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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


In Stark's field of vision, Schiller, dressed in a doctor's uniform, slowly walked up several steps and arrived at the center of the empty space in front of the door. When he opened his arms, the light from the top of the high tower shone on him, with layer upon layer of floors and stairs behind him, seemingly endless.

"Welcome to my thinking palace," Schiller said, and then lowered his head and said, "Regardless of when or where, those who are different from ordinary people are called patients."

"But when you are unable to gain an advantage in a group using ordinary methods, then being the sickest person is the only way to break free from this mediocre and dull life."

They heard Schiller's tone become more intense.

"If you can't cure this madness, turn it into an incomparable power and abandon conformity with ordinary people..."

"Be a fearless, insane patient."

Although Charles had already seen such a scene, he was still amazed by the unique temperament emanating from Schiller at this moment.

The world's most powerful mind reader was very clear that a person's mental world was his greatest charm, and he had never seen anyone like Schiller, who had such a unique and irresistible charm in his spiritual world.

Stark and Steve were silent. Now they finally understood why Charles said Schiller couldn't be cured, or rather, he didn't need to be cured.

If a person can have such a magnificent spiritual world and only appear slightly different from ordinary people on the surface, then no one has the right to treat him as a patient, and no one is qualified to treat him.

Just as Stark was about to speak, he heard a "click" sound from behind him. He turned his head and saw a large lock hanging on the door that Schiller had closed.

"I don't like guests who leave without saying goodbye, especially someone who speaks of curing me," Schiller smiled and said. "Since you have come to my house as guests, how can I not find something to entertain you?"

Steve also looked back at the lock and said, "Do you plan to lock us up here? Is that your idea of entertainment?"

"No, why would I use a lock to entertain others? That's just to prevent you from leaving too early. After all, there are not many visitors here. When guests come, they should stay a little longer."

Stark had a bad feeling. He found that he had been having more and more of these bad feelings lately, and they all came true. Just as this feeling arose in his heart, he heard Schiller calmly say in an excited tone:

"I really want to guide you, but since you are so confident, free exploration should not be too difficult for you."

"You can go up the stairs on your left, and then each of you can choose a room. Any room may have a key, and you cannot leave here without obtaining a key."

"Now..." Schiller raised his head, raised his voice, and said in a slightly excited tone, "The game begins!"

In an instant, Schiller's figure disappeared. Stark tilted his head and looked at Charles. Professor Charles understood what he meant and shook his head, saying, "No, I cannot forcibly take you out of here."

"If it were just me, I could try to do it, but Steve, and you, you are both normal in terms of mental strength. I'm afraid you cannot accept a too violent way of teleportation."

"Okay." Stark hugged his arms and looked up at the situation on the high tower. He said, "I want to see what's here."

The three of them walked up the staircase that Schiller had mentioned, and their eye-opening tour had just begun.

As soon as they arrived on the flat corridor, they saw countless figures shuttling back and forth.

Stark had just taken two steps forward when he saw Schiller walking towards him. Stark wanted to speak, but this Schiller brushed past him. Stark turned to look at his back, and another Schiller hurriedly walked past his left shoulder.

"Sorry! Excuse me!" The Schiller rushed past him, and Stark wanted to stop him, but another Schiller knocked him in a circle.

Just now, the last person to pass by was Schiller, who seemed to be in a teenage state. When Steve turned his head curiously to look at him, he saw a child running past.

In the corridor opposite the courtyard, there was also Schiller making a phone call, and Schiller had just walked out of the door. Stark held his neck and said after a while, "I really underestimated how crazy he is."

"Don't tell me all these are his personalities?" Steve asked, looking at the scene on the opposite corridor, hesitating, "Is there really a need for treatment?"

Charles sighed and said, "This is what I said before, I cannot treat Schiller."

He explained, "Most patients with dissociative identity disorder are triggered by some kind of stimulus. After being stimulated, their original personality cannot withstand this kind of stimulus, so a new personality is created to replace them to deal with something they cannot bear."

"Of course, some people may split into multiple personalities at once, or they may split into multiple personalities due to repeated stimuli."

"But the more split personalities there are, the more oppressed the main personality will be. The proportion of his consciousness will decrease, which will cause him to control his body for a shorter and shorter time, while losing consciousness for a longer and longer time."

"This will seriously affect the patient's normal life. Therefore, the main personality may have a great malice towards other personalities and refuse to accept them, which will cause the situation of separation to become more and more serious."

"And when the main personality has malice towards other personalities, the other personalities will also become more and more uncontrollable, and may even do things that harm the main personality. If not intervened, it will eventually evolve into a struggle between personalities."

Charles also walked to the railing and looked at the passing figures on the opposite corridor. He said, "I don't know if you have ever fantasized about creating a new personality to replace yourself to complete some troublesome things."

Steve smiled and said, "Yes, when I was still a cartoonist, I fantasized about how great it would be to have another me to do the inking for me?"...

"Many people regard multiple personalities as a 'convenient' disease. They believe that having personalities with different abilities and identities can help them gain more abilities."

"So they can avoid things they don't want to do and throw those things to their other personalities. But in fact, this is impossible."

"If not intervened and treated, it will eventually evolve into a situation where personalities kill each other."

"So..." Stark looked at the towering tower with countless floors and asked himself, "How did he do it?"

"It is not difficult to split personalities. Anyone who has a strong control over his own consciousness can do it, including you and me, Tony."

"But the difficult part is how to make these personalities coexist peacefully and perform their respective duties. This is almost impossible."

"Any personality that is born will not feel like a secondary personality. They will all want control of the body, and they will naturally want to kill the main personality."

"So where is Schiller's main personality?" Steve asked.

"I'm afraid we have to go deep into this tower to find out." Charles turned around and said, "I have been here several times, but I must remind you that this is definitely a very dangerous place."

"Among the dissociative identity disorder patients I have seen, one or several of their personalities will be dangerous."

"Among so many personalities, there must be several extreme criminals." Charles said, and turned around to explain to Stark and Steve, "I don't know if you have ever had nightmares. If you are injured in this world, it is equivalent to having a very serious nightmare. It will not kill you, but it will damage your spirit. It may take several days to recover."

"So, if you really encounter an uncontrollable danger, concentrate your attention and silently recite my name. I can forcibly bring you back here."

"Although this will also consume some of your spirit, at least it will not make you lie in bed for several days."

"Thank you, Professor." Stark looked at the situation on the corridor and said, "Just now, Schiller said for us to choose a room each. Does that mean only one person can enter a room?"

"I think it's better to do as he says for safety." Steve touched his chin and said, "It seems that we have to act separately."

"Which floor are you going to?" Stark asked him. Steve shrugged and said, "You go first, I can go anywhere."

Stark snorted and said, "You better not underestimate it. Your mental strength is only that of an ordinary person, and you don't have strong control over the world of consciousness. You should choose a simpler room, otherwise..."

Steve turned his head left and right, and his gaze fell on the closest door to him. He said, "Then this one."

He walked up and looked at the door. There was nonameplate or any indication of what might be inside. He hesitated for a moment before turning the doorknob and pushing the door open.

Inside, he found himself in a small room with no windows and only one door. The walls were bare and the floor was made of cold concrete. There was a single bed in the corner, and a small table with a chair next to it. On the table, there was a notebook and a pen.

Steve walked over to the table and picked up the notebook. Flipping through it, he saw that it was filled with handwriting, but he couldn't make out what it said. He put the notebook back down and sat on the bed, trying to calm his nerves and prepare himself for whatever might come next.

As he sat there, he couldn't help but wonder what was happening to his friends in the other rooms. He hoped that they were safe and that they would all make it out of this place alive.

But for now, all he could do was wait and hope that he would be able to control his own mind and not fall prey to any of the dangers that lurked within this tower of dissociative identities.

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 390: Bizarre Stitching (Part 2)


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