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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Late at night, after a terrifying thunderstorm that came and went in the blink of an eye, a black and white Ford Mustang police car with the number 643 printed on its body slowly drove deeper into an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Fairfax City.

The headlights illuminated the area!

If someone happened to pass by the car at this moment, they would undoubtedly be frightened to the core. Because as they looked into the car, whether at the driver's seat on the left or the empty passenger seat on the right, there was not a single soul inside!

"What the hell... Was the core template damaged by the lightning strike just now?" Sun Cheng gradually regained consciousness, his head throbbing intensely as if a searing iron rod had been forcefully plunged into it. The pain, nausea, and intense dizziness made him even contemplate the thought of immediate death.

To make matters worse, he was now experiencing hallucinations.

"...I am Frenzy...a mechanical life form from Cybertron Planet..."

"No, no... I'm Sun Cheng, a failed college student who passed out after drinking too much..."

An overwhelming flood of unfamiliar memories and consciousness clashed in his mind, exacerbating his torment.

Fortunately, this state of mind didn't last too long. Accompanied by a sudden and inexplicable sensation of coolness, Sun Cheng finally managed to completely assimilate the consciousness data of the Mechanical Life Form known as Frenzy, taking control of the mechanical body.

Yes, it was a mechanical body, not a human one!

Once he had fully processed the absurd information in his head, Sun Cheng regained his awareness. He lowered his head, his face adorned with a pair of field of view lenses that covered an astonishing range of nearly three hundred degrees. Even in the darkness of the night, he could clearly discern tiny particles on the ground over ten meters away to the left, with eyes that resembled high-definition cameras. He stared at his own slender, metallic arms.

"...Is this not a dream? Have I actually transformed into a robot? This..."

Sun Cheng couldn't help but doubt!

Apart from the fact that the unique construction of a mechanical life form's body couldn't be faked, a barrage of information flooded his mind, originating from the storage and encryption of memory-related files, the energy consumption of the mechanical body, the wear and tear of its various parts, and even the mechanical body's ability to transform and combine. All of this information manifested itself in his head, or rather, in the core template, at a frequency of once per second.

[Frenzy: Spy Robot]

[Faction: Decepticon (Cassette Legion)]

[Partner: Barricade]

[Height: 2.6 feet. Weight: 27.51 pounds]

[Core: Level 1 Spy Template]

[Status: Good!]

[Currently executing mission 1: Go to Earth and search for information about the leader 'Megatron' and the 'All Spark'.]

[Secretly executing mission 2: Monitor Barricade and investigate the reason behind the sudden departure of the deputy commander, Starscream, from Cybertron to the Solar System decades ago.]


Caught in a state of confusion and panic about the events happening to him, Sun Cheng suddenly felt his head spinning. Before he could even comprehend it, his incredible mechanical eyes had already conveyed the drastic changes in his surroundings to the core template within his brain.

"Hold on... has the police car I was in also transformed into a robot? Is he my current partner, Barricade?"

As this thought emerged in his mind, Sun Cheng quickly realized his mistake!

"Damn it... worthless Cassette Legion..."

Accompanied by a furious roar, Sun Cheng hadn't even hit the ground yet when he felt a weightless sensation, firmly caught in a pair of dark mechanical hands. "Warning... Warning, Exoskeleton sustains minor damage..."

Although the mechanical body prevented him from feeling the pain, the continuous warnings from the core template flashing in his mind, along with the sparks emitted by Barricade's tight grip on his mechanical body, indicated the severity of Sun Cheng's current condition.

"...I've run out of patience... insignificant vermin... Now, either tell me if the mission can still proceed or perish..."

With Baricade's cold, mechanical voice, the danger warning in Sun Cheng's mind became even more piercing, accompanied by an indescribable sense of despair.

In that moment, it was as if a voice emerged from the depths of his soul, incessantly issuing warnings.

I'm going to die!

I'm really going to die!

"Wait... Lord Barricade... it seems my template has been affected by the recent lightning strike..."

Under the imminent danger, Sun Cheng immediately replied, almost instinctively.

Even though he could sense the tremor and panic in his own voice.

A semblance of a smile appeared on Barricade's grim metallic face, appearing cruel and violent.

He seemed highly satisfied with Sun Cheng's terror, but as the glimmer in his two pairs of blue mechanical eyes flickered, his cold voice once again shocked Sun Cheng's core template to the verge of malfunction. "Oh? Does that mean I need a new assistant?"

The fear and unease intensified, echoing the subconscious warning from Frenzy, the original owner who had been devoured by him.

And Sun Cheng, who has taken over all of Frenzy's memories, finally reacted and realized his current dangerous situation.

He, Frenzy, is a Mechanical Life Form from the Decepticon faction of Cybertron Planet, a member of the Cassette Legion under Lord Soundwave.

As an intelligence officer of the Decepticons, after following Lord Soundwave to the Solar System in a remote corner of the Milky Way, he received orders to go to Earth with the Decepticon warrior named 'Baricade' in front of him to search for the missing Decepticon leader, Lord Megatron, and the Sacred artifact called the All Spark. Intelligence suggests that they are likely to be on Earth.

In addition, he also received a secret mission from Soundwave, the commander of the Cassette Legion.

However, it was clear that Baricade did not trust him.

He couldn't help but make a subconscious swallowing motion, but unfortunately, it only produced an indistinct electronic sound.

In response to the warning of the crisis, Sun Cheng's brain started to operate at an unprecedented frequency. "My... my lord, although my condition has been affected to some extent, it does not hinder the upcoming mission..."

As far as he knows, although Decepticons are Mechanical Life Forms, their strict hierarchical system is even more oppressive than the feudal era that humans have long surpassed.

The higher-ranked Decepticons have a suffocating level of suppression over the lower-ranked ones, which is one of the laws deeply ingrained in the most important aspect of their existence, the Core.

This also means that Sun Cheng, who has taken control of the mechanical spy named 'Frenzy', can't muster any resistance in the face of Baricade, who is suppressing him with his higher rank.

This undoubtedly heightened his unease!

"Oh? Is that so?"

Seeing Baricade sneer and reveal a mouthful of ferocious serrated alloy teeth, even tightening his grip with a bit more force, it seemed that he had no intention of letting him off easily.

Sun Cheng's heart tightened, and he was about to beg for mercy when a piece of information suddenly flashed in his mind. He couldn't help but shout, "Lord Baricade, kill me, because the next intelligence officer sent to assist you won't arrive on Earth for who knows how long. I've heard that Lord Blackout is about to reach the Solar System!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, he initially felt a sudden tightening all over his body, thinking he had overplayed his hand. However, the next moment, he was forcefully thrown out, first colliding with a stone pillar inside the abandoned factory, and then landing on the dirty ground with a loud "thud."


Accompanied by a cold snort, Baricade stared down at him menacingly for a while, then transformed back into the original black and white Ford Mustang police car with a mechanical sound. "Get in the car, let's go!"

Decepticons' mechanical bodies are made of Memory Metal, so Sun Cheng's non-fatal injuries will heal on their own in no time. Therefore, even though his mechanical body is damaged, it doesn't hinder his movements.

However, the experience of having his life completely in someone else's hands just now left him feeling stifled and extremely angry, thinking to himself that he couldn't let it slide so easily.

Silently, he got into the car and sat in the passenger seat. Sun Cheng lowered his head, and the blue light in his electronic eyes flickered incessantly as he began to organize his thoughts.

Just a moment ago, if he hadn't fully absorbed all of 'Frenzy's' memories, his current partner, Baricade, might have taken the opportunity to kill him.

Sun Cheng wasn't merely indulging in delusions. In 'Frenzy's' memories, Baricade was known as a cunning and ferocious Decepticon warrior. He would readily kill a low-ranking Decepticon like Sun Cheng without hesitation. Even the leader of the Cassette Legion, Soundwave, to which they both belonged, wouldn't intervene on his behalf against Baricade.

Luckily, they were sent to Earth on a mission this time, and Baricade had a strained relationship with another Decepticon warrior, Blackout. Otherwise, Sun Cheng would have become the unluckiest adventurer in history.

Although, in his perspective, he found it inexplicable how he had transmigrated to this new world and transformed into a Mechanical Life Form. It seemed like a stroke of terrible luck.

Indeed, Sun Cheng had come to realize the truth of his transmigration.

While sorting through 'Frenzy's' memory data, he had learned that he was still on Earth, but his location had changed from his homeland of China to Fairfax City in Virginia, USA.

If it were only a simple change of location, Sun Cheng wouldn't have felt so disheartened.

However, from 'Frenzy's' memory data, he discovered that in this world, although there was a country named 'China,' its political system was modeled after Soviet-style socialism. This stretched his imagination to its limits.

After all, in the world he knew before, China and the Soviet Union had been embroiled in territorial disputes and border conflicts for over a century. Their enmity was deep-rooted, making it unimaginable for either side to adopt the other's system.

Furthermore, this world had only reached the year AD 2007, and the existence of "mechanical life" as a type of intelligent extraterrestrial lifeform was something Sun Cheng had never anticipated, despite his attempts at wild speculation.

Given these circumstances, only one conclusion remained.

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Next Chapter >> Chapter 2 Incredible Information Stealing


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