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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In a unit flat in the suburbs of Gucheng City, office worker Liu Zixu sat in front of the computer with a freshly cooked cup of instant noodles. He was taken aback when a window suddenly popped up in the bottom right corner of the screen.

"[Cybertron Workshop] Notice to Users!"

Liu Zixu placed the cup of noodles next to the keyboard and looked with surprise at the unexpected pop-up window in the lower right corner.

As an IT professional, he had a much deeper understanding of computers than the average person and often dealt with operating systems in his daily work.

Although Microsoft had already released the latest Windows 10 operating system, many users didn't feel the need to upgrade because Windows 10 had more unnecessary features. The improvements from Windows 7/8 to Windows 10 weren't as significant as advertised, and its hardware requirements were not as low as Microsoft claimed.

As a result, for a long time, Liu Zixu's old laptop at home still ran on the outdated Windows XP system, except for using Windows 7 at his workplace.

Just a week ago, based on a recommendation from a friend, Liu Zixu had downloaded a new optimized version of the XP system called "[Pure XP]" from XP Home.

After spending half a day familiarizing himself with it, Liu Zixu completely fell in love with this XP system that had been optimized by a domestic studio.

This "Pure XP" version could be called the "Super XP." It was astonishing that an outdated system from more than ten years ago could be optimized to provide an experience no less than Windows 10.

A large number of useless plugins and software had been removed, and the system had been streamlined to the point where it could effortlessly handle even the Pentium 4 from twenty years ago.

Additionally, the studio had thoughtfully replaced Microsoft's original XP media player, input method, and browser with several highly acclaimed alternatives available on the market.

The most surprising thing was that they even optimized the user interface, giving XP a look and feel similar to Windows 10.

All these factors made Liu Zixu fall in love with this "[Pure XP]" system as soon as he started using it. He became a dedicated fan and enthusiastically shared this "Super XP" system with his friends.

Out of curiosity, he had also sought information about the optimizer of the "[Pure XP]" system. Therefore, he knew the meaning of the term "[Cybertron Workshop]."

"The optimizer of the 'Pure XP' system? Let's click and take a look..."

When he discovered that it was a notification from the optimizer of the "[Pure XP]" system he was using, Liu Zixu was somewhat surprised. Without hesitation, he decided to open it and read it.

So, he controlled the mouse and clicked on the "[Cybertron Workshop] Notice to Users." In the next moment, the system's built-in browser immediately opened a webpage, and a not-so-long article appeared on the screen.

"Dear user, greetings!

Thank you for your support for our studio's first product, the '[Pure XP]' system, and for taking the time to follow our updates amidst your busy schedule."

"[Cybertron Studio] is a newly established team. Although our founder is a current student at Nandu University of Technology, driven by a common dream, we created Cybertron Studio and hope to bring new products that provide users with better experiences. For this dream, more and more members have joined us. Currently, many members of our studio are skilled technicians with years of industry experience."

"[Pure Edition XP] is a non-profit project that we have developed and optimized based on Microsoft's XP operating system. We were pleasantly surprised to find that this learning project received strong promotion from the platform [XP Home] and gained excellent popularity and feedback nationwide."

"Thanks to the success of [Pure Edition XP], our studio has gained industry attention and received a substantial investment, which enabled us to establish our own company - Cybertron Technology Corporation. On behalf of all the members at Cybertron, we sincerely thank all the users who have supported us throughout."

"In the future, we will continue to optimize [Pure Edition XP] and continue to share it for free on the Internet for users who enjoy it."

"Of course, the success of this learning project will not make us complacent. The journey of Cybertron has only just begun."

"Here, we are honored to introduce the first brand-new product from Cybertron Technology Corporation, which is aimed at the whole society - Cybertron Cloud Disk."

"We have adopted a completely new and innovative approach, designed a new architecture, and prepared plenty of surprises for our dear users. Without a doubt, Cybertron Cloud Disk is a product full of sincerity and will undoubtedly attract attention from the industry."

"All of us at Cybertron look forward to your continued support!"

Below, there is also a link.

After reading the announcement, Liu Zixu immediately clicked on the link without hesitation.

In the era of the internet, one out of every five internet users uses cloud storage, and this figure is even higher in China, where an average of three to four out of every five people use cloud storage.

Liu Zixu is no exception, and [Pure Edition XP] has indeed brought him many surprises. This has piqued his interest in Cybertron Technology Corporation, the new company said to be formed by the optimization team behind the [Pure Edition XP] system, and its first commercial product.

Without delay, he entered Cybertron's official download link. After briefly reading the introduction, he decided to download the software recommended by Cybertron and give it a try.

Little did Liu Zixu know that at the exact same time he was busy choosing to download, there were many other [Pure Edition XP] users across the country who made the same choice.

With the curiosity of these users of the [Pure XP] system, the download volume of this software is also increasing rapidly. In just half an hour after Sun Cheng's "Notice to Users" was issued, 90,000 people visited the official website of Cybertron Technology Corporation, and more than one-third of the visitors chose to download it.

In the following day, as the [Pure XP] system ran in the background, random pop-ups appeared every few hours, and the download volume of Cybertron Cloud Disk also began to increase rapidly.

Two days later, the number of registered users that can be monitored in the background of Cybertron Technology Company has exceeded 310,000, and the number of active users who have uploaded content and used it for more than three hours has exceeded 130,000.

Obviously, at least 130,000 users have not uninstalled this software after using it under the influence of advertisements in the [Pure XP] system.

In the cold winter of the cloud storage market, a new player has unexpectedly entered, and this company named Cybertron Technology Company seems to have optimized a product with outstanding reputation based on the Microsoft XP system. This discovery quickly attracted the attention of some professional media, and Cybertron Technology Company started to formally present itself to the public.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 276: Panda OO's Attention (Part 1)


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