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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Are you finally being honest?!

The cold gaze fell on the Decepticon warrior who called himself 'Dust Up', and a faint curve appeared on Sun Cheng's lips.

The sphere he had thrown earlier was an 'anti-communication jammer', the most common device used in the Cybertronian Civil War to disrupt the communication abilities of mechanical beings in a specific area.

To put it simply, this device can be seen as a high-powered electromagnetic interference device that continuously releases interference within a controlled area, preventing enemy mechanical beings from transmitting communications. However, because Sun Cheng's engineers were new to creating this device, they had just started, resulting in a 'anti-communication jammer' with a shorter lifespan, smaller range, and an inability to accurately differentiate targets. When used, it filled an area with indiscriminate interference, depriving not only Dust Up of long-range communication but also Sun Cheng himself.

Disabling his long-range communication capability was equivalent to severing the last thread of hope in Dust Up's heart.

This led to a drastic change in the Decepticon's expression, and his attitude finally softened.

Sun Cheng had unexpectedly captured a Decepticon who was likely sent by Lord Fallen. Since a battle had taken place, Sun Cheng wouldn't miss the opportunity to find out what was currently happening on the moon.

Therefore, he pressed aggressively, "Tell me honestly, who sent you here? What is your mission here? Besides you, how many other Decepticons were dispatched?"

"...It was Lord Fallen who sent us to Earth to track down information about the 'Leadership Module.' Many other Decepticons were dispatched alongside me. I don't know the exact number since this isn't my first time on Earth. There should be others after me..."

Dust Up seemed particularly vulnerable to this type of high-frequency interference device, causing the light in his eyes to dim.

However, his words confirmed some of Sun Cheng's suspicions, prompting a pensive expression.

"As expected, Lord Fallen has sent more than just Sideways and his group of Decepticon warriors to Earth in search of the 'Leadership Module'... It seems that my future actions need to be even more discreet..."

In the face of Lord Fallen, who was most likely the progenitor of mechanical life, Sun Cheng possessed a clear understanding. A super leader who had survived for millions of years was not someone he could challenge. At least for a considerable period, he lacked the qualifications.

Soon, Sun Cheng's gaze returned to Dust Up. Despite obtaining some information he desired from him, he still felt unsatisfied.

It was difficult to say whether releasing Dust Up would invite trouble, but killing him also seemed regrettable.

After a brief contemplation, Sun Cheng coldly commanded, "Now, pledge your allegiance to me. Immediately disarm all your defenses and reveal everything you have!"

Dust Up's mechanical body trembled as he hastily raised his head to stare at Sun Cheng, his voice trembling: "...What do you mean? I work for Lord Fallen, after all..."


The plasma cannon in Sun Cheng's hand immediately pressed against his forehead, and a more ferocious grin appeared on Sun Cheng's face. "I am concerned about that too!"

Seemingly sensing the unmistakable intent to kill in Sun Cheng's eyes, Dust Up finally became flustered.

"Wait...you can't kill me...Lord Fallen will definitely not spare you. If you kill me, you will also die..."

Are most mechanical beings only capable of such intelligence?!

Similar words, Sun Cheng vaguely remembered hearing them from that guy, Mudflap.

And what was the outcome?

He simply snapped Mudflap's head off!

However, Dust Up should consider himself fortunate!

Although he appeared somewhat vulnerable, he was still a high-ranking Decepticon, with a decent foundation. By allocating some resources to him, he could potentially arm him as an advanced warrior.

Sun Cheng currently had only a couple of small cats available as soldiers, with Forerunner and Hysteria being the only combat units. He was reluctant to send either of them out on external missions.

As a result, Sun Cheng couldn't help but consider taking Dust Up for his own use.

"...Should I thank you for reminding me? It seems I need to be more discreet... For example, what do you think of fabricating a scenario where you encounter Autobots, engage in a battle, and are ultimately defeated and killed?"

Upon finishing his statement, Sun Cheng smirked and pressed the plasma cannon firmly against Dust Up's forehead. "My patience is running thin. This is your last chance. Open up everything to me, or I will make your Spark my prize!"

His cold and merciless approach perfectly embodied the essence of being a Decepticon.

Finally, Dust Up succumbed completely under the threat of death.

Trembling, he looked at Sun Cheng with fear-filled eyes. "...Please, don't kill me. I am willing to join you, Master..."

Upon hearing this, he immediately disabled Core's defenses, willingly exposing everything about himself.

"You made a wise choice!"

Sun Cheng narrowed his eyes, and Core's intrusion function was immediately activated. A terrifying stream of information flooded into Dust Up's mechanical body, scanning every aspect of him, including his memory data.

The mechanical body of Dust Up trembled incessantly, and being so recklessly rummaged through all his secrets was definitely not a pleasant experience.

This was one of the reasons why the Decepticons enjoyed treating their subordinates in this manner.

For the inherently cruel Decepticons, there was nothing more humiliating for a person and, at the same time, more satisfying for themselves than this.

The memory data within Dust Up's mechanical body was not as extensive as Sun Cheng had imagined.

In less than an hour, he had thoroughly reviewed everything about him and, after leaving a few control mechanisms within Dust Up's Core, he retrieved the invaded information.

However, after it was done, Sun Cheng couldn't help but look at Dust Up once again and snorted coldly.

"You dare to deceive me..."

Sun Cheng never expected that this guy truly lived up to his Decepticon identity, still daring to deceive him even under the threat of death.

Listening to this claim of being under Lord Fallen's command, coming to Earth to search for the 'Leadership Module'!

It was truly incredible that he had once believed it!

Dust Up, upon hearing this, couldn't help but tremble slightly in his mechanical body.

He had been left with control mechanisms by Sun Cheng within his Core, and Sun Cheng had no intention of concealing it, making it explicitly known to instill fear in him.

As a result, Dust Up instantly became fearful upon seeing Sun Cheng's anger.

Sun Cheng glanced coldly at him but didn't seize the opportunity to torment him. Instead, his gaze shifted to the sky, toward the direction of the moon, with a flicker of anticipation in his eyes.

"Starscream... I have truly underestimated you..."

Just now, when he was going through Dust Up's memory data, he came across a familiar figure in the deepest recesses of his memory—Starscream.

To Sun Cheng's surprise, Dust Up turned out to be one of the newly created Decepticons cultivated by Starscream through the breeding device.

As Onslaught had mentioned, Starscream had returned to the moon not long ago, attempting to use the nuclear warhead they had stolen from the US military to destroy the protective apparatus at Lord Fallen's dormant location, in order to seize the immense power of this super Leader.

However, he had overestimated himself and greatly underestimated the might of a super Leader.

As a result, the explosion awakened Lord Fallen, who had been in slumber for countless years. Once he awoke, he effortlessly subdued Starscream.

Fortunately, due to Starscream's treacherous and cunning nature, as soon as he realized he couldn't match Lord Fallen, he immediately pledged his allegiance to him. After being reprimanded, he once again gained the favor of Lord Fallen.

Dust Up, a mass-produced newborn Decepticon, was one of the advanced soldiers bred by Starscream for Lord Fallen.

However, even though he had pledged himself to Lord Fallen, Starscream didn't seem to be entirely subservient to him.

He seemed to have learned the secret of the 'Leadership Module' from Lord Fallen, and was secretly manipulating some of the new Decepticons he had cultivated, instructing them to come to Earth under the pretense of searching for the 'Leadership Module' for Lord Fallen, when in reality, he was searching for the artifact for himself.

Dust Up was one of the many new Decepticons controlled by Starscream!

As Sun Cheng's gaze turned toward the moon, he couldn't help but make a comparison between himself and Starscream in his mind.

Soon enough, he couldn't help but shake his head!

He was still far behind that cunning mastermind.

Fortunately, he wasn't attracting much attention at the moment. If he continued to progress, he might have a chance to surpass others in the long run.

At that moment, he cast another cold glance at Dust Up and indifferently commanded, "Let's go, it's time for me to depart!"

After returning from his trip to China and Russia, he might be on the verge of truly taking off!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 235 Return to Beigang


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