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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


However, the manufacturing speed of industrial robots has increased, but Sun Cheng did not show much satisfaction.

Compared with industrial robots, what he needed now was a new type of combat robot that had excellent maneuverability, greater durability, and impressive combat capabilities.

Forerunner, Atlas, and Frenzy, the ones chosen by Sun Cheng to stay by his side, were all highly intelligent beings. Even among the Decepticons, they stood out.

Atlas, who was about to claim credit, clearly noticed his expression and cautiously asked, "Master, are you not satisfied with our efficiency?"

Being the Decepticon who had been with him the longest, Atlas found himself leading a much more enjoyable life since Onslaught had handed him over to Sun Cheng.

The new master was not cruel, and his treatment of his Decepticon subordinates was much better than Onslaught's.

Even though they were mechanical beings, they possessed their own intelligence.

In Atlas's mind, Sun Cheng was undoubtedly a more suitable master to pledge allegiance to, except for the fact that he wasn't as powerful as Onslaught.

As a result, Atlas approached the tasks assigned to him with greater seriousness.

"Not at all!"

Sun Cheng shook his head, but his gaze shifted to Atlas as he asked, "While industrial robots need to continue production, Atlas, I need you to immediately gather the engineers and design a new type of robot for me. It needs to be both agile and flexible while possessing formidable combat capabilities!"

"A combat robot?" Atlas was familiar with this topic!

In fact, Sun Cheng had already contemplated this matter several months ago, when industrial robots were first introduced.

However, at that time, he had significant doubts about the combat prowess of such robots. He even doubted whether they would prove useful against Autobots and Decepticons.

Therefore, it wasn't until the previous time, when he personally modified Industrial Robots 19 and 20, that Atlas and the others received such a command.

Although he didn't understand why Sun Cheng suddenly made this request, Atlas didn't hesitate in his response, "As you wish, my master. I will immediately gather the engineers and design a new combat robot for you!"

Even though Atlas and the others were responsible for the design, Sun Cheng himself also participated in the process.

The last time, the performance of the robots he personally designed and modified, 19 and 20, had been unremarkable in the battles at Base One.

Of course, this might also be due to the nature of the enemies they faced.

Suppose 19 and 20 had encountered Mudflap instead of Sideswipe. Equipped with heavy machine guns, armor-piercing rounds, and grenade launchers, they might have exhibited remarkable performance.

Considering Mudflap's armor strength, they would have certainly caused significant damage.

Unfortunately, they encountered Sideswipe.

Sideswipe, the Autobot renowned for his mobility and formidable melee abilities, posed a challenge even for the present Sun Cheng. If he had confronted Sideswipe back then, it is unlikely that he would have lasted longer than 19 and 20, who could only survive for a few seconds.

They were destroyed as soon as they appeared on the battlefield, making it clear that 19 and 20, as experimental models, had failed to meet the requirements.

For this reason, Sun Cheng could only recall his few battles with the Autobots while pondering what kind of combat robot he needed.

Time always passes quickly without notice.

Soon, a week had already gone by.

Aside from delivering two batches of materials to the Ghost for Hephaestus and the others to continue modifying it, Sun Cheng had been staying in his new laboratory at Base 2, sorting and absorbing the data from Mudflap's memory chips, while also participating in Atlas and their battle robot design project.

"...I need a powerful combat robot that can at least hold its ground against the Autobots, so it doesn't need to be overly intelligent, but it must have strong firepower while maintaining maneuverability... Oh, and it should also possess decent close combat abilities..."

Clearly, Sun Cheng's requirements were exceedingly high.

As a result, when Atlas and his engineers began designing, troubles started to arise.

"Master, this is very challenging... It's difficult for us to achieve a balance between firepower, close combat capabilities, and maintaining good mobility..."

"Without sufficient intelligence, it will struggle to handle the rapidly changing battlefield and respond to unforeseen circumstances..."

"If we need enough firepower, we can consider equipping it with plasma shoulder cannons, but that would consume a significant amount of energy, requiring a 'big heart'..."

"Mobility, darn it, that would deplete our materials stockpile entirely; we would need a lot of rare metals..."


Complaining, discussing, and researching all at once!

After more than a dozen engineers' efforts, one week after the mission was assigned, Sun Cheng finally saw the completed design plan from Atlas, whose blue light in his electronic eyes seemed noticeably dimmer.

"Master, please review; this is our final design plan!"

In the instant he met Atlas's gaze, a massive stream of data flowed into his Core.

Upon receiving the design proposal for the combat robot, Sun Cheng eagerly closed his eyes and carefully examined it.

The engineers' finalized combat robot was a fearsome machine that appeared just slightly shorter than his current mechanical body.

It looks somewhat similar to the ghost hunter Sun Cheng encountered in the real world, with a height of nearly 2.5 meters and a mechanical body that is at least two sizes larger than an industrial robot, indicating that this fellow is not to be underestimated.

"The mechanical body is 2.44 meters tall, weighing a total of 1117.52kg. It has a normal marching speed of 92.5 kilometers per hour and a maximum speed of 148.27 kilometers per hour... The left arm has been modified into a rapid-fire machine gun, while the palm of the right hand conceals a sniper rifle capable of firing 12.7mm armor-piercing rounds, with a maximum range of 5 kilometers. It is equipped with a standard P2 plasma shoulder cannon and a steel-cutting combat knife... Furthermore, the main mechanical body requires an energy supply of no less than 800 standard Cybertron energy points..."

It took about ten minutes to fully incorporate the redesigned battle robot plan by Atlas and his team into the Core.

After reviewing it several times in his mind, Sun Cheng had to admit that compared to his initial crude modifications, Atlas and his team's work was undoubtedly more sophisticated.

With greater maneuverability than the king of the third-generation tanks, the M1A2, it appeared less cumbersome. The direct modification of the left arm into a rapid-fire machine gun gave this combat robot commendable group assault capabilities in large-scale engagements.

The hidden sniper rifle in the palm of the right arm, along with the armor-piercing ammunition it will be equipped with, grants it the ability to destroy armed helicopters and infantry fighting vehicles on the battlefield. Coupled with the semi-intelligent processing center of the robot, it can even pose a precise threat to field commanders.

This robot is equipped with a steel-cutting combat knife, which Atlas plans to manufacture using a special alloy that has been used on Cybertron Planet for many years. Though not as impressive as Sideswipe's weapon, it can easily tear through the mechanical body armor of individuals like Mudflap, an Autobot car.

Moreover, it is also equipped with a plasma shoulder cannon, providing substantial firepower.

Soon, Sun Cheng expressed his satisfaction to Atlas and his team, saying, "Very good, an excellent set of plans. Now, issue the command to halt the production of industrial robots. I want you to manufacture a batch of combat robots for me in the shortest possible time!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 209 Everything is ready


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