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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The first batch of supplies was crucial, so Sun Cheng naturally couldn't trust the slow delivery of the cargo ship to Brazil, as it would easily expose the location of Base No. 2.

Therefore, before coming here, in order to accommodate the goods for this transaction, he had already cleared out most of the inventory in the spherical space. However, it still couldn't hold the massive amount of finished metal, at most only about one-third of it.

To transport these metals, they relied on the Ghost!

The Typhoon-class was the pinnacle of Soviet nuclear submarines. Despite its shortcomings, the fact that Soviet designers were able to create such a colossal underwater beast with a displacement of over 24,000 tons in the 1970s and 1980s was admirable.

After acquiring the Ghost, and with the relentless efforts of Hephaestus and his team, the Ghost had undergone significant changes compared to its original state.

With a streamlined internal structure and numerous updated equipment, the Ghost's tonnage was reduced by over 4,000 tons, and its water displacement was now less than 12,000 tons.

Having obtained a considerable amount of space, transporting some finished metal ingots was no longer an issue.

They only needed to do some cutting to fit them into the Ghost, and it could barely manage.

However, this was just a temporary solution, and Sun Cheng was well aware of that. That's why he came up with the idea of acquiring another decommissioned Typhoon-class submarine in Beigang.

He planned to request the Typhoon-class submarine from Russia and have Hephaestus and his team make significant modifications to transform it into a transport nuclear submarine with a carrying capacity of at least 5,000 to 8,000 tons, specifically for transporting supplies.

After loading all the enriched uranium and one-third of the finished metal ingots into the spherical space, Sun Cheng entrusted the remaining tasks to Forerunner and Hephaestus as a form of training. As for himself, after briefly discussing the subsequent arrangements with the Russians regarding the use of the Severodvinsk Shipyard to manufacture the "Yasen-class attack nuclear submarine" for Russia, he left Beigang and flew straight to Brazil.

"Master, you're back..."

As soon as he entered the Amambai Mountains, Sun Cheng spotted Atlas, who was supervising the construction operations in the mountains. After landing nearby and transforming, Atlas eagerly approached him.

"Did you get the enriched uranium?"

"Yes, it's slightly less than expected, but it should be enough for now..."

After returning from Russia last time, Sun Cheng assigned the task of developing a thermonuclear reactor to Atlas and his team.

For the engineers, this task was not particularly challenging. Their database already contained some Cybertronian thermonuclear reactor technology; they simply lacked practical experience in manufacturing them.

After some trial and error, they quickly produced two sets of thermonuclear reactors. Unfortunately, Atlas and the team were not entirely satisfied. After all, this was their first attempt at designing them, and there was still a considerable gap compared to the Cybertronian thermonuclear reactors stored in their database.

That's why Sun Cheng planned to trade them with Russia.

Although Base No. 2 appeared small, its daily energy consumption was astonishing!

The operation of the industrial robot production line required a substantial amount of energy, and the production line for combat robots was also being set up and prepared for operation. Their energy consumption was not far off from that of a human automobile assembly line.

Currently, Atlas is still constructing the second production line. Sun Cheng has set a goal for them: one month from now, the base should be able to produce at least thirty industrial robots and over ten combat robots per day. Otherwise, he doesn't have much confidence in dealing with the retaliatory onslaught of the Autobots.

The energy consumption of the production line is just the tip of the iceberg. The most energy-consuming individuals in Base No. 2 are always Sun Cheng and his fellow Decepticons, followed by the production of cores for industrial/combat robots.

When Sun Cheng mentioned obtaining enriched uranium, Atlas's face brightened even more, and he immediately inquired, "Master, the production of nuclear fuel also takes time. How many more days until the enriched uranium can be delivered? I would like to make arrangements in advance..."

They have already manufactured one of the thermonuclear reactors designed for the base, and now the engineers are eagerly awaiting the delivery of enriched uranium to create nuclear fuel.

Observing the engineers and soldiers within the base, including Atlas, all brimming with enthusiasm, Sun Cheng's lips curled up slightly, a sense of pride growing within him.

In his perspective, the management within the Decepticon Legion is far too crude.

Megatron and the ruling class of Decepticons control the entire legion through force and domination, resulting in an abundance of rebellious individuals who value nothing but might. Not only are there internal power struggles aplenty, but the overall vitality is also far inferior to that of the Autobots.

If it weren't for the deep-rooted animosity between him and the Autobots, Sun Cheng would have long entertained the idea of defecting to their side.

To break away from the Decepticon Legion and form an independent force was an action born out of necessity. However, he is gradually assimilating himself into the role of a competent leader.

The engineers may appear unremarkable, but they have provided significant assistance to Sun Cheng in the past.

Consequently, they have earned Sun Cheng's promise.

Once his new mechanical body is complete, Sun Cheng has pledged to unify and strengthen the engineers who have been loyal to him for so long, Atlas included.

Furthermore, he has vowed to grant the engineers entirely new identities in the future, no longer treating them as lowly laborers.

This promise undoubtedly struck a chord within the engineers' hearts.

Lately, Atlas and the others have been filled with enthusiasm. Some tasks can be completed without Sun Cheng even having to intervene, resulting in a much higher level of efficiency compared to before.

Sun Cheng is unquestionably very satisfied with these developments.

Of course, he understands the importance of a balanced approach.

His small group revolves entirely around Sun Cheng.

Consequently, he is the core of this group, and only when he becomes stronger can the team remain intact.

Without hesitation, Sun Cheng asserts, "I have already brought the enriched uranium and some resources. I will return to the base first, and you can send someone to the warehouse to retrieve them. I will place the items directly in the warehouse!"

Gazing ahead, anticipation shines in his eyes, "Prepare yourselves as well. Once the nuclear reactor is completed, we will commence the production of my new mechanical body!"

"Yes, Master!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 239: Illusion


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