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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Schiller held Pikachu in his arms and placed it on the table, staring at his chubby face as he said, "Do you know what I hate the most? People who only speak half of what they want to say... and rats."

Pikachu put his small hand to his mouth and coughed like an old man, saying, "You better show some respect. Only I can solve your problems now."

"Oh, really?" Schiller stood up and walked to the bookshelf in the office. His gaze scanned the shelf back and forth as he said, "Let me see, where did I put my recipe book? God bless, there must be a dish of braised rat here..."

"Do you know how terrible your face looks right now?" Pikachu wasn't afraid at all. He shook his Thunderbolt-shaped tail and leaned against the wall with one hand on his waist, saying, "Your poor plan finally exhausted yourself with a stupid plan. How long have you been working continuously? Four days? Or five days?"

As he spoke, Pikachu walked to the table and spread his hands to Schiller, saying, "When you made this plan to play with Hydra, didn't you think they would come to you?"

Schiller took a deep breath, seemingly suppressing his anger at being mocked. After a while, he sighed helplessly and said, "I knew it would be troublesome, but I didn't expect it to be this troublesome."

Indeed, up to now, Schiller has been working 18 hours a day for five consecutive days, not counting the time he was awakened by phone calls in his sleep.

As we all know, Hydra is a spy organization. Stark and Steve were right. Anyone who goes to bed at 9 pm cannot work as a spy or agent. Guiding spies is also a spy. Schiller, who infiltrated Hydra, has been exhausted lately.

Schiller was not a complete newcomer, but he took over the team left by Pierce in the name of impersonation. Like all leaders who lead the team by air, there were a lot of troubles to deal with in the early stages.

The unlucky ones in all airborne workgroups in the world must have been a bunch of troublemakers, poking holes, leaving a bunch of bugs unfixed, and leaving a bunch of unfinished work, otherwise they would not be replaced by others.

Although Pierce was rigorous by nature, since he retired from S.H.I.E.L.D. and went to the World Security Council to take up a position, he has been remotely controlling S.H.I.E.L.D. This remote control efficiency is not high, so a lot of work has been accumulated and not completed. Schiller wanted to obtain useful information from these works, so he had to work overtime to sort out these damn work.

However, this is not the most deadly thing. If it is the daily state of Hydra, Schiller would not have so much to do. But now, the group of snakeheads who were driven crazy by Stark and Steve were all silent, and only Schiller opened the channel. Even the smallest thing would make them call him.

Whether he knows them or not, whether he is responsible for them or not, whether he can handle them or not, if there is something to do, find "Doctor."

And even more deadly is that at first, Schiller did not anticipate this situation, so he just wanted to finish these things quickly. So he quickly figured out the mess left by Pierce, and swiftly executed the preservation plan, and also brought in a few snakeheads' forces, disrupted and reorganized them, and arranged them into the Arkham Sanatorium.

This work efficiency cannot be said to be rare in Hydra, but it can only be said to be rare.

Don't forget, although Pierce is one of the snakeheads, he also has superiors. When the hidden Hydra leader saw that this gold salesperson brought out another gold salesperson, he had to give him more weight.

So, on a certain morning, after receiving a mysterious call requesting him to take over all affairs in New York State, Schiller's overtime nightmare began.

Can't some things be left alone? Actually, it is possible, but Schiller is a bit obsessive-compulsive. He always can't help but straighten out the messy work schedule, and when he sees the security loopholes in this base like a sieve, he can't help but reorganize it...

As a result, he has been working continuously for five or six days, and judging from the situation, he will continue to work overtime.

The most repeated words Schiller said these days were "Where is Iron Man? What is Iron Man doing?!" and "Check Captain America's status!"

If you don't close the net quickly, I really have to save Hydra from the fire and water.

This situation not only affected Schiller's work schedule, but also had the smallest impact on Stark and Steve after Schiller took over Hydra. What really felt earth-shattering was Stark and Steve.

After they joined forces, they began to investigate the security bases, but it did not affect their other work against Hydra. However, in the past few days, they felt that the difficulty of the whole game had skyrocketed like a rocket, and their blood pressure had also skyrocketed like a rocket.

Schiller's tactics were very simple but extremely effective. He finally made Hydra, a bloated and in-name-only spy organization, truly disappear without a trace.

In short, there were three steps: warning, preservation, and disappearance.

As Hydra developed to this day, its personnel structure was like a huge tree crown, with countless branches beside each trunk, and these branches led to even smaller branches.

Their personnel structure was more like a spindle, with the largest number of middle-level personnel. Unlike the lower-level personnel who did not know they were working for Hydra, most of these people joined because of Hydra's ideology, but they were not just working for their ideals. When necessary, they would also seek benefits for themselves, just like most spies in the world.

In every organization in the world, there are always a few people who are not very smart. Due to the large number of middle-level personnel, there were many people with poor intelligence in Hydra's middle-level personnel, and the most vulnerable were the senior intellectuals mentioned by Steve.

They were not professional agents and had not undergone agent training, but because of their authority in their profession, they were highly valued. Among this group of people, there were many selfish people who were unwilling to pay more to hide themselves. Therefore, it was this group of people that Steve and Stark pulled out of the mud with a carrot, and once they caught one, they caught a whole string.

The reason why Schiller was able to reverse the situation was also by targeting this group of people. The process was very complicated, but it could be summarized in four words: drastic measures were needed.

In all evacuation operations, all data must be destroyed, all experimental equipment must be destroyed, and even the entire base can be burned down. When notifying the evacuation, Schiller would not contact the highest person in charge of this base because those people were often doctors and professors. He would only contact the security personnel and ask them to forcibly take away those researchers. Anyone who refused to comply would be shot on the spot.

Schiller's reason was also very sufficient. The knowledge data must be preserved, and Hydra's most valuable intellectual property was these researchers, so they had to leave. Anyone who did not comply with the arrangements would be considered a transfer loss.

In most experimental bases, there had been conflicts between security personnel and researchers for a long time. No professional agent could tolerate these scientists' troublesome personalities.

Therefore, after receiving Schiller's order, the entire evacuation operation was very fast, and there was no such situation where things were delayed, power was not cut off, data was not destroyed, and even several large boxes of hard drives were left behind.

Some people may ask, since this plan can effectively respond to Stark and Steve's investigation and raids, why didn't Hydra use it before?

If we take a God's-eye view and look at a statistical data, we will find that the number of Hydra talents lost in Schiller's arranged evacuation operation was much higher than the number of Hydra talents caught by Stark and Steve.

Killing one's own people and leaving no one for the enemy to kill is the secret to success.

In other words, this was not Schiller's field, so he naturally wanted to sell whichever piece he wanted to sell. He did not have to consider how Hydra would respond to the suspension of experiments due to the loss of a large number of technical personnel or the problem of the inability to maintain existing technology.

But from another perspective, Stark and Steve were a bit high-blood-pressure. In the Avengers' base, Stark pressed his temple and said, "I think we need to re-evaluate Hydra's leadership. They actually dared to cut off their tails and escape."

Steve's expression was hesitant as he said, "I suspect they may have received direct leadership from the German headquarters."

"In my fighting days, we all knew that Hydra in America was not worth mentioning. The most terrifying were the people under the little mustache. Although I often said they were a group of lunatics, I also had to admit that his capable subordinates were very powerful."

"Indeed, such decisive decisions are not something ordinary people can make. They are more difficult than I imagined." Stark said with a serious face. He stood up from the sofa and walked to the combat map, saying, "My tactics against Hydra come from the tactics I prepared to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D. My hypothetical enemy is Nick Fury."

"But now it seems that the people on the other side are more ruthless than Nick. They are willing to sacrifice two-thirds of the personnel in the base to ensure the evacuation of important figures..."

"But I have to say, they are very smart." Steve also walked over and stood next to Stark, saying, "This is actually the best choice. If they keep dragging their feet and worrying about sacrifices, they would have collapsed by now."

"Because the more important personnel we catch, the more branches we can find along this trunk." Stark continued smoothly, "Catching a hundred branches is not as good as catching one trunk."

"But something strange..." Immediately afterwards, Stark frowned and said with some doubt, "At first, their reaction was not beyond my expectations, but recently, their strategic level has made great progress. If they had shown this momentum from the beginning, I would definitely have to readjust their threat level."

"So I said, we need to readjust our battle plan. If necessary, I will also seek help from the Radiance Alliance." Stark said, hugging his arms.

"Let's organize an Avengers internal meeting first." Steve turned around and sat down at the conference table. At this moment, a string of bells rang from Stark's pocket, and he took out his phone to answer the call, saying, "Hello? Schiller?... Why is it you again? Can you stop calling me?"

What surprised Stark was that the other side hung up very quickly. Immediately afterwards, Peter, who was playing billiards on the side, received a call on his phone. He picked up the phone and said, "Hello? Dr. Schiller?... What? How is our progress? I'm afraid it's not going well. Mr. Stark and Captain plan to adjust their tactics..."

"Okay, I will urge them for you, but why are you so anxious?"

"Oh, indeed, this damn evil organization has harmed too many people. We must act immediately to prevent them from continuing to cause trouble!" Peter said seriously on the phone, "Yes! I think so too, so I will go now!"

After hanging up the phone, he walked to Stark and Steve's side and said, "Dr. Schiller asked me to ask you why there has been no progress in the past few days. He is very anxious..."

Peter said seriously, "He said he can no longer tolerate these evil Hydra, not even for a second!"

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Next Chapter>>Chapter 369: Hydra's Guide to the Beginning (Part 2)



Poor Schiller can't avoid work 😭😭😭