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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


It was already a day later when I left Russia.

Flying high in the sky, feeling the howling cold wind brushing against my mechanical body and emitting a sharp whistling sound, my mood was surprisingly good.

After spending three days in Russia, Sun Cheng's trip can be considered a complete success.

Polar bears have always had expansion ambitions, and the glory of the former Soviet Union gave its successors another dream of world domination.

However, despite inheriting most of the former Soviet Union's legacy, the disintegration of Russia caused them to lose a whole century.

If they rely solely on their own regenerative abilities, it would take them at least half a century to recover and regain their status as a superpower.

Therefore, despite Sun Cheng's external influence, even Vladimir and other Russian politicians remained skeptical of him, but they also eagerly seized the opportunity he presented.

Over the past two days, Vladimir and his secret team had organized four rounds of negotiation with him.

After repeated testing and confrontation, both sides finally obtained what they desired.

"Hmm, they are indeed quite cautious..."

Within the Core, the trade agreement reached between Sun Cheng and Russia emerged once again, prompting him to mutter to himself involuntarily.

During this trip to Russia, he could only reach a preliminary consensus on cooperation with the country.

The polar bear did not buy as much as he had predicted. In the end, they only purchased fourteen types of technology from him and entrusted him with the production of three specific products.

These three items were twenty units of five-axis CNC machine tools modified by engineers, four sets of 50,000-horsepower shipboard gas turbine units, and two upgraded Yasen-class attack nuclear submarines.

Clearly, although Russia was enticed by the advantages he offered, they still harbored some reservations.

After all, during the negotiations, he insisted on two non-negotiable points: no bargaining and payment before delivery.

Sun Cheng was well aware of Russia's caution and the reasons behind it.

While most of what he demanded for payment were common metals, the request also included various rare metals, rare earths, and even uranium ore—many of which exceeded Russia's available inventory.

Therefore, it was only natural for Russia to have concerns.

Fortunately, Sun Cheng still gained substantial benefits. He obtained 45,000 tons of various finished metal products, 1,500 tons of rare earths, and approximately ten tons of low-enriched uranium.

Not only did he manage to gather the resources required for the construction of his new mechanical body, but he also secured an ample supply of raw materials for the nuclear reactor at Base No. 2.

It can be anticipated that from the moment the first batch of supplies is delivered by the other party, one week from now, Sun Cheng's power will undoubtedly experience rapid growth.

A trip to Russia has filled his pockets, and he now holds great expectations for his upcoming journey to China.

Thus, after departing from Moscow, Sun Cheng swiftly made his way towards Lop Nur in western Xinjiang.

A few hours later, he arrived back at the military camp he had previously visited.

Upon reaching the camp, Sun Cheng decided not to disembark immediately.

He circled around the vicinity for a while, unable to help but marvel at the remarkable transformation that had taken place in China during this particular time and space—a true embodiment of what it means to be a nation at work!

It had only been two or three days, yet the military camp below had undergone significant changes since his last visit.

This place was originally a camp that was abandoned during the nuclear tests in the early years. Although it was only a glimpse last time, Sun Cheng noticed that the renovation and reconstruction had started not long ago.

Inside the camp, there were still many old-fashioned low earth-stone houses built in the last century, but they had been hastily renovated and a batch of military tents had been added to the camp.

Although there were other facilities and equipment, they were not numerous.

However, it had only been three days.

The camp had expanded by half from its original base, and the perimeter of the camp was filled with vehicles transporting various building materials and bricks that were continuously being brought in from hundreds of kilometers away.

It was evident that the Chinese side seemed to be preparing to build a significant military camp here.

"Is it for me?" Sun Cheng pondered as he hovered over the camp. He couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.

Based on his previous performance and the fact that he had already indicated to the Chinese high-ranking officials that Russia was also one of his choices, he felt confident this time returning to Lop Nur.

Without any extravagance, he quietly landed in the same open space as before, and then deactivated the optical invisibility camouflage that covered his body.

As his figure appeared amidst a burst of electricity, the two soldiers standing guard near the open space immediately had their expressions change dramatically. After exchanging glances, one of them mustered the courage to approach him, while the other quickly ran away.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Frenzy?" the young soldier asked.

Sun Cheng looked at the soldier, whose complexion had a slightly dark red hue, and noticed that his nose and eyes resembled those of a soldier from an ethnic minority. He nodded slightly but remained silent.

Seeing that he didn't make any other movements after landing and simply stood quietly in the open space, the soldier seemed relieved. Even though Sun Cheng didn't respond to him, the soldier took the initiative to say, "We have informed our superiors, and they should be coming soon!"

Indeed, they didn't make him wait for long.

Only three to five minutes later, a minibus appeared in Sun Cheng's field of vision. It had come from the other side of the camp, and through the windows, he could see at least a dozen figures inside the seemingly ordinary minibus.

Sun Cheng glanced at them, and his eyes involuntarily narrowed.

He recognized a familiar figure among the occupants of the minibus. If he remembered correctly, he had seen this person in an office in Beidu during his previous visit.

"It seems like an important person has arrived..." His gaze flickered for a moment, but Sun Cheng quickly dismissed the thought.

He had recently infiltrated the Kremlin and even battled the Autobots in the United States. Now, he was cautious but not afraid, as everything had changed!

The minibus came to a quick stop, and after the door opened, several individuals got off the bus one after another.

Among them were two fair young men and women, four or five well-dressed men with sharp eyes, and mostly elderly people who appeared to be around fifty or sixty years old and exuded an air of knowledge.

After getting off the bus, a group of over a dozen people swiftly approached him, led by an energetic old man with a smiling face.

As soon as they reached him, the old man at the forefront extended his right hand and said, "We should be meeting for the second time, Mr. Frenzy!"

"Indeed, Your Excellency, Prime Minister. It has been three days since my last visit. Although I have already obtained some things that we urgently need from Russia, no one would reject having more resources, especially as a leader. Therefore, I am still eagerly looking forward to this encounter and contact with China..."

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