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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Perhaps due to the heavy drinking the night before, his sleep quality was not good, so he woke up early the next day.

After having breakfast, he first drove to Base No. 1 to supervise the construction progress and check the consumption of building materials.

It wasn't until around nine o'clock that he left Xixia District and headed towards the campus of Nandu University of Technology.

He parked his car in a nearby paid parking lot and walked for a few minutes to enter the school. Soon after, Sun Cheng dialed the number of his class advisor, Xu Chun.

"Advisor, I've arrived at the school..."

Since he was going to meet the principal, he certainly brought Xu Chun along. On the one hand, it was to show his gratitude to the class advisor who had helped him a lot, as it was an opportunity to be seen in front of the leadership. On the other hand, he truly didn't know where the principal's office building was.

After all, Nandu University of Technology has numerous campuses, with four on the main campus alone. He hadn't paid particular attention to this matter, so he didn't know the location of the new principal's office building.

"Alright, come to my office first, and later we'll go together!"

This was exactly what he had hoped for, so he promptly replied, "Okay!"

Before long, he arrived outside Xu Chun's office. He had just knocked on the office door when it suddenly swung open, revealing a man walking out, but it wasn't Xu Chun.

"You're here? Why did you arrive so late..."

Xu Chun greeted him proactively, and it was evident that he was in a good mood.

"I've been busy with company matters, ordering a batch of equipment, and also went to the recruitment agency to post an announcement!"

Sun Cheng nodded with a smile. They had made an appointment to discuss things at 10 a.m. this morning, and he arrived just in time, neither late nor early.

However, he naturally wouldn't tell Xu Chun what he had been busy with just now. He only mentioned a few things from the past couple of days to brush it off.

Upon hearing this, Xu Chun glanced at him deeply.

Afterward, Xu Chun didn't inquire further about his arrival time and simply urged him, "Let's go quickly. Don't keep the principal waiting for too long!"

Having said that, Xu Chun led him and headed straight to the central campus, except for the office building. They arrived at their destination after about ten minutes.

"Knock knock knock..."

Leading him into an office building in the central campus, Xu Chun stopped in front of a certain office on the third floor. Xu Chun knocked on the door, and only when a faint response came from inside did he push the door open. "Principal, I've brought student Sun Cheng!"

Following Xu Chun into the principal's office.

The moment Sun Cheng stepped into the office, he immediately felt several sharp gazes fixed upon him.

Slightly furrowing his brows, he refrained from paying any further attention and instead looked ahead. In the office, besides himself and Xu Chun, there were four other individuals.

Coincidentally, he knew all of them.

Apart from Principal Shen Peiyuan, all three individuals in the office were professors from the School of Electronics.

"So, this is student Sun Cheng..."

As soon as he stepped into the office, one of the three professors he knew approached him with a smiling face.

"Professor Hong, hello..."

Sun Cheng politely greeted him. The person in front of him, Professor Hong Lei, was also one of the lecturers for the microelectronics program. Integrated circuits were a compulsory course for the microelectronics major.

Professor Hong Lei was momentarily taken aback. He was the main lecturer for the integrated circuits program, not only for microelectronics but also for other related majors. Due to the large number of students, it was naturally impossible for him to remember the names and faces of each and every one.

However, he quickly regained his composure, and his expression became even more enthusiastic. He patted Sun Cheng on the shoulder and smiled, saying, "You know me, I remember now. I also taught courses for your microelectronics major. Well done! I have reviewed your document with several other professors, and it completely substitutes for a graduation thesis..."

Sun Cheng's lips curled up; he knew Professor Hong Lei's words were not a joke. The original document was a direct translation of Cybertron's cutting-edge technology from the hard drive, and even after his meticulous summarization, the content and professional analysis contained within were far beyond what one would need for a graduation thesis. They would be more than sufficient for a master's or doctoral dissertation.

Upon witnessing Hong Lei's heated conversation, the other two professors quickly joined in, engaging in a lively discussion.

Xu Chun stood by, observing with envy as Sun Cheng effortlessly held his ground, surrounded by several esteemed professors.

It was worth noting that these professors from Nanjing University of Technology were not just anyone; they were top experts in their respective fields in China.

As for Xu Chun, while he too coveted a professorial position, he was aware that his own abilities did not make him suitable for a lecturer role. His future career path would likely lean towards administrative management rather than teaching.


The sound of a cough came from the desk where Shen Peiyuan, the newly appointed president of Nangong University, sat. Initially, upon Sun Cheng's arrival, he did not rush to engage in conversation with the young man.

However, watching Sun Cheng's fervent discussion with the professors, Shen Peiyuan had to set aside his prior intention to ignore him and took the initiative to speak up. "Sun Cheng, I invited you here because I heard that you want to collaborate with the university on new storage technology. Could you please provide more details?"

The moment of truth had arrived!

Sun Cheng thought to himself that since entering the office, the new university president had yet to initiate a conversation. He was well aware that the president had a plan in mind.

Undoubtedly, that plan involved initially snubbing him in order to secure better conditions for both himself and the university during subsequent negotiations.

However, would it be that easy?

Amused by the thought, Sun Cheng promptly retrieved four metal boxes of varying sizes from his briefcase. Along with two recently purchased USB cables, he placed them on Shen Peiyuan's desk.

"These mechanical hard drives are the result of my fourth-generation storage technology. They come in four capacities from left to right: 1T, 5T, 10T, and 20T. Feel free to test them..."

With a confident expression, Sun Cheng maintained direct eye contact with President Shen Peiyuan, not displaying the slightest hint of fear, as he spoke aloud.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard several astonished voices from behind.


"This can't be possible. I recall Seagate only introduced a new 10TB hard drive last year, and it hasn't been widely released yet..."

"How is this even feasible?"

Observing several professors rushing over to his desk in a state of urgency, Shen Peiyuan's gaze narrowed. He took a deep look at the young man before him, who still wore a smile, and understood that the collaboration had already been established. However, the initiative had entirely shifted away from him and Nangong University.


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 170 Intelligent Machinery Laboratory


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