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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Where's the spaceship?"

"Where's the spaceship?"

Sun Cheng's face was filled with a fierce expression as he ran and crawled, shouting angrily.

He had dropped his flashlight behind him and didn't dare to look back to pick it up. Even the M16 he obtained from the security room was being used as a makeshift cane.

But right now, Sun Cheng had no time to care about those things. What he wanted to know most was where the promised spaceship was.

Safeguard had just mentioned that the hunter's spaceship was located a dozen meters ahead.

However, after Sun Cheng crawled and ran, he finally arrived at the designated spot, only to see an empty area with nothing but weeds.

"Where is the spaceship... Where is it..."

Accompanied by his unwilling roar, the roar of the Tyrannosaurus rex behind him grew closer. Amidst the anger in its roar, there was also a hint of excitement.


Sun Cheng, filled with anger and frustration, quickly raised the M16 in his hand and wildly sprayed bullets toward the Tyrannosaurus rex, which was over ten meters away. "Da da da da da da..."

The Tyrannosaurus rex was massive in size, and the spewing fire snakes accurately hit its body one after another. However, most of the bullets merely managed to penetrate its outer scales, causing little damage. Instead, it further infuriated the creature, making it fix its gaze on Sun Cheng and extend its neck, preparing for another furious roar.


With no way to escape, Sun Cheng urgently commanded Revenge, "Quick, revenge. Attack it..."

Upon receiving the command, Revenge took off from the ground, flapping its wings, and swiftly flew above the head of the Tyrannosaurus rex. It aimed at its left eye and shot a dart!

"Hiss... roar..."

The sudden pain and loss of vision from the left eye instantly sent the Tyrannosaurus rex into a state of rage.

Unfortunately, the Tyrannosaurus rex possessed an incredibly robust vitality. Even though the dart from Revenge was poisoned, it only caused discomfort and compelled the creature to thrash its head and tail frantically. Especially with its tail, each swing of the massive appendage generated gusts of wind, nearly sending Sun Cheng flying.

The Tyrannosaurus rex descended into a state of rage and madness. It appeared that the toxin from Revenge's dart had begun to infiltrate its central nervous system, causing its consciousness to become muddled. It violently shook its head, as if an earthquake, while keeping its head raised, making the nearby ground tremble.

After realizing that it wasn't staring at him anymore, Sun Cheng quickly stopped shooting and instead gave orders to Revenge, "Revenge, shoot it. Blind its other eye..."

The defensive scales on the bodies of these ancient giant beasts were formidable, and ordinary firearms couldn't cause any damage. However, like most animals, the eyes, nose, abdomen, and neck were still the weaknesses of most dinosaurs.

Faithfully executing his orders, Revenge flew around the head of the rampaging and increasingly disoriented Tyrannosaurus rex, searching for an opportunity.

Meanwhile, Sun Cheng took advantage of the situation and was about to call Safeguard to retreat when he glanced to the side and noticed that Safeguard had inexplicably retracted its wings, standing suspended in mid-air.

Upon closer inspection, there was a shimmering light wave beneath Safeguard's feet. If not observed carefully, one might have mistaken it for an illusion!

"What is this?"

Sun Cheng was momentarily stunned, but quickly realized, "Optical invisibility?!"


It didn't make sense that the hunter civilization could achieve individual optical invisibility but couldn't extend this technology for use on spaceships!

Although he wasn't sure why Safeguard hadn't responded to him, he reasoned that if it didn't mention any danger, there should be none ahead.

With this thought in mind, Sun Cheng couldn't help but let go of his sadness and feel joyous instead.

"Master, the spaceship is here. Do you want me to disable its optical invisibility?"


He promptly commanded.

Following the order, Safeguard extended a specialized metal joint from its body and inserted it into the light waves beneath its feet.

A few seconds later, Sun Cheng felt a sharp electromagnetic wave pulsate in front of him. His scalp and cheeks went numb, and even his eyelashes stood on end.

In the next moment, his vision suddenly flickered, and a colossal spaceship materialized right before him.

This spaceship was entirely black, with a flat, elongated shuttle-like hull. Even when considering the support brackets underneath, it stood no more than two meters tall but measured around seven to eight meters in length.

The layout of the spacecraft resembled those on Earth, with the hunter's spaceship having a pointed front and a broader rear. There were no bulky external wings or visible engines. At its widest point, the mechanical body wouldn't exceed four meters. It was an aircraft that exuded aesthetic beauty and mechanical elegance.

Despite his excitement, Sun Cheng still remembered that there was a Tyrannosaurus rex behind him!

As he turned around to check, he saw that the Tyrannosaurus rex, a few meters away, was now completely blinded. Revenge had seized an opportunity and sent a blow dart into its other eye.

After losing his vision, even the sharp-sensed Tyrannosaurus rex couldn't help but panic, constantly turning, shaking its head, and roaring in frustration. Its tail thrashed wildly around!

Seize the opportunity when it's weak!

Sun Cheng felt a surge of determination. He knew that his weapons, including the shotgun, were unlikely to harm the Tyrannosaurus rex.

However, he did have weapons that could pose a threat.

For example, grenades!

Taking out the last grenade from his body, Sun Cheng calculated the distance between himself and the Tyrannosaurus rex. After giving the order for revenge to retreat, he pulled the pin of the grenade and threw it at the raging Tyrannosaurus rex. Then he quickly ran to the other side of the spaceship!


After a few seconds of delay, the explosion suddenly resounded. Following that, a more fierce roar came from the other side of the spaceship. Sun Cheng peeked out from the back of the spaceship and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Although the explosion of the grenade wasn't enough to kill the Tyrannosaurus rex, it completely shattered one of its hind legs. As the Tyrannosaurus rex crashed to the ground, it could no longer pose a threat to him other than its roars.

With the confirmation of his own safety, Sun Cheng sat down on the muddy ground. However, when he turned his head and looked towards the spaceship, he was startled to see an unfamiliar figure lying not far away.

The figure seemed vaguely familiar, and it was none other than a ghost!


Upon seeing him, Sun Cheng instinctively raised his weapon and aimed it at the ghost.

But he quickly realized that since neither Safeguard nor Revenge had warned him of any danger, it was likely that there was no danger.

Still, just to be cautious, he called Revenge and asked, "Is it dead?"

"Yes, master. No signs of life have been detected!"

In comparison to their ability to detect electromagnetic reactions from devices and machinery from a distance of hundreds of meters, Safeguard's Core could only detect the bio-electromagnetic field within a few meters, which was a common limitation of low-level Decepticons.

That's why Revenge could easily detect the ghosts lurking around but had difficulty defending against sudden attacks from dinosaurs and venomous snakes.

After confirming its demise, Sun Cheng lost interest and simply sat quietly on the muddy ground, observing Safeguard as it continued to operate above the spaceship.

After a while, accompanied by a sudden hissing sound from somewhere on the spaceship, the cargo bay slowly opened!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 137 Returning to Transformers


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