisoner for over a month, and knew he couldn't beat him, he was still somewhat afraid of him. But when it came to the green-skinned Decepticon in front of him, who was only acting tough, Dust Up had no fear at all.

As his chained flail swung, Dust Up leapt towards Hysteria and saw that although Hysteria's face was a little panicked, his movements were not slow at all. The blue light on the barrel of the plasma gun that had already been pointed at him flickered.

The next moment, while he was still in mid-air and unable to move freely, he suddenly felt a burning sensation on his left chest, and a violent explosion sounded out.


It was Hysteria's plasma gun. Although it was a hasty counterattack, the shot was still accurate, hitting Dust Up directly.


Dust Up took a strong hit and a visible crack appeared on the surface of the armor on his mechanical chest, sparking.

He kicked Hysteria to the ground and gasped for air, looking down at his chest. His already ugly face looked even more monstrous.

His murderous intent could no longer be suppressed, and Dust Up swore to kill the despicable reptile in front of him. As for his master behind him, Dust Up couldn't care less.

"Quickly take care of him, then immediately escape and report the situation here to Lord Starscream!"

Once he made up his mind, Dust Up didn't hold back. He suddenly threw his weapon, the combined flail, towards Hysteria, who had just climbed up from the ground after being kicked. At the same time, he reached behind him and grabbed a nail gun, which appeared in his left hand in the next moment.


The crisp sound of metal piercing soon rang out. Hysteria looked incredulously at his abdomen, where a slender metal spike easily pierced through his mechanical body armor, almost penetrating his entire body.

He looked at Dust Up in disbelief, but saw that he immediately raised the nail gun in his hand, this time aiming at his head.

"Damn, this guy wants to kill me..."

Hysteria instantly understood the unmasked killing intent on the other's face and was horrified. He quickly ordered the surrounding battle robots, "Attack him, quickly..."

At the moment when his command was issued, the electronic eyes of the four battle robots all lit up.

Immediately, the four plasma shoulder cannons adjusted their angles and fired at Dust Up.

Dust Up still had some fear of energy weapons, but the release speed of energy weapons was not fast, so he just rolled to the side and avoided the attack. However, he had to stop attacking Hysteria.

"Reptile, do you think you can survive with just these machines?"

Quickly getting up from the ground, Dust Up grabbed the embedded flail in the wall and fiercely smashed it towards one of the battle robots that was shooting and rushing towards him. The terrifying force immediately lifted it up and it fell heavily to the ground not far away.

The next moment, a piercing alarm immediately sounded in the base.

"Warning... Warning, combat in the C6 area, judged as 'Dust Up' attacking the base guards, immediate support, immediate support..."

"Warning... Warning, 'Dust Up' in C6 is suspected of defecting, armed forces are dispatched to eliminate..."

Along with the piercing alarm, a series of heavy footsteps immediately sounded in the corridor.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 332, Rebirth (4) 


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