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Hermione swallowed the potion in her mouth and discovered that it was chilling, as cold as ice, instantly permeating her entire body. She continued to step forward, resolutely crossing the high wall formed by black flames.

In that instant, it seemed as if she couldn't see anything, everything was pitch black. When she saw the light again, she was frozen in place.

What kind of magic could transform a room like this?

Standing here was like standing on a tranquil lake, as calm as a mirror—indeed, at this moment, her feet were on the water's surface, yet she didn't fall through.

In the center of this lake, there was a gray-white rock platform. And upon it stood a person.

"You!" Hermione exclaimed as she looked at the familiar figure from behind.

It wasn't Severus Snape, nor was it Voldemort; it was the stammering, seemingly timid Defense Against the Dark Arts professor—Quirinus Quirrell.

Quirrell still wore his comical turban, but his presence here sent shivers down Hermione's spine.

Quirrell turned around and smiled at Hermione, who was visibly surprised.

Now, his face didn't twitch at all, and he spoke fluently, just like anyone else.

"It's me," he said calmly. "I was just thinking, would I happen to encounter Potter here? But I suppose it's not that surprising for you, Miss Granger, to be here."

"Oh! It's you. So Severus Snape has been wary of you! That's what made Harry believe that Severus Snape was going to—" Hermione, being clever, and also due to her association with Maca, didn't harbor the same strong aversion towards Severus Snape as Harry did.

She pondered for a moment and managed to piece together the chain of events.

"Severus Snape?" Quirrell burst into laughter. It wasn't his usual sharp and grating tremor, but a bone-chilling cold laugh.

"Yes! Severus Snape indeed doesn't look like a good person, does he? He flies around like a giant bat, which actually helps us. With him there, who would suspect the poor, stammering Professor Quirrell?"

"No, I believe Professor Dumbledore has noticed," Hermione suppressed her unease and fear, pretending to look down at the lake. "Am I right, Professor Dumbledore?"

Quirrell was visibly terrified. Trembling, he took a few steps back, his eyes fixed on the lake, but he couldn't see anything.

"No—impossible!" Quirrell shouted frantically. "I've deceived Dumbledore into going to London! He can't be here at this time!"

"Professor Dumbledore," Hermione continued, feeling like Maca had led her astray as she started to comprehend deceit, "I believe Professor Quirrell has just been misled. He must have been tempted, otherwise, he wouldn't have acted this way. After all, it's obviously impossible to successfully steal the Philosopher's Stone under your protection."

Quirrell trembled violently. Amidst repeatedly saying "impossible," he kept inching towards the center of the stone platform. He knew that with Dumbledore's immeasurable magical strength, he could return at any moment—or perhaps, Dumbledore hadn't left at all?


A voice suddenly resonated from somewhere behind Quirrell. That rough and feeble voice carried a terrifying coldness and ruthlessness.

"That little girl is deceiving you! Dumbledore isn't here at all!" the voice roared, "If you dare to escape, I'll make you wish for death!"

Quirrell was so frightened by the voice that he knelt on the ground, trembling all over, pleading for mercy.

"Voldemort!" Hermione exclaimed in terror.

"Seize her!"

Voldemort roared,

Quirrell immediately waved his wand, casting a Disarming Charm that sent Hermione's wand flying far away. Then, with another wave, a magic rope instantly bound Hermione securely.

Hermione fell to the ground, but Quirrell paid her no more attention. Instead, he followed Voldemort's command and continued to study the secrets of the room.

"Master, it should be here," Quirrell whispered, "There is nothing on this platform except for a sword stuck in the ground."

"Pull out the sword!" Voldemort said in a deep voice.

Upon hearing this, Quirrell immediately reached out and grasped the sword that was inserted in the center of the platform. However, he couldn't pull it out at all.

"Hmph, let me see for myself," Voldemort sneered and ordered Quirrell.

"But, master... your strength hasn't fully recovered yet!"

"I still have enough strength for this."

Hermione struggled but found herself unable to move. She watched as Quirrell raised his hand and removed the scarf from his head—what was going on? The scarf fell, revealing Quirrell's bare head, which looked surprisingly small.


From Hermione's viewpoint, she easily saw a horrifying face on the back of Quirrell's head! The face was as pale as chalk, with glowing red eyes and two slender nostrils resembling snakes below.

Those eyes swept over Hermione, causing her to involuntarily hold her breath. In the next moment, Quirrell turned around.

"Hmm, yes. Gryffindor's sword, stuck in a rock?" Voldemort's low, hoarse voice carried a hint of mockery, "Dumbledore's little trick, it looks quite familiar."

"Bring that little girl over here and let her pull out the sword. Only she can accomplish this task in this place."

"Yes, master," Quirrell answered cautiously.

He walked towards Hermione, roughly tugging at the ropes that bound her, and dragged her next to the Gryffindor sword.

Hermione couldn't help but look at the sword. It was a two-handed cross sword with intricate patterns, and a shining red gemstone adorned its hilt. It was slantedly inserted into the platform, appearing not too difficult to pull out, but no matter how hard Quirrell tried, he couldn't manage to do it.

"The Sword in the Stone?" Hermione couldn't help blurting out her speculation upon seeing this scene.

"Hmph, this is merely a little trick Dumbledore devised, imitating the story of the Sword in the Stone," Voldemort said disdainfully. "Quickly pull it out, complete your task, and don't waste words."

Hermione bit her lip and remained silent, not making any movements.

"Quirrell!" Voldemort angrily roared upon seeing this.

"Yes, master!" Quirrell pulled Hermione up, waved his wand to loosen the ropes around her, and then forcefully pressed her hand onto the sword's hilt.

"Pull! Or perhaps you'd like Quirrell to cast the Imperius Curse on you?"

Under Voldemort's furious shout, Hermione truly felt fear—she had never encountered someone so terrifying.

Moreover, she had come across some information about the Imperius Curse in the notes on "Occlumency" that Maca had given to Harry. It was an extremely dreadful curse. It allowed the caster to directly control the victim's soul, compelling them to do anything under their control.

With trembling hands, Hermione grasped the sword's hilt but found it surprisingly light. With just a little effort, she managed to pull it out. The ground also crumbled, revealing a small space beneath.

"Hahahaha—I see it, it's right below!" Voldemort laughed, "Quirrell, take it out! It's time for you to earn your reward!"

Quirrell quickly turned around, forcefully pushing aside Hermione's frail body, and swiftly extended his hand downward.

"Oh—the Sorcerer's Stone! It's really the Sorcerer's Stone! Master, I've got it for you!" Quirrell raised the completely red gemstone, which emitted a faint golden glow from within, holding it high so that Voldemort could see.

"Hehehe—hahaha—good, well done! You shall receive the reward you deserve." Voldemort looked at the stone with delight, the red light in his eyes growing deeper. "With it, I shall be able to return perfectly, with true immortality, to this marvelous world! Haha—uh—"

Voldemort's words were interrupted as Hermione slapped the stone out of Quirrell's hand and it fell heavily to the ground, shattering into pieces. Voldemort forcefully gripped Quirrell's neck, making him look up and witness the stone's destruction.

"No—how is this possible! You little girl, I'll—" Voldemort's anger reached its peak. He glared at Hermione, but suddenly stopped speaking.

Fearfully, Hermione quickly retreated. She wasn't sure where she had found the courage to act as she did, but she knew she was in grave danger.

However, Hermione waited by the black flame wall for a while, only to realize that Voldemort wasn't paying attention to her at all. He was gazing intently at the calm surface of the lake.

"...The Sword in the Stone, hmph, the Sword in the Stone?" Voldemort muttered angrily. "What Sword in the Stone! I nearly fell for that old man's trick!"

"Mas-mas-master, w-what's-happening?" Quirrell stammered, terrified and shaken. This time, his stutter was genuine.

"It's true that King Arthur pulled the Sword in the Stone, but it wasn't that which propelled him to his greatest heights!" Voldemort seemed to be explaining, but also talking to himself. "The Sword in the Stone shattered during a duel. Then his loyal friend and mentor—the wizard Merlin—took him to a lake, where he obtained the 'Sword of the Lake' from the Lady of the Lake's hands. That is the true 'Sword of Gryffindor'!"

"So—so the one just now was a fake Sorcerer's Stone, and the real one is in the lake?" Quirrell interjected.

"Make that foolish little girl plunge the Sword of Gryffindor into the surface of the lake!" Voldemort shouted.

Upon seeing Quirrell approaching her, Hermione hastily raised the wand she had secretly retrieved, but she was once again struck by Quirrell. Clearly, she was no match for him.

It appeared that the accounts of Quirrell being an exceptional student at Hogwarts were indeed accurate.

"Levitate!" A simple levitation spell caused Hermione to be lifted into the air under his control, only to be abruptly dropped.

As the blade of the Gryffindor sword made contact with the lake's surface, Hermione immediately felt her footing grow unstable, and her entire body was enveloped in an icy chill—she had fallen into the water!

The surface of the lake churned, and shortly after, a crimson stone soared out from the lake and landed in Quirrell's hand as he waved his wand.

"I've obtained it! I've obtained it! This time it's real!" Quirrell exclaimed excitedly.

"All thanks to that foolish little girl, hehe—" Voldemort sneered. "What are you still doing here? Leave this place immediately!"

Hearing Voldemort's words, Quirrell plunged into the water and swam towards the exit, disregarding the turbulent waves. Not far away, Hermione, upon hearing Voldemort's final words, finally succumbed to exhaustion and sank beneath the water.


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