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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After leaving Rio de Janeiro, Sun Cheng did not return directly to the No. 2 base, but instead hovered aimlessly over the skies of Brazil.

The recent encounter with Rivera had truly affected him!

Although in a few days' time, with the completion of his trade with China and Russia, there would be a continuous supply of resources.

However, Sun Cheng felt extremely insecure in the world of Transformers. Even though he had established a cooperative relationship with China and Russia, he couldn't trust them completely with the supply of resources.

Since the No. 2 base was located in Brazil, the leading industrial nation in South America, Sun Cheng had become interested in it.

In order to prevent any future disturbances caused by the actions of the Brazilian government, he believed it was necessary to strengthen his influence in the country. This was why he assigned the task to No. 2 and Rivera!

As for whether No. 2 could accomplish the task, Sun Cheng had great confidence in it.

As a reward for its previous successful mission, Sun Cheng had brought No. 2 back to the No. 2 base and instructed Atlas to design a new mechanical body for it. The details were essentially copied from the mechanical body that Onslaught had designed for him, with some minor material deficiencies. However, due to the accumulated experience in manufacturing many robotic bodies in the past, the design and capabilities had surpassed expectations, and the Core was also significantly enhanced.

In addition, Sun Cheng equipped it with a P2-level plasma cannon. As long as it didn't face other high-level Decepticons or Autobots head-on, No. 2 wouldn't have to worry even if it faced a regular Brazilian military force. If it encountered any danger, Sun Cheng believed that it would have no problem escaping with its speed.

With No. 2's assistance, Sun Cheng believed that the assigned task would be easy to accomplish.

However, Rivera...

Sun Cheng couldn't help but fall into deep thought!

Due to the suddenness of the recent events and his focus on contacting China and Russia, as well as preparing resources for his new mechanical body and the base, he hadn't dedicated enough time to developing a comprehensive plan for the No. 2 base!

"Perhaps, I should seriously consider the positioning of the No. 2 base... Our future development should not be limited to just the Amambai Mountains... So, what do you think about capturing Brazil?"

In an instant, he couldn't help but seriously contemplate the possibility of seizing Brazil, the foremost industrial nation in South America.

He continued to fly aimlessly over Brazil, contemplating his next steps.

He wasn't sure how long he had been flying when suddenly, the Core's intense vibrations snapped Sun Cheng back to attention.

Realizing that the scan had locked onto an abnormal frequency within his scanning radius, he furrowed his brow.

"A Decepticon?!"

Just like the diverse races of humans with their distinct skin colors and physical features, the mechanical beings born on Cybertron Planet—whether Decepticons, Autobots, or the rare giant monstrosities—each possessed a unique electromagnetic frequency from the moment of their creation.

The electromagnetic frequencies of Decepticons, Autobots, and giant monstrosities, just like the physical characteristics of black, white, and yellow people on Earth, were inherently different, making them easily distinguishable.

After a brief assessment, he immediately recognized that the intruder within his Core's alert range was a Decepticon.

While frowning, Sun Cheng couldn't help but feel intrigued.

Without hesitation, he adjusted his course and flew towards the Decepticon.

Before long, he arrived above the Decepticon detected by the Core!

Looking down from the sky, Sun Cheng narrowed his eyes.

Below is a densely vegetated rainforest, and a dirt road, though crude, has been artificially cleared between the trees to allow vehicles to pass through.

On the dirt road, a Volvo medium truck, commonly seen in Brazil, was currently speeding along.

The Volvo medium truck was the one that triggered his Core's intense response, leaving no doubt that this was the Decepticon he was looking for.

However, Sun Cheng was puzzled because he couldn't find any information about this particular Decepticon in his ever-expanding memory database.

In other words, it was highly likely that this Decepticon below was a new arrival he had never encountered before!

Perhaps due to the intermittent scanning frequencies emitted by his Core, the Decepticon, who had transformed into a Volvo medium truck, quickly reacted.

He suddenly accelerated on the racing dirt road, then leaped into the air and completed his transformation, landing heavily on the ground as a fearsome mechanical warrior that appeared to be slightly taller than Sun Cheng.

"Oh no..."

Sun Cheng couldn't help but curse himself!

Before his trip to China and Russia, he had commissioned Atlas and the others to create an optical stealth system for him.

This optical stealth system was designed to effectively evade military satellites and ground air defense radar scans from humans. He had been wearing it ever since and hadn't taken it off.

Unfortunately, optical stealth was considered outdated technology for Cybertron Planet's mechanical lifeforms, having long been rendered obsolete.

With Spark's powerful scanning ability, combined with Core's assistance, they were capable of quickly constructing a complete map of the surrounding terrain in a very short amount of time.

Clearly, after realizing that he was being watched, the Decepticon also activated its Core scanning and locked onto him, even while he was still in optical stealth.

There was no time for further explanations!

Obviously, this Decepticon considered him an enemy.

After completing its transformation while driving and entering battle mode, the ferocious Decepticon immediately brandished a nail gun in its hand, firing multiple shots toward Sun Cheng's airborne position.

Three slender and sharp spikes, traveling at nearly Mach 2 speed, whizzed directly toward Sun Cheng.

Although not an energy weapon, this seemingly crude weapon was far from simple. If one of those spikes were to penetrate his mechanical body, it would not only impede his ability to transform but also severely impact his combat capabilities.

Instantly, Sun Cheng pushed his speed to the limit, narrowly evading the sudden projectiles launched by the Decepticon.

Subsequently, he promptly deactivated his optical stealth and began emanating goodwill toward the Decepticon below.

"...Hi, it's a misunderstanding. I'm Decepticon—Frenzy..."

Unfortunately, despite disabling his optical stealth and revealing his physical form, the Decepticon warrior below showed no mercy. It continued to mercilessly raise its nail gun, firing multiple shots at Sun Cheng as he descended, compelling him to evade at high speed once again.

After evading for a second time, Sun Cheng became increasingly frustrated. His gaze toward the Decepticon carried a hint of killing intent.

In that moment, while dodging the nail gun shots, he gradually descended his flight altitude. Once he ensured his safety, Sun Cheng swiftly transformed back into his battle form and rapidly descended toward the ground.

As he landed, a symphony of heavy objects simultaneously hitting the ground resounded.

Sun Cheng sneered, raising the plasma cannon in his hand and aiming it at the ferocious Decepticon a few dozen meters away.

"Battle robot, attack..."

In the next moment, the eyes of the thirteen combat robots, their mechanical bodies emerging from the dust, glowed brightly as they all simultaneously pointed their guns at the ferocious Decepticon!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 233: Capturing the 'Hustle and bustle


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