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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Jiangzhen Electric Power University, 3rd floor of a school district dormitory building in the South Campus.

"I'm back..."

Pushing open the door to the dormitory, Chu Yun, who had just returned from the library, walked in with a somewhat listless spirit.

"Hey, second brother, you're back!"

Inside the dormitory, all of Chu Yun's roommates were present.

In the third year of Electric Power University, the courses were about one-third fewer compared to the previous two years, giving students more free time. Many students had become obsessed with online games.

For example, Chu Yun and his roommates in the dormitory would usually spend their free time playing a popular American MOBA competitive online game called "300 Heroes," which was endorsed by Panda Games, a subsidiary of Panda Communication Group.


Throwing his book onto the table, Chu Yun poured himself a glass of water, raised it to his lips, and finished most of it in one gulp. Then he complained, "Whoever invented the insane system of final exams must have been out of their mind. The school year is about to end, and the much-anticipated summer vacation is almost here. Why do we have to take exams before the end of the school year..."

Failing exams was a common occurrence for college students.

Chu Yun rarely skipped classes, and he didn't get distracted during lectures.

However, the university system was different. Unlike high school, middle school, or elementary school, universities didn't force students to study. In fact, many universities in China, except for the first two years with heavier course loads, significantly reduced the number of courses in the last two years.

As a result of this relaxed learning environment, even Chu Yun, who had achieved outstanding results in the college entrance examination, became somewhat lax in his studies.

After his third year of university, apart from attending classes, he rarely spent his spare time reviewing his studies. Consequently, he failed an exam for the first time during the previous semester's final exams.

"That's so true..."

As soon as he made this complaint, his roommates immediately chimed in.

Chu Yun stood with his teacup, watching his roommates and friends engrossed in their game. Since he didn't share the same interest, he quickly felt bored and headed towards his own computer desk.

Just as he pulled out the chair and sat down, his phone, which he had placed on the table, suddenly started ringing.

Chu Yun picked it up and saw an unfamiliar number. After hesitating for a moment, he answered the call, and a young man's voice came from the other end, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Chu Yun? Hello, I have a delivery for you. I'm outside the east gate of Jiangzhen Electric Power University. Should I bring it to the guard room?"

"A delivery?"

Chu Yun paused for a moment. He didn't remember making any recent online purchases.

Just as he was about to inquire about the situation, a sudden realization flashed through Chu Yun's mind, and his expression changed slightly. He remembered an incident that occurred the day before yesterday afternoon.

"I see. Please leave the delivery with the guard, and I'll come pick it up right away!"

After ending the call, he immediately stood up from the chair and headed towards the dormitory's exit.

Curious, one of his roommates asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm picking up a delivery!"

Chu Yun quickly replied and left the dormitory, making his way towards the east gate of the university.

A few minutes later, when he reached the east gate, the delivery person had already left. However, the guard room was bustling with activity. Five or six students around Chu Yun's age were searching through a pile of packages, looking for their own deliveries.

"Master, I'll pick up the delivery!"

After politely greeting the security guard, a slightly chubby person made way for him, letting him in. "The recently delivered packages are here, go find yours."

"Got it, thank you!"

Chu Yun was fortunate enough to spot a young man picking up a courier package about the size of a 32-page book. And on it was the recipient's name—none other than Chu Yun himself.

"Hey, friend. This should be my delivery..."

Chu Yun politely said to the guy who was about to put it down and continue searching for his own package. The person turned his head to look at him and nodded, then handed it over.

"Thank you!"

Chu Yun thanked him and took a look. The contact number displayed on it was indeed his own. And when he looked at the sender's address marked as 'Cybertron Technology Company,' his excitement couldn't be contained. "Could it be true?"

Suppressing the immediate urge to open the package, Chu Yun confirmed that it was indeed his delivery. He left the guard room and ran back to the dormitory building, pushing open the door to his dorm room with a loud bang.

The person closest to the door was Chu Yun's roommate, Wang Ning. When Chu Yun entered, Wang Ning and others were playing a game. Startled by the sudden entrance, Wang Ning's hand paused as he was controlling a half-health crocodile fighting a bunny girl named Riven. The opponent swiftly executed a series of high-speed combos, taking advantage of the situation, and Wang Ning's screen turned black, sending him back to the fountain.

Seeing this, Wang Ning immediately looked at Chu Yun displeasedly. "Damn it, you're in a hurry to be reborn, second dude, you scared me..."

"Heh heh..."

Chu Yun smirked at him but continued moving without pause. He went straight to his computer desk, hastily pulled out a chair, and sat down, eager to open the package he had brought back.

Wang Ning lit a cigarette for himself. Seeing that the respawn time was over 30 seconds, he approached grumpily.

"What did you buy that has you so excited?" He teased his roommate Chu Yun as he walked closer, his face suddenly brightening with a mischievous smile. "Could it be... I'll be damned, you sly guy, did you buy some romance/fun props online or something?"

As soon as these words were uttered, all the attention in the dorm room turned to Chu Yun.

"...There's no hope for this round, let it go..."

Chu Yun's other roommate, Lin Zhengyu, sitting behind him, was also playing the game with Wang Ning. Having chosen the support role this time, he was killed by the opponents in his own jungle and sighed, stepping away from the computer.

Clearly, Lin Zhengyu also heard Wang Ning's remarks and couldn't help but turn around and approach Chu Yun.

"...I'll be damned, second dude, you didn't actually buy some props online, did you..."

Chu Yun glared at his roommates, who were now gathering around with grinning faces, and harshly retorted, "Get lost, don't lump me together with you three troublemakers..."

Meanwhile, his hands swiftly tore open the outer packaging of the delivery, revealing a flat cardboard box the size of a 32-page book.

"What's in it..."

Wang Ning, Lin Zhengyu, and the others crowded around Chu Yun as soon as they saw him unpacking the bag. In an instant, they were all confronted with the sight of a logo resembling a metallic fox mask, engraved with silver lacquer, gleaming on the box.

Seeing this, Chu Yun could no longer conceal his excitement and eagerly grabbed the weighty box.

"It's real, it's real... Cybertron Technology wasn't lying. So, opening a permanent membership actually gets you a free portable hard drive!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 308 Detonation


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