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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"The energy displayed in the light sphere has increased by more than three hundred compared to the last time I returned to the real world..."

There is no doubt that the spherical space can absorb energy from the outside world.

Before the light screens turned into floating light spheres, the numbers representing energy on the light screens had changed several times.

Although I had limited understanding of the spherical space and was struggling to establish myself in the world of Transformers at that time, after discovering this, Sun Cheng didn't have the energy to thoroughly investigate the cause.

But time passed, and it has been some time since the incident that happened to him.

In the past few months, not only has Sun Cheng grown a lot in reality, but in the world known as the "Transformers Universe" within the spherical space, although his situation is still not great, at least compared to the first time he traveled, Sun Cheng has already built his own power in the other world.

In the world of Transformers before, I didn't expect Megatron to fake his death and hide in the Marianas Trench. Due to my carelessness, I was almost invaded by Megatron into the Core.

In the critical moment, thanks to the intervention of the spherical space within me, I forcibly dispelled Megatron's invasion information.

However, Sun Cheng narrowly escaped death, but the spherical space was greatly damaged. For a long time before I returned, even the connection with it was barely there.

It was that encounter that completely awakened Sun Cheng and made him realize the importance of the spherical space within him, which frightened him.

It can provide storage capabilities and is the key to traveling between the two worlds.

Realizing this, Sun Cheng began to take the spherical space within him seriously.

Something that can cause significant changes in the spherical space, like the ancient amber obtained from Isla Nublar, is likely to be extremely rare.

Therefore, after attempting to learn more about the secrets of the spherical space, he first focused his research on the mechanism of energy absorption in the space and prepared to test some ideas.

Soon, Sun Cheng disconnected from the light sphere and tried to float towards a pile of materials not far away.

Near the massive hunter ship, a neatly arranged pile of materials, reaching a height of two people, extended in a row over nine meters.

These materials are of various types, including some ultra-rare metals obtained from Russia and China in different worlds, weapons and ammunition produced by Decepticon engineers, precision instruments and equipment, and even several recently manufactured industrial and combat robots.

Since discovering that the spherical space has te ability to store objects, although it requires some energy to put things in and take them out, considering its concealment, Sun Cheng gradually began to use it as a confidential material storage warehouse to prevent the worst-case scenario.

At one end of the row of materials, three inconspicuous storage boxes are placed.

From a material standpoint, the storage boxes are entirely crystal clear and transparent, resembling transparent glass.

And in fact, it is indeed quite similar. They are made of a new type of metallic glass, and during the manufacturing process, an appropriate amount of phosphorus, silicon, germanium, palladium, chromium, and other elements are added to the material. It is not only harder than steel but also has excellent corrosion resistance.

Through the storage box made of this new type of metallic glass, Sun Cheng can clearly see that all three boxes are currently filled with the same type of transparent liquid emitting a light blue fluorescence. It is the unique substance of Cybertronian civilization - high-purity energy liquid.

The three storage boxes made of metal glass are not large, each containing ten thousand units, which is commonly referred to as ten thousand points of high-purity energy liquid by the mechanical beings. High-purity energy liquid can be considered the most representative technological product of Cybertronian civilization in the Transformers universe. It can convert various forms of energy, such as wind energy, thermal energy, and nuclear energy, into liquid energy through complex and rigorous transformation processes.

Ten thousand points of high-purity energy liquid are enough for a Decepticon elite warrior to use for a long period of time. However, if we consider only the weight, it can be stored in a container of approximately 14.85 liters, which is significantly heavier than pure water, weighing about thirty-five or six pounds.

In front of Sun Cheng are these three storage boxes made of metal glass, which he used as test specimens to experiment with the spherical space energy absorption mechanism when he returned to the real world in a previous instance.

Out of the three storage boxes, one is tightly sealed. Apart from the metal glass exterior separating it from the air, the energy liquid inside is stored in a bag specially made by the engineers to store energy liquid. As Sun Cheng approaches it, he notices that there are hardly any signs of the energy liquid decreasing in this box.

His gaze briefly lingers on the first box, and then Sun Cheng, deep in thought, quickly shifts his attention to the adjacent second storage box.

The second storage box is not sealed either. Inside, it is the same as the first box, with the energy liquid contained in a bag made of the same special material. Upon closer inspection, the energy liquid inside the box shows almost no signs of decrease.

On the contrary, the third box, made of metal glass, contains the 10,000-point high-purity energy liquid, weighing tens of kilograms, without any isolation measures. It is openly placed in the air.

At this moment, as Sun Cheng looks at it, the energy liquid that should have filled the third box has astonishingly diminished to only a thin layer.

And the remaining energy liquid has mysteriously vanished!

In an instant, a delighted smile appears on Sun Cheng's face.

"Hypothesis one, the spherical space can absorb energy through my Frenzymechanical body in the Transformers world. Although I haven't had the chance to confirm this hypothesis yet. However, the second hypothesis should be confirmed: the spherical space can indeed directly absorb energy from its interior..."

The fact that the spherical space can directly absorb the high-purity energy liquid of the Cybertronian civilization to replenish energy consumption is a remarkable discovery.

Although high-purity energy liquid is rare, as Sun Cheng's No. 2 base in the alternate world gradually becomes more established, especially after establishing a partnership with Russia, several nuclear power plants are being rapidly constructed.

Once the nuclear power plant is completed, although it can't be said that a constant stream of energy fluid will be produced, he won't have to store even a few bags of energy fluid with a thousand points like he did a long time ago, and only reluctantly use them when absolutely necessary. By squeezing it a little, he can quickly produce a considerable amount of energy fluid to replenish the consumption of the spherical space.

This also means that some problems that have been worrying Sun Cheng for a long time will no longer be problems.

With sufficient energy support, he can travel more frequently between the two worlds. Moreover, as he is essentially carrying around a huge warehouse, he can use the spherical space to store and transport equipment and materials. If needed, he can even store an army of fully armed battle robots in this space.

Perhaps he can finally achieve a state of fearlessness.

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