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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


To prevent this situation from happening, in addition to unraveling the complex grievances and giving each other time to calm down, their emotions must also be released. Only when all emotions are emptied, all energy is consumed, can everyone achieve true peace of mind.

If not, even if they sit down and talk, it will just turn into another argument. When everyone is angry, even geniuses like Stark and justice like Steve can hardly discuss things objectively. No matter how much they argue, they are just venting their emotions.

Instead of that, it is better to create an opportunity for them to release their emotions.

But the problem is that these people are called superheroes precisely because their moral standards are indeed extraordinary. Even if you ask them to fight each other, they will never agree.

The first thing to solve is the issue of venue. If these superhumans fight in New York, it will definitely cause city destruction and calamity. Even if they are arguing with each other, they will not resort to violence. Therefore, Schiller took the initiative to go to the Hive home planet with Jacqueline. He knew that Stark and Steve would not sit idly by and would surely come looking for him. There are many places to fight in space, but who knew that the Hive home planet was a feng shui treasure land?

Of course, even if there is a suitable venue, it is difficult for these well-controlled superheroes to really fight each other. They are all adults. Even if they are holding back their anger, they will not express it openly, let alone beat their teammates for it.

At this time, rainwater mixed with the Dionysian factor can effectively provoke their emotions. That comes from the most primitive chaos and madness in another world, and any insane existence with a character not higher than Joker will be affected by it.

Afterwards, to make the scene bigger, the Yellow Lantern Hulk who entered later was a stick that stirred up trouble. The symbiotes who originally wanted to board the spaceship but were persuaded by Schiller to stay also did the same. As for Connors, he just wanted to punch Stark and this was a perfect opportunity.

In this way, the superheroes vented their emotions. The Hive, who planned to counterattack Earth, died in the star evolution, Hulk released his anger, and everything became much quieter afterwards. Connors gave Stark a punch and fulfilled his wish. Spider-Man and the symbiotes honed their fighting skills in the chaos, Strange reported the revenge of being surrounded and beaten by Iron Man and Captain America, and also experimented with various treasures left by the Supreme Sorcerer during the battle.

Iron Man and Captain America thoroughly fought and settled their accounts. All members of the Avengers exhausted all their physical and mental strength, avoiding the occurrence of a real civil war.

Most importantly, Schiller took revenge for his new umbrella.

This is a plan full of Gotham style, taking advantage of the situation and achieving multiple goals. Although the process is a bit dark, the result is perfect.

Only a world where the enemy is injured has been achieved. The Hive home planet... oh, no, the entire star system where the Hive home planet is located has been completely swallowed by the red giant star evolved by the star. Except for the superhumans picked up by Schiller and the Glorious Fleet that flew away early, there is nothing left in the entire star system.

In the hall of the Glorious spaceship, everyone is lying on the ground in a mess. They don't even have the strength to move their fingers.

In this crazy battle, everyone was an enemy, and each person was in a state of being beaten or surrounded. In the end, Stark's armor drained the last bit of energy, Steve was so tired that he couldn't stand up, and couldn't even hold his shield. Peter's Spider-Shooter had run out of materials, and even Lizard with super self-healing ability was completely exhausted.

Everyone was lying on the ground in the hall, unable to move. Only Schiller, who was still in good condition, stood in the center, holding his arms and patrolling back and forth.

He first walked to Stark's side and clicked his tongue twice, saying, "I heard that you used up all the energy of the three energy cores? Looks like you don't have enough batteries with you."

Stark struggled to open his face mask manually, letting Schiller see his white eyes. He was so tired that he couldn't even speak. Operating the armor and machinery at high intensity until the energy was drained, his ever-inspirational brain felt tired for the first time.

Schiller stepped over Iron Man's outstretched arm and walked to Steve's side. Steve was already half-closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep. Schiller hesitated for a moment, but still gave this conscience of the Avengers a break and didn't mock him.

Then he crossed over Steve's calf and came to Peter's side. Peterwas panting heavily, his Spider-Shooter empty and his suit torn. Schiller grinned and said, "Not bad, Spider-Man. You've improved a lot since the last time we met."

Peter tried to sit up, but was too tired to even lift his head. He managed to say, "Thanks...I guess."

Schiller chuckled and patted Peter's shoulder, then moved on to Lizard. The reptilian creature was lying on his back, panting heavily. Schiller glanced at him and said, "You're not bad either, Dr. Connors. I didn't expect you to have such strong self-healing abilities."

Connors grunted in response, too tired to say anything else.

Schiller finally walked over to Strange, who was lying on his stomach. He kicked him lightly and said, "Hey, Sorcerer Supreme, are you still alive?"

Strange groaned and slowly lifted his head. He looked up at Schiller with bloodshot eyes and said, "I'm alive. Barely."

Schiller chuckled and said, "Good. I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other again soon."

Strange groaned again and closed his eyes, too tired to respond.

Schiller stood in the center of the hall, looking down at the exhausted superheroes. He felt a sense of satisfaction. He had achieved his revenge, and at the same time, he had given these superheroes a chance to release their emotions and let off some steam.

He knew that they would be back to their usual selves soon enough, but for now, they were just a bunch of tired, beat-up individuals lying on the ground.

Schiller smiled and said to himself, "This was a good day."

Peter and Venom both snorted coldly and turned their heads in opposite directions, seeming to loathe each other. The symbiotes sitting at the table also looked a little wilted. They rarely engaged in such high-intensity combat, but compared to humans, their stamina was much better, and they were still able to chat at this point.

"My goodness! I've never experienced such a chaotic battle before! Blue Spirit, what about you? Was it like this when you fought Knull?"

"Of course not." Blue Spirit leaned his head back on the chair and said, "At that time, we were a normal team, and I had teammates. We each had our own roles and moved forward together. But just now..."

He covered his head with his palm and said, "I still haven't figured out who I hit and who hit me. I remember several times my magic was a bit off..."

"You hit me several times!" Red Bee's voice came from Peter's mouth. "Boss, I didn't know you hated me so much. Even when you were thrown away, you still didn't forget to give me a kick..."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." Blue Spirit shrugged, and Thunderbolt immediately exposed him, "You've been complaining about Red Bee for a long time. If it wasn't intentional, I can't figure out how you could accurately kick him in the process of flying backwards."

"But you kicked my head!" Peter said somewhat aggrievedly. "You glued my eyes shut with your slime, and I accidentally ran into Dr. Connors in front of me!"

"Don't make excuses, Peter." Connors lay on the sofa next to them, his eyes closed and his drowsiness evident. "You just wanted to retaliate for the tail that I hit you with before. You're a grudge-holder."

"I swear I didn't!" Peter shouted. He rolled over and tried to get up from the ground, but halfway through, he screamed in pain. "Oh! My back!"

Hearing Peter's scream, Steve suddenly woke up. He opened his eyes forcefully and said hoarsely, "Sorry, Peter, I didn't mean to hit you with my shield. I was trying to deal with Stark's missile."

"Are you still blaming me?" Stark raised his voice in rebuttal. "I didn't use my missiles to deal with someone who only knows how to wave a cold weapon shield. I was originally trying to eliminate that huge tentacle."

"Don't you all remember? That was our enemy."

As soon as Stark said this, the whole scene quieted down. Peter hesitated and said, "Um... I did forget. Its tentacles are the same color as the ground, and I couldn't understand what it was saying."

"I've already transmitted a translation module to your combat suit. Did you not open it?" Stark tilted his head forward and looked at Peter. Peter covered his eyes with his arm, saying, "I think I heard a prompt tone, but at that time, I was too focused on fighting and didn't pay any attention."

"What did he say then?" Blue Spirit asked.

"I can understand his language, but the explosion was too loud at the time, and I didn't hear it clearly."

"He seemed to be shouting something like 'humans are crazy,' and then he screamed. There was nothing meaningful."

"Crazy? I think we really are crazy." Peter turned over and lay on the ground, with his chin resting on the ground, muttering unclearly, "I don't even know where my urge came from. I just wanted to fight."

"Me too. Actually, I know my mood hasn't been good recently, but it hasn't reached this level."

Stark moved his arms and then hammered his own head with his fist, saying, "I feel like we must have been influenced by something. I rarely have such irrational moments."

"Do you not know? Hive has the ability to influence others' minds, otherwise how could he have so many human followers?" Schiller leaned against the wall and spoke up.

"I found this information in the records of the planetary lords at the governor's office, but because that place has been bombed, no records were left behind."

"I can be certain that he does have this special ability, maybe he wants you to fight each other."

"Wait, are you saying that Hive has the ability to influence people's minds?" Stark frowned and said, "What is the range of this ability? Can it be transmitted remotely? Or do his followers have this ability too?"

Suddenly, Steve also realized this. He and Stark looked at each other, and Steve slowly got up from the ground. He had regained some strength and stumbled to the sofa, then put his fingers to his forehead and said, "I feel something is off, let's review everything from the beginning..."

"Where did this all start?" Steve asked, and Stark continued his words, "During the phone call between T'Challa and me, we found out that he was under attack..."

"We found that the spear that stabbed T'Challa was coated with an unbreakable poison. Erik shouted 'Hydra,' and in order to investigate the source of this poison, we started to fight Hydra."

Steve sighed and said, "Because our styles of action were too different, we split into two groups. You organized the Radiance Alliance, and I organized the Avengers."

"Then inexplicably, a competition began to see who could deal with Hydra better... My goodness, what was I doing? Was I treating this as a game between little students?" Steve said incredulously.

"I admit, I wanted to be better than you, so I started this competition. I don't think that's childish, because the winner is Stark." Stark raised his voice and said, "But in the end, you came to me!"

But he turned his words, and said with some doubt, "But you came to me because your actions weren't going well. I don't understand how the whole thing escalated so quickly? You encountered difficulties too early, and why did Hydra suddenly become so difficult to deal with?"

"That's right, because Hydra became difficult to deal with, so we united again." Steve recalled.

"Then a mysterious person approached Schiller, and we were led to Hive's main planet. In a situation where everyone was angry, a big battle began."

Suddenly, Stark started to feel a chill down his back. He said, "What if we were influenced not on this planet, but on Earth..."

Steve's movements visibly stiffened, and he said, "Are you saying that this is a plot by Hydra?"

"That's right..." Stark became more and more convinced of his reasoning. "This must be Hydra's plot."

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 382 - Three Detectives (Part 3)



The culprit is standing and gloating right in front of them (-‸ლ)