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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng hummed a tune as he gripped the steering wheel of his newly purchased domestic pickup truck worth over ten thousand yuan. He was in a good mood as he drove back to the urban area of Nandu.

Although in the world of "Transformers," he had already sensed the efficiency of industrial robots from the construction speed at Base 2. While they might not be as efficient as the Decepticon engineers, the difference wasn't too significant.

However, back then, Sun Cheng didn't fully grasp this feeling as he hadn't been present to witness their work processes.

Now, in the real world, he personally supervised three industrial robots as they excavated rocks. Surprisingly, within just three days, they managed to create a three-meter-high and twelve-meter-deep passage in the shaded area of Huwangling, spacious enough for four fully-grown men to walk side by side.

The base, located in the real world, was envisioned by Sun Cheng as his largest robot manufacturing facility.

Despite the fact that the designs proposed by him, Atlas, and other Decepticon engineers were only the initial stages of industrial robots and not yet fully matured products, it was still a promising start.

Just imagine, the foundation of industrial robots was solid, with a mechanical body made from a special steel alloy that couldn't be easily penetrated by ordinary firearms.

Moreover, they had the capacity to effortlessly handle loads weighing three to four hundred kilograms. This implied that they could be further modified, such as equipping them with heavy machine guns and ammunition systems, transforming them into formidable killing machines on the battlefield.

These modifications were relatively straightforward, with almost no difficulties involved. The only limitation preventing Sun Cheng from pursuing military modifications on the robots, transforming them into military machines, was simply the lack of production capacity.

Apart from that, the presence of the Cybertronians in the "Transformers" world also played a role in Sun Cheng's decision not to rush into military modifications on the robots.

Having personally experienced and witnessed several battles, he was well aware that these robots were nothing more than cannon fodder when faced with Decepticons and Autobots. They were even more advanced than human soldiers but lacked the sophistication required to confront the mechanical beings of Cybertron Planet.

While military robots possessed an overwhelming advantage against human soldiers, they were no match for the Cybertronian lifeforms. A single data intrusion could easily dismantle their data centers and even assume control over them.

Thus, unless Sun Cheng could resolve the core manufacturing technology barriers he was currently facing and create intelligent robots with the same level of sophistication as the Decepticons, he had no intention of hastily manufacturing military robots and utilizing them as assets against Decepticons and Autobots.

Sun Cheng had purchased the new domestic pickup truck for the convenience of transporting building materials. Its diesel engine provided robust horsepower, which helped alleviate some of his restlessness, despite his lack of interest in sports cars and his affection for muscular roadsters.

It wasn't a matter of lacking funds to purchase a better and more audacious muscle car. Firstly, they attracted too much attention, and secondly, he wouldn't remain in the real world for long. After addressing the matters concerning "Cybertron Technology" and "Base One," Sun Cheng would soon return to the world of "Transformers."

As the car had just left the Xixia District, the phone placed nearby suddenly rang.

Sun Cheng glanced at it and realized that it wasn't Xu Chun but Yang Fei calling. With a slight hint of disappointment, he pressed the Bluetooth earpiece on his ear and answered the call.


"Hey, Brother Sun. I've contacted all the people you mentioned. When would you like to arrange a meeting with them and personally have a conversation

, Brother Sun?"

"All of them have been contacted?"

Sun Cheng was somewhat surprised and couldn't help but smile. He lightly tapped the horn to signal the vehicles ahead to move, then adjusted the angle of his Bluetooth headset. After pondering for a moment, he replied, "I have some free time over the next two days. How about this? Contact them later, and if you can make time tonight, I'll host a dinner at Tengwang Pavilion near Nangong University. Please ask them to come and join us..."

"That's fine, I'll take care of it right away. I'll contact you after I confirm it later!"

After hanging up the phone, Sun Cheng adjusted his posture, leaning back on the driver's seat. It was evident that he was in a better mood now than before.

Nanjing University of Technology, as one of the top science and engineering universities in China, ranks among the top institutions in almost every major nationwide. The computer major is no exception. Only a few universities in the country, such as Aurora University, Yenching University, and Jiangnan University of Science and Technology, can compare.

The computer science department at Nanjing University of Technology boasts several outstanding individuals, some of whom have already made a name for themselves even before graduation. They either hold multiple technical patents or have come up with innovative ideas. Some exceptionally talented individuals have gained international recognition, publishing numerous papers that have attracted widespread attention.

Unlike in the world of "Transformers," where he found himself burdened with the identity of a Decepticon, even if he was unwilling, Sun Cheng had no choice but to step up and confront the Autobots alongside humans. After all, this was the real world, and he was in his own territory.

In the real world, he was also a pride of Nanjing University of Technology and a rising star in entrepreneurship.

Having such a prestigious status and not utilizing it would be foolish. Sun Cheng believed in harnessing the intellect and wisdom of not only Nanjing University of Technology but also the entire nation of China and the world. Thus, he established Cybertron Technology Company with the aim of gradually bringing the problems that he and his Decepticon soldiers could not solve in the world of "Transformers" into countless smaller tasks in the real world, using the human intellect to find solutions.

He refused to believe that the wisdom of billions of people couldn't solve all the problems. Was it really impossible to solve even one?

In the future, Cybertron Technology Company would focus on two main areas: hardware and software.

Hardware was self-explanatory, ranging from small hard drives to large electronic devices. Sun Cheng would transport any technology he could acquire from the world of "Transformers" to the real world as needed.

On the other hand, software would be the reverse approach.

Sun Cheng planned to tap into the wisdom of the real world, mobilizing human resources and capital to unravel the secrets of mechanical life.

Why does the "All Spark" grant life to machines?

He still hadn't figured it out, but Sun Cheng realized that the "life force" referred to by the mechanical beings of Cybertron Planet was merely special information akin to computer programs.

However, these entities were far more extraordinary than ordinary computer programs!

If Cybertron Technology Company in the real world could decipher the mysteries of this information, Sun Cheng believed that all the problems troubling him would cease to exist.

At that point, although he lacked the strength of Onslaught or the influence of Starscream, he would have a continuous supply of intelligent robots resembling Decepticons at his disposal. Let's see who among the Autobots and Decepticons would dare to challenge him again!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 167 Cooperation Achieved (Part 1)


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