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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Following the Onslaught, Sun Cheng and others lurked at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base for two days. There was no news from Starscream, and they were unsure of the situation.

However, Lazerbeak sent four remote communications to him during those two days.

Due to Starscream's previous instructions, Sun Cheng had refused to meet with him and even encrypted his communication coordinates to avoid being captured by Lazerbeak.

But, he also left a trace of himself and replied to Lazerbeak, telling him that he was being monitored by Baricade and it was difficult to find an opportunity to leave.

Of course, this communication was sent in the presence of the Onslaught.

After a long wait, they finally received a remote communication from Baricade on the third day.

He and Bonecrusher had arrived, and surprisingly, Spectro was with them. It seems that Starscream was determined to get the nuclear warheads at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base!

"... idiots, I told you not to get too close to the base..."

Following the Onslaught, they left the hiding tunnel and, after arriving at the rendezvous point, the Onslaught transformed into his humanoid form, his face full of anger and his temper explosive. He grabbed Baricade and looked at him viciously.

"So, you were the one commanding this operation..."

Bonecrusher apparently recognized the Onslaught, and his expression was not pleasant.

Sun Cheng understood this.

He had been with the Onslaught for two days, and at first, he thought he was easy to get along with. But he didn't expect him to be a typical Decepticon, with a bit of perfectionism, attaching great importance to his plan. He was the kind of person who, once he had a plan, not only demanded that he follow it but also forced others to follow it.

As a result, Sun Cheng had tried to sneak into the base a few times during those two days, but he was rudely rejected by the Onslaught, and they could only lurk around the tunnel near the base, bored to death.

Being treated so rudely, Baricade's temper also rose. He drew a weapon full of spikes from his mechanical body and threw it viciously at the Onslaught, knocking him back a few steps. He then glared at the Onslaught and growled, "Do you want to fight me before the operation?"


The Onslaught was really hot-headed and immediately entered the fighting state.

Seeing that they were going to fight before the operation even began, Sun Cheng looked at Bonecrusher and found that he was interested and had no intention of intervening.

Looking at Spectro, this little guy didn't even try to hide his glee. He was almost shouting, "Fight, fight, make sure they all die!"

Seeing this, Sun Cheng had no choice but to step forward and advise, "Baricade, Onslaught, Starscream's mission is more important..."

At this point, he could only bring up Starscream.

Fortunately, Starscream's name still had some deterrent effect on Baricade and the Onslaught, so they both snorted and turned their heads away when he mentioned him.

The farce was stopped, and Spectro didn't try to hide his disappointment. But Bonecrusher looked at Baricade and then at the Onslaught and said, "Lord Starscream saved me. I will help him complete this mission. Since you two are not fighting, let's arrange our respective tasks!"

Just as the Onslaught was about to speak, Bonecrusher impatiently interrupted him, "I've had enough of you since Cybertron. Let him speak his plan. I don't even want to hear a word from you!"

After speaking, he pointed at Sun Cheng.

"Exactly, let Frenzy come!" Baricade immediately agreed, looking at the Onslaughting with a sneer, "After all, it was Frenzy who proposed the plan, let him arrange it!"

Spectro disagreed, "I object..."

He pointed at Sun Cheng, almost jumping up, "I won't take orders from this grunt, forget about it..."

"Get out..."

Onslaughting kicked him out, then glared at Bonecrusher and Baricade for a while before coldly snorting, "Fine, if the mission fails, you can go talk to Starscream yourselves..."

After saying that, he directly transformed into a super-heavy truck, and from the sound of it, even the engine was running.

Feeling several pairs of eyes on him, Sun Cheng had to walk over and say, "Indeed, today's operation plan was proposed by me. We will split into two groups, one will directly Onslaught the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, and the other will be responsible for Onslaughting another nearby base. Since the adults don't object, then I will arrange the tasks!"

"Baricade is the fastest, I hope you can go with Spectro to the other base, destroy its support capabilities, and then come here to support us!"

He looked at Onslaughting and Bonecrusher again and said, "Bonecrusher's speed is not as fast as Baricade's, so I hope you can go with Onslaughting and me to Onslaught the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. I will immediately paralyze the communication system inside the base and destroy some of the electronic devices on the planes once the operation begins. I will send you the coordinates of several ammunition depots inside the base, please make sure to destroy all the planes at the first opportunity. After that, Bonecrusher will be responsible for continuing to destroy and distract inside the base, while Onslaughting and I will grab the nuclear warheads!"

This was probably the most reasonable arrangement at the moment, so Onslaughting nodded directly, seeming satisfied with his arrangement.

However, the other two powerful warriors besides him were very dissatisfied with this.

Baricade glared at Sun Cheng and was the first to express his dissatisfaction, "I want to stay here and ensure that the operation is not a failure!"

"I don't want to go with Onslaughting either..." Bonecrusher also calmly rejected his arrangement.

Onslaughting snorted, and his gaze towards him was already a bit off.

Sun Cheng could only shrug, "Okay then, let's switch the arrangement for the two adults. Baricade, Onslaughting, and I will be responsible for here, while Bonecrusher and Spectro will go to destroy the other base!"

"I object..." Spectro objected again, but unfortunately, not only did Sun Cheng not pay attention to him, Baricade, Bonecrusher, and Onslaughting all ignored him and nodded in agreement.

"Well then, to ensure the success of the operation, we need to Onslaught at the same time. Baricade, please send the coordinates of the target base to them. Bonecrusher and Spectro, please set off immediately after receiving the coordinates. Before launching the Onslaught at the destination, please send a remote communication to remind us, so that we can proceed at the same time on both ends!"

"Got it!"

Bonecrusher readily agreed, and after getting the coordinates from Baricade, he took Spectro with him and rushed to the other military base nearby.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 30


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