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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Time flies, and another week has passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Sun Cheng was buried in his laboratory, studying a small thing that looked like an enlarged version of a fly, but with a more ferocious metal insect face.

"Now, say something and let me hear it..."

"Master, reconnaissance-type Decepticon - Safeguard, reporting to you..."

In the empty laboratory, a cold and stiff Chinese voice suddenly sounded, and the owner of the voice was the metal insect in Sun Cheng's hand.

"Did it work?"

Sun Cheng stared at the little guy in his hand, and couldn't help but show an excited smile on his face.

This little guy was his new discovery, a miniature insect detector equipped in the Frenzy mechanical body, perhaps because of a special experience of touching the All Spark with him before.

The four insect detectors that had been stored somewhere in his mechanical body were transformed into four small Decepticons when he and Onslaught infiltrated the seventh district base and touched the All Spark for the second time.

It has been some time since the Battle of Las Vegas, and seeing that he has been in the world of Decepticons for almost two months, Sun Cheng once again had the idea of returning to the real world.

However, last time in the real world, because of his immature performance, he almost put himself in danger, leaving a deep impression on him.

This time, Sun Cheng was fully prepared to return to the real world.

"Safeguard, transform..."

After giving it an order, the Decepticon insect in front of him immediately obeyed and began to undergo precise changes until it finally transformed into an ultra-thin laptop.

"It worked..."

Sun Cheng clenched his fists with force, unable to hide his excitement in his eyes.

Since he had the idea of returning to the real world, he had stopped most of his work in the past few days. Except for constantly trying to absorb information from the All Spark fragments, he spent all his time on these four small Decepticons.

Thanks to the fact that Decepticons do not need rest when their energy is sufficient, Sun Cheng had enough time and energy to tinker with them.

As a result, there were initial results in just one week.

With a blue light flashing in his eyes, after Safeguard transformed into an ultra-thin laptop, he suddenly invaded its core with a data intrusion.

Perhaps not expecting Sun Cheng to suddenly attack, Safeguard did not resist and was completely controlled by him.

With success in hand, Sun Cheng found all the memory data in its core and erased it. At the same time, he controlled his own core and input a new memory and control program that he had already written into Safeguard's core.

After completing this, he checked it several times to make sure he had not missed anything before withdrawing the intrusion data.

"...With these two safety measures, there shouldn't be any problem!"

After putting Safeguard, which had been maintaining the ultra-thin notebook look, Sun Cheng looked at the other camera next to Safeguard and a smile appeared on his lips.

These two small Decepticons were the two safety measures he had taken for his upcoming return to the real world.

Sun Cheng completely wiped out their self-awareness and rewrote a control program stored in their cores.

Although this made them lose the ability to think for themselves, it also made it easier for him to control them in the real world.

Don't underestimate these two Decepticons, they are no different from the Frenzy that Sun Cheng took over when he first crossed over.

Although the energy stored in their cores is only three to four hundred points, it seems that the material of their mechanical bodies is the same alloy as Sun Cheng's, which was shared from his mechanical body due to his two contacts with the All Spark. Normal weapons cannot destroy them.

Moreover, these two small Decepticons are also equipped with weapons.

As for whether or not he could bring them back to reality, Sun Cheng had never worried about it. Previously, he had even brought back the Core of the Forerunner to reality, so there was no reason why he couldn't bring back the Decepticons.

He lightly tapped his finger on the two small Decepticons that had already fallen into a dormant state, which could only be awakened with a special activation code.

Sun Cheng quickly turned his gaze to the Nokia N73 phone that had just received an incoming call.

He picked it up with two fingers and held it in front of himself.

A blue light flashed in Sun Cheng's eyes, and the phone was immediately answered.

"... You made me wait a long time, Calvin..."

He spoke coldly, "I thought you would be quick!"

"I'm just an assistant director under the DNI (Director of National Intelligence), not the Director himself. Moreover, the information you requested has a very high level of confidentiality, which is not accessible to ordinary people!"

Calvin's deliberately lowered voice came from the other end of the phone.

Sun Cheng snorted, "Then what about the information I want?"

"I got it, but how should I pass it to you?"

"Take a picture of the information with the phone I gave you, then use the emergency transfer function in the phone to lock the picture and transfer it to me..."

"Is it safe?"

"Single-line satellite transmission, the data is not monitored!"

"Okay then!"

After waiting for a moment, Sun Cheng heard the voice from the other end, "I'm done, be careful when receiving it!"

He quickly walked to a server in the base and operated it to enter the database of Iridium Corporation through the backdoor he left before. After finding the few photos that Calvin had transmitted, Sun Cheng enlarged them and carefully examined them. He then said to the phone on the other end, "I have received the information, you did a good job. I won't contact you for now. Also, it's still the same account as before, two million dollars, that's your reward this time!"

After hanging up the phone, Sun Cheng furrowed his brows.

"The photo of White House Chief of Staff Trout meeting with Optimus Prime? It seems that the Autobots may have reached some agreement with the US government. However, what is the NEST plan proposed by Secretary of Defense Jon Voight at the National Security Council meeting at the Pentagon two days ago? Is it also related to the Autobots?"

At Calvin's level, it was obvious that he had already reached the limit of what he could find out.

Although Sun Cheng had more doubts in his mind, he did not force him to find out more insider information, at least not now.

Rubbing his chin with his alloy palm, Sun Cheng furrowed his brows and thought for a long time, but still had no clue.

He decided to temporarily put aside these troubles and walked towards a nearby laboratory with the two Decepticons waiting to be awakened.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 92 Activation


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