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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The group quickly drove out of the missile warehouse and headed towards Starscream's base.

Sun Cheng looked outside through the windshield and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He had always thought that the Decepticons were a bit overpowered in combat, and now, looking at the devastation inside the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, he took another deep breath.

Barricade was not doing well either. He had defected from the Autobots to the Decepticons, but obviously, he wasn't doing as well as he had imagined.

This was actually not difficult to guess. Even the low-level Decepticons of the camera trio had heavy firepower equipment, but Barricade did not. He only had a weapon full of steel spikes, which was indestructible, but far inferior in terms of killing power compared to an Onslaught.

Now, the hellish base in front of them was mostly caused by the Onslaught. His terror rifle, which had a firing rate that was definitely faster than the speed of sound, was comparable to the legendary railgun. One shot could cause an explosion, making him a walking artillery.


Suddenly, an unkempt middle-aged white man wearing denim overalls and a dirty sweatshirt appeared on the driver's seat, frowning.

"Lord Onslaught, what's wrong?" Sun Cheng asked curiously.

"Bonecrusher sent a remote distress call. He is currently being blocked by human reinforcements and is currently in a fierce battle..."

Onslaught was a bit annoyed. He was the one who made the personnel arrangements in the plan Sun Cheng had proposed earlier.

If they followed Onslaught's plan, Barricade and Spectro would go to another military base to distract while he and Bonecrusher and Sun Cheng worked together, which would have a great chance of avoiding being stuck.

Sun Cheng already knew that Bonecrusher could transform into a heavy-duty mine-clearing vehicle, but he was much slower than Barricade and Onslaught.

Now that he heard Bonecrusher was stuck, he immediately realized the severity of the problem. If no one rushed to support him, that guy was probably going to be in trouble.

"What about Spectro? Does Lord Barricade know?" he hurriedly asked.

"Spectro? That disgusting reptile ran away as soon as he saw the situation was bad..." Onslaught's tone was a bit heavy, "I have already told Barricade, he disagrees with the rescue and wants us to quickly bring the nuclear warheads back to the base!"

This was in line with what he knew about Spectro and Barricade!

But Sun Cheng was still very hesitant about whether or not to go back to Starscream's base with Onslaught and Barricade.

Everyone who had contact with Starscream knew what kind of person he was. He was a high-minded and proud leader who dared to betray even the former Decepticon Leader Megatron. Perhaps, he wouldn't trust anyone except himself.

He had been plotting to steal a few nuclear warheads from the humans. Using his ass to think, it was not difficult to guess that he had something in mind, and it was not a small thing.

Now that he had helped him complete the mission, although Starscream already knew about his betrayal by Soundwave, he might still betray them.

The more Sun Cheng thought about it, the more he felt that he couldn't let all four nuclear warheads fall into Starscream's hands.

He tentatively asked Onslaught, "So, Lord Onslaught. Are we going back to the base now or are we going to rescue Bonecrusher?"

Onslaught remained silent for a long time before suddenly asking him, "Since you're here, does that mean Soundwave has also arrived on Earth?"

"Lord Soundwave is still in the base on the moon, but he contacted me through Lazerbeak a few days ago!"

"Oh?" Onslaught was a bit surprised, and then suddenly realized, "So, Starscream didn't lie to me. The All Spark must be on Earth!"

He thought for a moment before continuing, "I don't know what Starscream wants with the nuclear warheads, but giving such a deadly weapon to this lunatic will definitely not lead to anything good! I'm going to rescue Bonecrusher and dispose of the two nuclear warheads on the way!"

In the end, his tone was somewhat unclear, but unfortunately Sun Cheng couldn't decipher it, and didn't understand what he was thinking.

However, the idea of ​​escaping the Onslaught coincided with Sun Cheng's thoughts, so he immediately agreed, "Before, Lord Soundwave sent me to assist Lord Barricade in finding information about Megatron Leader and the All Spark. This time, since Onslaught is ready to save people, please take me with you!"

At the end, he worried that Onslaught would refuse, and reminded him, "I can contact Lazerbeak and ask him to come and help!"

Since arriving on Earth two days ago, Lazerbeak has been trying to contact him.

At that time, according to Starscream's arrangement, Sun Cheng also sent information about his base located in Tucson City.

Based on his understanding of Lazerbeak, this guy would definitely lurk nearby before seeing him.

Although Lazerbeak was also used by Soundwave like him, after being revived, he not only retained his flight ability, but his speed was his strength.

Sun Cheng had no doubt that if he signaled him at this time, that guy would definitely come over in the shortest time.

Sure enough, after thinking about it, Onslaught did not refuse to take him with him.

He first sent a communication to Barricade, and then, ignoring Barricade's attempts to stop him by continuously changing lanes, he drove straight towards the direction where Bonecrusher was calling for help, leaving behind an angry Barricade who transformed back into a humanoid form and waited on the spot for a while. Until he could hardly see Sun Cheng and the others, Barricade transformed back into a police car, carrying the two stolen nuclear warheads, and rushed towards Starscream's base.

After not seeing Barricade from afar, Sun Cheng greeted Onslaught and immediately sent a remote communication to Lazerbeak, informing him of his current location.

Three or four minutes later, with a sudden sharp electronic sound from the sky, he looked up and saw a huge bird-shaped robot with two machine guns hanging under its belly flying over Onslaught.

"Lord Onslaught, please open a door for me to come up!"

Onslaught readily opened a skylight above the cockpit to let him leave the cockpit. After seeing Sun Cheng's figure, Lazerbeak, who looked a little unfriendly, circled around for a while before landing next to him and asking through encrypted communication, "Why did you come to see me until now..."

"I may have been noticed by Starscream when I sent an interstellar communication. Since then, Baricade has been watching me until I helped him complete the task at night and took the opportunity to run out!"

"What task? Who is he?"

"This guy is Onslaught. Starscream wants human nuclear weapons! We grabbed four in total, and two were taken by Barricade, and the other two are now stored with him!"


Lazerbeak was about to ask again, but suddenly both his and Sun Cheng's faces changed, one spreading its wings and flying up, and the other jumping off the front of the car in a panic.

In the next moment, a laser beam suddenly fell beside Onslaught, who had made an emergency evasion, and blasted a huge pit in the asphalt road.

"Enemy attack!"

Onslaught shouted and suddenly transformed back into a humanoid form, holding a large gun and firing a shot towards a distant direction.

Sun Cheng, who had just rolled on the ground several times before standing up, quickly looked in the direction where Onslaught was shooting, but only saw a bright yellow figure speeding away in the distance. Was that a sports car?


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 34 The Arrival of Soundwave


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