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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Nubra Island is much larger than Sun Cheng imagined, and the terrain is surprisingly diverse.

After leaving the parking lot deep in the gorge, the convoy slowly drove into the island. After leaving the forest through a small path in the gorge and crossing another jungle, the convoy quickly arrived on a grassland.

"Hammond has good taste. The environment on this island is first-class and the area is not small. Even if he calls for fifty million dollars, someone will be willing to take over!"

Two low voices came from the front, and Sun Cheng, who had been paying attention to the outside, noticed that the speed was getting slower.

Soon, the car deviated from the cement road that was repaired and drove onto the grassland. Everyone was wondering, and soon the convoy stopped.

"Everyone, Dr. Hammond will hold a banquet here to welcome everyone. Please get off the car..."

With David's greeting, the invited investors on the minibus looked at each other and complaints followed.

"Welcome us with a banquet at this place? Are you kidding me?"

The first to complain was a man named Bertrand. He is a senior project manager at Sequoia Capital and has been in the industry for more than ten years. He has rich experience in venture capital and is therefore somewhat arrogant.

David smiled, "Sir, not at all!"

There were other complaints, but David obviously did not respond to their meanings, but was very proud to be the first to get off the car, and after getting off the car, he did not continue to wait outside the car door, and walked directly to the other side.

Ada Wong picked up her LV commuter bag and followed closely.

When the only woman in the team left, the complaining voices on the car stopped for a moment, and then they got off the car one after another.

Sun Cheng was at the back, so he was the last one to get off.

After getting off the car and moving forward with the crowd, three heavy Mercedes-Benz trucks connected end to end were parked about a dozen meters ahead.

After walking a few steps around the three trucks, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

It turned out that on the grass behind the truck, five built barbecue grills were placed, from beef and mutton to various fresh vegetables, and they were skewered and placed on the grill to be cooked. An old man with white hair, wearing a straw hat and old glasses, and wearing a casual shirt, was standing next to the barbecue grill, commanding a team of strong laborers to move various ingredients, drinks, and beverages from the freezer on the truck that had been prepared early.

When David led their team over, their footsteps and noise quickly attracted the attention of the old man. When he turned around and saw them, he immediately smiled and walked over with a cane, "My friends, please forgive me for not being able to greet you in person when you arrived..."

This old man is John Hammond, the boss of International Genetic Technology Company, a businessman and scholar who is obsessed with archaeology and paleontology research.

"Dr. Hammond..."

After seeing the host who issued the invitation, Bertrand from Sequoia Capital stood up first and said unceremoniously, "Donald told me that Jurassic Park will make us a lot of money, but we have already invested seventy million dollars with you. What we got was a lawsuit from the federal government and another twenty million dollars in compensation... Doctor, we need an explanation."

Dr. Hammond's smile did not change on his face, but he obviously saw Bertrand for the first time, so he whispered to David for a moment before turning to him and calmly replied, "Mr. Bertrand, you will soon be as convinced of me as Donald!"

Bertrand snorted, but gave him some face and did not continue to make trouble.

"Doctor, it's still early now. If possible, can you talk to us about a new financing plan?"

Just like her professional attire,

Ada Wong behaved very capable, and as a woman, she went straight to the point and was imposing.

"Uh..." Dr. Hammond was obviously choked by her, but he reacted quickly and smiled and nodded at her, "Of course, beautiful lady!"

"The development stage of the Jurassic Park project has been completed and will soon enter the operation period. I need to raise more funds!"

He waved the crutch in his right palm and looked directly at the crowd, "International Genetic Technology Company will give up another 12% of its shares, and I will also give up 3% of my personal shares. I require at least 1.5 billion U.S. dollars in new financing!"


The sound of everyone gasping for air made Sun Cheng naturally pretend to be surprised. Not to mention that he didn't have that much money, he didn't even know the specific details of the Jurassic Park project now.

"Are you crazy?"

Bertrand immediately jumped out again, his eyes cold and his mouth even more sarcastic, "Doctor, the Jurassic Park project is not worth even a billion if you sell it all!"

"No, no, no, Mr. Bertrand!"

Hammond still smiled and looked at him, "The Jurassic Park project is my lifelong pursuit. Fortunately, I have never given up on it. My company possesses the world's most advanced genetic technology, and reviving extinct creatures is not difficult, just need an opportunity. Fortunately, I did it!"

"Did it?" Bertrand looked at him in surprise, but what he got was Hammond's childish and undisguised boasting smile.

"Yes, I did it... no, it should be said that we did it..."

He raised the strange cane in his hand, and Sun Cheng's eyes were immediately drawn to it, and he immediately noticed the strange part of the orange-yellow ball at the handshake.

"It seems that this ball is not an ordinary stone or plastic product... Is it jade?"

While he was carefully looking at it, he suddenly felt a strange vibration coming from inside his body again. It was the mysterious ball space. After reacting to the strange crystal on Ada Wong's collar, it jumped out again.

"Something's wrong, this thing is definitely not normal!"

He quickly looked at Ada Wong subconsciously, but unfortunately he accidentally found that this beautiful woman was also looking at him, and quickly moved his gaze away.

"Why did the ball space react to these two things? It seems that my trip to Isla Nublar is really right..."

He glanced at the unknown orange crystal on Hammond's cane again, and Sun Cheng had already made up his mind to steal it after dark with the Safeguard he had been holding in his hand.

The laughing Dr. Hammond obviously failed to persuade everyone, and the voices of discussion and questioning him became louder and more numerous.

Sun Cheng stood quietly on the side, interested in watching a scene where the world's top investors fought for interests, and at the same time curious about what medicine Hammond was selling in his gourd.

Just as the noise was mixed, a slight vibration came from the ground.

Sun Cheng, who did not participate in the dispute, was obviously the first to discover this vibration. He quickly realized something, "Earthquake?"

Unexpectedly, Hammond, who was surrounded by the crowd and questioned, unexpectedly heard his words and looked at him with a proud smile and answered, "No, it's not an earthquake, it's a miracle..."

Hammond raised his cane again and pointed to a direction beside everyone.

As they followed his guidance, they couldn't help but gasp, "That is..."

Dozens of meters away, a huge monster that was probably forty to fifty meters high and weighed over a hundred tons was leisurely taking "heavy small steps" and walking to a dozen or so large trees not far away. It lifted its head and began to eat the tenderest leaves on the trees.

In an instant, everyone who saw it was stunned!


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 107 Restless Night (Part 1)


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