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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


This unremarkable basement is actually the laboratory of the [Asian Star] series of supercomputers.

Sun Cheng looked around the laboratory subconsciously, somewhat surprised.

This is the project laboratory of [Asia Star]. Although this type of supercomputer was only announced by the Nandu Supercomputing Center in 2010, so far only 1/2 of the two models have been shown to the outside world.

However, as China's first attempt to enter the commercial market, the [Asian Star] supercomputer, while not the best in terms of performance, is widely recognized as a more energy-efficient and cost-effective supercomputer.

The reason why he regarded Zheng Jun differently just now is because the [Asian Star] supercomputer indeed has its merits, or rather, Zheng Jun and his team's efforts to bring supercomputers to the market align with Sun Cheng's own views.

In his opinion, supercomputers are indeed a crucial asset for the country, and keeping them confined instead of actively promoting their widespread application would undoubtedly be a serious waste of resources.

The [Asian Star] series of supercomputers that have garnered global attention were developed in this inconspicuous laboratory, which is indeed an intriguing fact. However, after surveying the surroundings for a week, he nodded discreetly to himself, acknowledging that there was more to this place than meets the eye.

The laboratory space is not large, approximately sixty or seventy square meters.

Upon entering, a few steps lead to several rows of neatly arranged workstations. Sun Cheng glanced briefly, noticing exactly 36 desks. They were not only equipped with various desktop and laptop computers for work, but many of them also had scattered books and files.

The workstations were concentrated in the middle of the laboratory. The front wall was mostly covered by three enormous screens, with the left and right sides displaying numerous independent surveillance cameras. It was likely footage from the [Asia Star] computer room. The massive screen in the middle displayed sets of data, such as "Temperature xx, humidity xx, motherboard detection... cpu temperature..."

On both sides of the laboratory, the walls were replaced with two massive transparent glass panels. Each panel had a small door, allowing a clear view of the surrounding vast space, where cabinet-style processors and equipment boxes unique to supercomputers were neatly arranged.

Without surprise, these should be the [Asian Star] series of supercomputers.

After entering the laboratory one after another, a group of individuals in white lab coats immediately gathered around Sun Cheng, forming an inner and outer circle.

Shen Peiyuan and Xu Chun were left on the sidelines, but they were tactful enough to know that they were not the main focus today. Therefore, before entering the laboratory, they voluntarily distanced themselves from Sun Cheng.

"This young comrade is Mr. Sun..."

An old man, appearing to be around fifty or sixty years old with slightly graying hair, walked up to Sun Cheng. He reached out and shook hands with Sun Cheng, wearing a smile on his face. "Previously, Director Zheng brought a brand-new DRAM device for testing, claiming it to be your company's product. Young people these days are truly remarkable, as the quality is on par with foreign counterparts..."

Sun Cheng raised an eyebrow, sensing that there was more to the old man's words.

Previously, he had entrusted Shen Peiyuan to deliver two 50T memory storage devices to the Supercomputing Center. These devices were meticulously crafted to meet the center's strict specifications and external technology standards.

Although they hadn't utilized much technology from the Cybertron, the hard disk manufacturing technology Sun Cheng brought from a different world originated from the hands of Decepticon engineers. Furthermore, they were produced using 3D printers, surpassing both the technological and quality standards of any DRAM device currently available in the real world.

Sun Cheng believed that once the Supercomputing Center tested the devices, they would easily recognize their excellence. The data reading speed had increased by 60%, while power consumption remained lower than that of any 10T storage device on the market.

However, he quickly realized something.

Even if the other party received and tested the equipment he had sent, they would likely still doubt the capabilities of a relatively unknown domestic startup company like theirs to produce world-class DRAM devices.

While he understood that skepticism was natural at the beginning stages of establishing a company, Sun Cheng couldn't help but feel a bit displeased.

He could tell that although Shen Peiyuan, the principal of Nangong University, could establish connections with the Supercomputing Center, receiving face and being taken seriously were two different matters. Zheng Jun's attitude just now revealed as much.

These thoughts flickered through his mind, and upon realizing this, Sun Cheng knew it was time to make his own impression.

Without a hint of stage fright, Sun Cheng looked directly at the gray-haired old man in front of him and said, "Indeed, some time ago, I entrusted Principal Shen to deliver the storage devices to your Supercomputing Center. They are indeed products of our company, Cybertron Technologies!"

"I don't know how to address you, sir, but I believe many people here share your doubts. How can a relatively unknown domestic startup company manufacture world-class DRAM devices?"

"I understand this skepticism. Although our country's semiconductor industry started not long after foreign counterparts, our foundation is still far behind that of Europe and the United States. Hence, there is still a gap in terms of level and quality."

Not only did Zheng Jun, who stood to the side, look at him with a slight change in his gaze, but the gray-haired old man in front of him remained calm. "Indeed, Mr. Sun, please forgive us. We have unpacked and inspected the equipment you sent to check for any traces of tampering..."

What are "frosting" marks?

"Frosting" marks refer to grinding off the surface markings of European and American semiconductor products purchased overseas using abrasive paper. These products are then slightly disguised and presented as their own to deceive others.

Don't think this kind of behavior is ridiculous. A few years ago, there was such a "prodigy" in China who held a chip manufactured by Broadcom, an American communication chip maker, and claimed that it was a domestically produced chip created by his own team. This deception not only fooled the government into providing significant policy support, but also deceived banks in Shencheng and domestic venture capital firms that were just starting out, resulting in investments totaling hundreds of millions. It quickly garnered attention both domestically and internationally.

This shows that the more unattainable an industry appears to outsiders, the easier it is to deceive people through illicit means.

Sun Cheng is a student in the Microelectronics Department at Nangong University. How could he not know about the infamous "National Chip Incident"?

He smiled calmly, refraining from commenting on the supercomputing center's caution, and instead gestured towards the metal briefcase he had brought.

"Caution is necessary, but please don't assume that we will always lag behind due to temporary setbacks in the country. What I have here is the latest DRAM device prepared by our company specifically for supercomputers. Please feel free to test it!"


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 295: Order Completion (Part 2)


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