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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After spending two more days in the real world, I kept running around near Nandu, searching for a contract manufacturer.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any company capable of handling the outsourced hard disk production business for Cybertron Technology Corporation. So, Sun Cheng had to temporarily give up.

After a brief moment of dizziness, I returned to my base in the Transformers world.

Sun Cheng shook his head, feeling the extraordinary vision brought by his two electronic eyes, which was distinctly different from that of a human. He clenched his fist slightly.

Although I had been in the real world for nearly a month, with a brief return to this world in between, it was rushed and hurried. Surprisingly, it made me feel a subtle sense of coming back home.

Raising my fist, I lightly tapped my head.

Sun Cheng stood up from the ground, glancing at the nearly empty No. 1 laboratory. The blue light in his electronic eyes flickered suddenly.

"It's almost time..."

The passage of time in the two worlds is not consistent, which forced Sun Cheng to consider it for a while before reaching an answer that excited him.

It had been almost twenty days since his last encounter with Onslaught.

Initially, Onslaught promised to let him take over his base in the Grand Canyon half a month later.

Although Sun Cheng always felt that this guy's hibernation was too sudden.

Not long ago, he had negotiated the deal with him regarding a few engineers. Unexpectedly, Onslaught readily agreed to hand over his base, which he had managed for many years.

It's natural to be suspicious and think twice in such situations.

After contemplating for a while, Sun Cheng couldn't grasp Onslaught's intentions. Despite his hesitation, he couldn't resist the temptation of the base. After briefly explaining to the engineers who were still at the No. 1 base, he left the base and flew aimlessly for a while to conceal his whereabouts. Once he was sure that he wasn't being tracked by radar or satellites, he felt relieved and flew to the Grand Canyon in Colorado.

Once again, he descended on the boulder outside Onslaught's base. Sun Cheng cautiously activated the Core's surveillance function and extended it into the cave. The continuous detection of electromagnetic waves fed the gathered information back to his Core.

Only after fully scanning Onslaught's entire base did he open his eyes again.

Indeed, Onslaught was no longer there!

The Core didn't detect any information about him, but it captured various other signals that intrigued Sun Cheng. He no longer paid attention to any possible schemes that might have been set against him and proceeded directly towards the depths of the base.

Onslaught's base was situated inside the Grand Canyon in Colorado. Originally, it was a geological fissure, but Onslaught discovered it and made some modifications.

However, compared to his No. 2 base in Brazil, the modifications here were not as extensive.

Sun Cheng had never thoroughly investigated it before, due to his association with Onslaught. Now, after the Core's scan, the structure of the base was finally revealed before him.

"Lord Frenzy, you have finally arrived..."

As soon as he walked out of the long corridor and entered the spacious main hall, a Decepticon engineer immediately approached him and said with envy.

Sun Cheng looked down at him with a cold gaze that showed no emotional fluctuations.

He coldly scanned the main hall and nodded slightly, "When did Lord Onslaught leave? Do you know where he went?"

Inside the main hall, a group of Decepticon engineers had gathered, clearly having received orders from the previous owner and waiting for his arrival.

These engineers were not numerous, only nine in total, which didn't match the data he had in his memory.

Clearly, Onslaught had taken some with him when he left, but the number couldn't have been too large, at most a single team.

Before the leading Decepticon engineer could speak, another engineer in the group answered him, "Lord Frenzy, the master left six days ago. As for where he went, we don't know!"

The title "master" made Sun Cheng narrow his eyes slightly. He glanced at the engineer who answered and nodded without saying anything, proceeding straight to a peculiar machine in the north corner of the main hall before coming to a stop.

The machine looked decidedly "eccentric" from a human aesthetic perspective.

It resembled a withered half-iron tree, emitting a metallic sheen on its upper and lower surfaces, with some patterns that Sun Cheng had only seen in the information transmitted from the "All Spark."

Although he didn't know the purpose of this machine, he distinctly recalled Onslaught valuing it greatly. When he had come here before, he had only taken a few glances, but that had already provoked impatience in him.

"What is this?"

After examining it for a moment, Sun Cheng turned to the pair of engineers standing nearby and asked.

"It's a computer, Lord Frenzy. This is a computational device. Its computational capacity is tens of thousands of times greater than our Core, and it also stores some data collected by the master."

The computational capacity of the engineers' Cores was not remarkable. Sun Cheng had compared it to Atlas and others before and found his own Core to be several hundred times more powerful.

Hence, upon hearing the explanation, his eyes immediately lit up, realizing that this was something akin to a human supercomputer.

"A valuable item. No wonder Onslaught used to prevent me from approaching it..."

The performance of this supercomputer manufactured by Cybertron Planet was undoubtedly beyond imagination, and he couldn't help but think about the precious data that Onslaught might have stored within it.

Suppressing the urge to immediately approach and tinker with it, Sun Cheng couldn't help but feel increasingly puzzled. It made no sense for Onslaught to keep such a valuable object. The more he thought about it, the more unreasonable it seemed!

If he couldn't understand it, he decided not to dwell on it!

After restraining his impulse, he quickly gave orders to the several engineers, saying, "Lord Onslaught has instructed me to take over this base. Now, I order all of you to dismantle and transport all the equipment from the base to this location."

After the order was issued, the main hall immediately fell silent.

Several Decepticon engineers lowered their heads and whispered to each other, occasionally stealing glances at him with strange expressions. Obviously, Onslaught had never given them such instructions.

Sun Cheng coldly snorted, his voice turning icy. "What? Are you going to defy your master's orders?"

He emphasized the word 'master,' his electronic eyes unapologetically revealing a menacing aura as he threatened the engineers.

Having had numerous encounters with the Decepticons, Sun Cheng had come to understand that they were a mechanical race driven by the principles of 'survival of the fittest' and 'might makes right.' Often, conspiracies and intelligence proved more effective than direct violence.

As expected, witnessing his sudden change in demeanor, one of the engineers immediately stepped forward in an ingratiating manner, responding, "Master, we will take care of it right away..."

Sun Cheng glanced and realized that this individual was the same Decepticon engineer who had answered him earlier.

An ambitious Decepticon did not concern him, as ambition was an inherent trait of intelligent life, and it was through ambition that intelligent life continued to evolve and grow stronger.

Moreover, this engineer was merely a low-ranking worker!

A sinister smile appeared on Sun Cheng's face as he scrutinized the engineer for a moment, then nodded slightly, giving his command, "Go, take control of all the engineers here. I want every piece of equipment in this base to be disabled and brought here in the shortest possible time!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed the various expressions of envy, jealousy, and resentment on the faces of the other engineers.

Noting the changes in each engineer's expression, Sun Cheng waved his hand, and a group of engineers immediately accelerated towards the various corridors extending from the main hall of the base.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 175 Stir/shit/stick


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