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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


The Morlun family, also known as the Inheritor family, are sometimes called "cosmic vampires."

To understand the origins of this family, one must mention the Spider Totem.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Spider-Man's birth was due to him being bitten by a spider that caused a mutation, but in reality, Spider-Man's power actually belongs to the magical side and comes from the ancient Spider Totem.

Animal totems are a very mysterious and powerful force in the entire Marvel universe, and the Spider Totem is one of the best. Faced with such a powerful force, there are naturally people who want to steal it.

In the universe, there is a group of beings very similar to vampires who travel through various multiverses, killing all creatures related to totems in order to absorb their power and enhance their own, and they are known as the Morlun family.

Schiller said to Nick on the phone, "I have to admit, I didn't expect them to go after Spider-Man so quickly. We've set a trap for them this time, and we've caught a big fish."

"Instead of worrying about this issue, shouldn't you be concerned about how we're going to deal with them?" Nick asked.

"According to what you've said, they even have the ability to travel through multiverses beyond human cognition, and their targets are mostly defenseless. So how do you think ordinary humans like us can deal with such powerful extraordinary creatures?"

"The fact is, we don't have to deal with them."

"What do you mean?" Nick asked.

"I think you should be able to imagine that since there are Morlun families, there must be other extraordinary creatures like them, and probably a lot of them."

"Think about why humans have been able to live peacefully until now. If they really could do whatever they wanted here, not just one Earth, but even several solar systems, would be destroyed by them."

"Of course, I know that there has always been a mysterious force protecting Earth. In fact, since the day I took over as director of SHIELD, I have been paying attention to this."

"But, if the guardian of the Bat God has really descended, does that mean they have found a way to break through Earth's defenses?"

"They still have a long way to go. If they have really found this method, why don't they just appear directly in the sky above Earth and shout at all the people of Earth, telling us that they are about to rule over here?"

"Instead, they sneak around like guilty thieves, needing to wear the cloak of a Bat God and be summoned by Earth's vampires?"

Finally, Schiller concluded: "They are not like bank robbers, but a group of clumsy thieves who sneak into ordinary homes and only dare to quietly pick locks without making any noise."

"And coincidentally, the owner of this house has a bad temper and holds grudges."

After the sky darkened, Stark floated in the air above a street block in front of the Brooklyn Bridge, and below him was a strange-looking vehicle.

Stark pressed a button on his arm, and the armor of the vehicle unfolded, revealing a group of very strange robots coming down from it.

They had four sturdy mechanical legs, a circle of mechanical arms on the upper part, with gear grippers and hooks, and the main body resembled a hexagonal nut.

Steve, who was standing beside him, said, "Is this what you've been working on these days? Are you sure this thing can fight?"

"No, this is not for fighting," Stark sneered and said, "You soldiers only think about fighting. This is a multi-functional battlefield robot."

"So, what can it do?"

"It can do everything you can imagine in terms of logistics."

"After experiencing the battles tonight, I have discovered a very big problem. The weakness of humanity may not be that we can't fight, that our guns are not accurate enough, or that we are not evading in time enough. It is that we have wasted too much manpower on logistics maintenance."

"To move an injured soldier on the ground, it requires two people who are strong enough to go through the center of the crossfire and retrieve the wounded. If one of them also gets injured, then others will have to take their place.

"Of course, in a normal war, there might still be room for such actions because the enemy is on the same level as us and won't deliberately target the retreating injured soldiers. But those bats are different. They can fly. Once they see someone fall or someone trying to rescue the wounded, they'll attack them like crazy."

"Once we give up the wounded, our morale will decrease dramatically, and our casualties will become more severe."

"I've been thinking a lot this afternoon..." Stark said, hugging his arms. "This is the first time I've participated in this kind of war, so there are many flaws and inappropriate areas in the design of the Mech armor. I've done my best to quickly adjust these issues."

Steve heard a strong sense of confidence in his tone, which was completely different from his usual tough attitude. At this moment, Stark, or Iron Man, was indeed full of personal charm.

He was so talented in his field of expertise and didn't hesitate to talk about his mistakes and weaknesses. This rigorous thinking and his somewhat sloppy attitude created a strong conflict that made him have a unique temperament.

Stark continued, "Schiller gave me great inspiration. We do need a set of battlefield-adapted logic that is intelligent enough to calculate and predict weaknesses before we even discover them. We need to stay ahead of the game."

"However, we don't have time for that this time. We only have one day, and we can't even pass the tests. So I compromised and designed these robots manually."

Stark stopped and patted the arm of one of the robots. "I won't talk about functions like moving goods or building defenses. What's more important is that it's loaded with incendiary bombs and flamethrowers. I've designed a signal sending button on everyone's night vision device. Just press it once, and it'll signal that there are injured vampires here that can be burned. They'll quickly come to the battlefield and burn them to ashes with the flamethrower."

"Their flame jet system is intelligently controlled, which ensures that the fire will not spread and is much easier to use than manual operation."

"More importantly, it's the way it moves."

As Stark spoke, the mechanical arm of the Mech armor beside him rotated and retracted into its hexagonal body, transforming into a shape resembling a nut and then hovering in mid-air.

Stark looked up at it and said, "Currently, I haven't seen that group of vampires interfere with magnetic forces, so this machine can use a magnetic suspension system to move very quickly."

"Once it moves above the wounded soldier, the bottom mechanical arm will lift the wounded soldier and wrap them inside the Mech armor before flying back with them."

"The Mech armor has some emergency measures and some healing serums, you know, the ones Connor researched, but there aren't too many of them, so they might not be enough. But at least it can ensure that severely injured soldiers can make it to the hospital."

"That's already pretty good." Steve walked over and looked at the hexagonal nut floating in the air. He said, "War always means people will die, it's just a matter of how many. But it's always good to save one more person."

"Are you going to reminisce about your glorious days on the battlefield with me again?"

Steve shrugged and said, "No, thanks. Since you did a good job this time, I won't bring that up."

"Ha! I knew it was intentional when you did it before!" Stark glared at him and said angrily.

Steve shrugged again and said, "I used that trick on your dad before, but you've made some progress at least. You can tolerate it for more than five minutes now."

When Peter arrived, he saw Stark pulling on Steve's collar. Peter hurried over to separate them. Stark shook his arm and looked at Peter, asking, "What happened to your combat suit? Why is it so black?"

Peter shook his head, and Stark noticed that he seemed distracted. He asked, "Hey, kid, what's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"I don't know," Peter said painfully. "My heart is beating very fast, and my spider sense is ringing, but I can't find the source of the danger. I feel terrible right now."

Seeing that Peter wasn't joking, Stark walked up to him and patted his shoulder, saying, "I think you need to rest."

"You're not even of legal age, and you've been fighting continuously for over 20 hours. This is not okay," Steve added.

Peter seemed agitated and said, "Don't worry about me. I know what I should do. I'm going to stay here and wipe out those annoying monsters!"

"Your mental state seems off..." Stark was about to say more, but Steve stopped him.

Peter sat down against the tire of the car, and Steve squatted down next to him, looking into his eyes. "Of course, we don't want to interfere with you, but as your elders, or at least I'm sure I'm your elder, I'm a little worried about you, Peter..."

"If you feel you can still hold on, then stay, but in reality, you've done enough, even heroic," Steve said.

Peter furrowed his brows, closed his eyes, and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me. I just feel very agitated and restless..."

"Schiller will come over later, you can talk to him and maybe the psychologist can help with these symptoms."

"Dr. Schiller is coming? Why? This is a battlefield! He will be in danger!"

Stark and Steve exchanged glances, realizing that young Peter seemed to genuinely believe that Schiller had no special powers and was just an ordinary person who needed protection.

By the time the sky was about to darken, the three defense lines had been fully set up. With the help of Stark's special logistics robots, the frontline was established quickly and solidly, and the situation was better than expected.

A mansion in the rear became the temporary command center, with Schiller sitting on the second floor and Peter sitting opposite him. Peter covered his forehead and said, "I feel really bad, doctor. I have a constant sense that something dangerous is about to happen, but I can't pinpoint the source."

"Is it your spider-sense alerting you like this?"

"Yes, it's hard for me to explain to you what kind of feeling it is. In short, my spider-sense used to allow me to see images of danger and even directly control my body movements."

"But now, I can't see anything, even when I concentrate, I can't detect anything, but it's always faintly ringing..."

"Because you've always used it as a passive ability. Have you ever considered that you can actually control it actively?"

"Active control? I've actually tried before, but no matter how much I concentrate, it just doesn't appear."

"That's because you didn't have a dangerous stimulus at that time. This short-lived state can't be sustained, but now is a good opportunity. Since your spider sense has been working all along, you can try to use it..."

Peter closed his eyes and tried hard to concentrate, but his spider sense was like a string constantly being played, constantly disturbing his thoughts, making his attention very scattered.

Venom said, "Clear your mind and let me help you."

Peter tried hard to empty his mind and think of nothing, and then gradually, he saw a black mass spreading in his consciousness, and soon, a scene flashed by.

Schiller saw Peter "bounce" off the chair and said in horror, "I saw..."

"Calm down, Peter. What did you see?"

Peter said to Schiller in panic, "I saw Mr. Stark falling from a high-rise building...without wearing the Mech armor, and then he fell to the ground..."

Peter's eyes were red, and he was almost crying. His voice was hoarse and trembling as he said, "I saw...he died."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 134 The Big Bat Event (16)


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