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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


On the website "Computer Home," in a certain office at the Nandu headquarters, a middle-aged man wearing anti-radiation glasses rubbed his tired eyes and glanced at the time in the bottom right corner of the computer screen.

"Why isn't it lunchtime yet..."

His name was Liu Yun, an editor for "Computer Home," an established computer website platform in China.

As a seasoned professional who had been in the industry for over a decade, he couldn't help but reminisce about the "golden decade of the Internet age" during his idle moments at work.

Considering the explosive growth of the mobile internet and the decline of the traditional internet, it was hard not to feel a sense of mixed emotions.

"The traditional internet, with PCs as the primary access terminals, is truly struggling. Even for a website as large as ours, the workload for reviewing software in the past few days is still less than what we used to handle in a single day a few years ago!"

As one of the review editors for a well-regarded computer software portal platform in China, Liu Yun found himself increasingly bored and idle during working hours.

It wasn't that he wanted to slack off, but rather there simply wasn't much work to do anymore.

Over the past few years, with the widespread adoption of smartphones and tablets, which provided more convenient and portable access to the internet, the emerging "mobile internet" was rapidly devouring the market and influence that once belonged to the traditional internet.

Nowadays, more and more aspiring entrepreneurs were choosing to embrace the mobile internet, leading to a decline in the fortunes of PC-based software portal platforms like "Computer Home."

Liu Yun, for instance, used to review at least two to three hundred software applications uploaded to the website by developers on a daily basis three to four years ago. It took a team of seven or eight editors to keep up with the workload.

Now, on any given day, the number of newly added software applications wouldn't exceed thirty or forty, which could be reviewed and approved by just two diligent editors before the end of their shift.

"Computer Home" was not oblivious to this trend. In fact, a year ago, they had already begun developing their own mobile platform.

Liu Yun's experience made him eligible for a potential transfer to the mobile platform, but his lack of enthusiasm for the smartphones that had taken the world by storm in recent years caused him to miss this opportunity.

Stretching and glancing around, Liu Yun noticed that most of the other four editors responsible for reviewing new software were in a similar predicament.

Feeling restless due to the lack of work, he was about to get up and take a short break in the restroom, and perhaps splash some water on his face.

Suddenly, an exclamation mark appeared in the bottom right corner of his computer screen, indicating activity on the "Computer Home" work platform.

Liu Yun instantly perked up, realizing that a new software application had been uploaded to the platform and was undergoing the review process.

Eagerly, he snatched the opportunity, saying with a smile, "I was nearly falling asleep, and finally, we have something to do. A new software has been added to the inventory, and I'll review it!"

The other editors, who were all very familiar with each other, looked up from their work. A slightly plump woman responded with a smile, "Sure thing, Liu bro, you can have a look first. If it doesn't match your expertise, we can take over!"

Liu Yun nodded. The review software is similar to the content review for online articles. Each editor has their own expertise in specific types, such as tools, application software, and video software, while being completely unfamiliar with gaming. If they come across something they're not familiar with, they have to find someone else to handle it.

After accepting the task, he quickly skimmed through the platform's vulnerability report email. Liu Yun couldn't help but smile and shake his head. "Cybertron Cloud Disk? In this day and age, there are still naive individuals who dare to trespass, and they're doomed to be exposed..."

Instantly, the slight anticipation he had just felt disappeared without a trace.

Next to him, his tall and thin colleague, Yang Shuo, approached.

"Liu Ge, what type is it?"

"Cloud disk. I can't believe it. With all the cloud/network disks that have shut down in China over the past two years, there were at least seventy to eighty of them. Now, only a few giants in the market are still holding on. Yet, here comes someone daring enough to enter..."

His voice was loud enough to attract the attention of several other editors who were also responsible for reviews. They gathered around him.

"Hey, it really is a cloud disk..."

"Cybertron Cloud Disk? Which company's product is this..."

"Cybertron Technology Company? I've never heard of it. Is it a new startup?"

Several editors huddled around Liu Yun and glanced at the computer screen in front of him. They discovered that it was indeed a new cloud disk product. Immediately, all hope vanished, and they started chatting animatedly among themselves.

In their words, a hint of disappointment was discernible. Evidently, these renowned platform review editors, who dealt with software on a daily basis, were well aware of the current challenges faced by cloud disk software.

"No chance. I have no idea which newly established company this is. Given the state of the domestic online disk market, it's unbelievable that they would dare to enter..."

Several editors gathered together, chatting for a few minutes while expressing their lack of optimism towards this yet-to-be-reviewed cloud disk product.

Liu Yun felt the same way. However, since he personally took on the task, despite his reservations, he still needed to review the product. Therefore, after a few minutes of delay, he downloaded the "Cybertron Cloud Disk" that had been uploaded to the "Computer Home" backstage, waiting for review, and prepared to go through the review process.

The company had fast internet speed, and the client for the cloud disk was also small. The initial version was less than four megabytes. As soon as the download progress bar moved, the client was already downloaded.

Following the usual procedure, he ran professional client detection software, ensuring it wasn't infected or containing any viruses, before finally clicking on the client to start the installation.

Suddenly, the computer screen flickered, and the client's decompression interface appeared. Initially, a finely crafted logo caught his attention. It looked remarkably like a fox mask forged from metal (Decepticon icon), exuding an inexplicable sense of eerie beauty.

"Cybertron, reporting in to you!"

Next to Liu Yun's computer speaker, a deep male voice suddenly emanated, sounding powerful but also exuding a chilling coldness that seemed more like synthesized electronic sound rather than a professional voiceover.

Liu Yun couldn't help but nod. Judging from the decompression interface of the client, the developer of this cloud drive had put some effort into it, so they deserve some credit.

After the voice ended, the logo quickly disappeared, and a spinning progress appeared along with a corresponding prompt on the interface: "Scanning hard drive, please be patient..."

This process only lasted three to four seconds before the interface changed again.

"After scanning, your computer has abundant installation space, with 128GB in D drive, 204GB in E drive, and 179GB in F drive. No external hard drive was found. Do you want to install it on the C drive by default?"

"Oh, this prompt is quite user-friendly..."

Yang Shuo subconsciously praised. Generally, software would default to installing on the C drive, although it also depends on the operating system settings. However, there are quite a few software programs on the market that forcefully install on the C drive without any notification, which can be quite annoying for regular users.


Liu Yun mentally gave it an extra point, and at the same time, manually made a modification to set the installation to the D drive.

After clicking again, the installation progress bar appeared once more and quickly finished. After about six or seven seconds, a brand new account registration interface popped up.

Liu Yun didn't rush to tinker with the already installed cloud drive. Instead, he opened the monitoring software and scanned it, nodding slightly, "It's clean, no forcefully installed software..."

After giving it another point, he finally clicked into the account registration interface and began browsing.

The registration page had nothing special. The only difference from the popular mobile registration nowadays was that the [Cybertron Cloud Drive] account didn't require mandatory use of a mobile phone or email to register. Instead, there were options for binding a mobile phone or email in the non-required registration box below.

He casually registered an account and was about to log in when a prompt unexpectedly appeared, "Binding a mobile phone or email can extend the trial period by one month?"

Are they opting for a subscription model?

Liu Yun couldn't help but shake his head. The major online drive giants had already demonstrated with their abysmal number of paid subscribers that the subscription model for online drives was difficult to establish in China.

If even the giants struggled, the fate of new players entering the market could be easily guessed.

Immediately, Liu Yun lost the motivation to continue tinkering with it. After discussing with a few editors, he gave this new cloud drive product called [Cybertron Cloud Drive] a barely passing score of six out of ten, and it was approved to be officially launched on the "Computer Home" platform for users to download.

However, because the developer was an unknown company and the product fell under the category of a cloud drive, it didn't receive any platform recommendations, and it quietly made its debut without any fanfare!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 274 Rapid Development (Part 1)


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