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However, the plan did not go smoothly at all. First, he and Ron were chased away from the door where Fluffy was hidden by Professor McGonagall, and then Severus Snape became suspicious of Hermione. When the three of them regrouped in the common room, they couldn't help but look at each other, clearly feeling frustrated.

"Well, it seems like we have no other choice, right?" Hermione and Ron both stared at Harry, who had a pale face and shining eyes.

"I'll sneak out from here tonight. I want to try to get the Philosopher's Stone first!"

"You're out of your mind!" Ron said, "You can't do this!"

"Didn't you hear what McGonagall and Severus Snape said? You'll be expelled!" Hermione clearly disagreed.

But when Harry said, "Voldemort killed my parents," with a pained expression, Ron and Hermione were left speechless.

Yes, Voldemort had killed Harry's parents. It was an undeniable fact and the main reason why Harry was determined to prevent Voldemort from returning and confront his mortal enemy.

Clearly, Ron and Hermione had no way or right to deny this fact.

He glared at Ron and Hermione, his expression filled with anger, as if to say that even if they didn't agree, he would still go.

"You're right, Harry," Hermione said softly.

"Well, luckily, Maca brought back the invisibility cloak that day. I think I'll use it," Harry said, remembering Maca. "I just wonder, where did Maca go? I really want to ask him for some advice."

"But can it cover all three of us?" Ron asked with doubt.

"Us? Three of us?"

"Oh, don't be foolish! Did you think we'd let you go alone? Obviously, you need help."

"Of course not," Hermione said, her hands on her hips, proudly lifting her small chin. "How could you even think of leaving us behind and going to find the Philosopher's Stone by yourself? I'd better search through my books, maybe I'll find something useful... and it would be best to bring Maca along—"

"But we can't find him," Ron interjected.

"But... if we get caught, you two would be expelled too," Harry clearly didn't want his good friends to suffer the consequences.

"Maybe not," Hermione smiled confidently. "Flitwick secretly told me that I got 112 points in the Charms exam! With such a high score, they won't be willing to get rid of me."

"But I can't be so sure," Ron rubbed his forehead. "I think it's time we find Maca again. Having him deal with Professor McGonagall would be the best option."

After dinner, they cautiously avoided the crowd and searched again throughout Hogwarts Castle. However, it didn't seem to make a difference—Maca didn't even show up for dinner, as if he had vanished from the school.

Finally, they returned to the common room. Hermione rummaged through various books and notes in a state of chaos, trying to find some useful spells or anything else.

Meanwhile, Harry and Ron spoke very little, their minds preoccupied with the impending tasks.

When all the students had gone back to sleep, Harry hurried back to the dormitory and retrieved the invisibility cloak.

At that moment, he accidentally noticed a rough-looking flute that Hagrid had given him for Christmas. He put the flute in his pocket, intending to use it against Fluffy—singing to the giant dog was the last thing on his mind.

As he ran back to the common room, the three of them were prepared and ready to go. Unexpectedly, Neville emerged from behind a sofa.

"What are

you guys up to?" he asked, holding his toad, Trevor, in his hand. It seemed Trevor had put up a fight for freedom again.

"Not a big deal, Neville, it's nothing," Harry quickly hid the invisibility cloak behind him. "You guys are planning to go out again," Neville looked at their guilty appearance and whispered.

After the previous twists and turns, Neville seemed to have a lot of resistance to the nighttime excursions in Hogwarts. He felt that it had no benefits at all and they might even lose house points.

He stood in front of the exit of the common room, blocking Harry and the others from going out through the portrait hole, and stretched out his arms.

"That night, Maca told Professor McGonagall... he said I did the right thing. Not letting you guys go out was for your own good. You can't keep breaking the rules," Neville spoke with a flicker of determination. "Maca also said that I was brave!"

If we were to talk about whether Maca actually said those things or not, yes, he did. He believed that Neville had courage within him, even though he was timid and insecure due to his upbringing. Neville always managed to grow when it mattered.

Of course, he didn't expect that his own words would become the reason for Neville blocking Harry. It was evident that Neville did have courage, but it seemed his brain didn't catch up—after all, he was still a child!

"I won't let you do this," Neville said, puffing out his chest. "I want—I want to challenge you!"

"Neville," Ron burst out angrily, "Get out of the way, don't be an idiot—"

"Don't call me an idiot!" Neville took a step forward.

"Come on, come and hit me!" He raised his chubby fists and shouted, "I'm ready!"

Harry couldn't help but turn to Hermione and anxiously said, "Think of something."

Hermione stepped forward, her thin lips pressed together, and she aimed her wand at Neville.

"I'm really, really sorry for doing this," she said, "Petrificus Totalus!"

Immediately, Neville's entire body went stiff, and he fell onto the plush carpet like a statue with a thud after shaking for a moment.

Hermione hurriedly flipped Neville over—his upper and lower teeth were tightly clenched, and he couldn't say a word. Only his eyes moved, looking at them in shock.

"Hermione, what did you do to him?" Harry asked quietly.

"It's the full Body-Bind Curse, Maca used it to punish Malfoy. He told me some pointers on how to cast it, and it worked," Hermione looked at Neville with sadness. "Oh, Neville, I'm really sorry."

Harry quickly pulled her away from the common room—they were short on time, and Severus Snape might have already reached the Philosopher's Stone.

On their way, Harry tricked Peeves and then hurried to the corridor on the fourth floor.

"Oh—the door is open!" Ron whispered.

"There you go. You see," Harry whispered, "Severus Snape has successfully gotten past Fluffy."

As they looked at the half-open wooden door, they seemed to realize more clearly what they were about to face.

"If you want to leave now, I won't blame you," Harry said. "You can take the invisibility cloak with you, we probably won't need it anymore."

"Don't be silly." "Let's go in!"

Ron and Hermione said almost simultaneously.

Harry nodded as he watched them, suppressing his emotions, and gently pushed the door open.

As the door creaked open, they immediately heard low growls—although he couldn't see Harry and the others under the invisibility cloak, it was obvious that he had noticed them.

"Look at its feet, that's a harp," Hermione whispered.

"I bet Severus Snape left it," Ron said.

"Obviously, as soon as the music stops, it will wake up immediately," Harry took out his flute while speaking. "Alright, listen—"


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