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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


In SHIELD's office, it was a dimly lit room with overhead bulbs casting alternating light and shadow. Schiller and Nick sat on opposite sides of the table.

"I didn't expect things to progress this quickly," Nick said with some emotion. He took out a piece of white paper, tore off a corner, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it onto the table, saying, "Due to Stark Company's weapons shining in this all-out war, the UN has approved the Firepower Retention Act for New York's private armed forces."

Schiller also took the piece of paper, tore off a piece, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it onto the table, saying, "300 sets of Blizzard devices, and the subsequent maintenance costs."

"There is no longer any strong opposition in Congress to the production of the Eternity Factor," Nick threw another ball of paper over.

"The diluted version of the healing serum can achieve significant damage repair effects in a short period of time without obvious side effects, and can provide up to 1500 doses of Medicine," Schiller threw a ball of paper over.

"SHIELD is willing to fully support the dismantling of the vampire social structure and conduct real-time regulation and monitoring," another ball of paper landed on the center of the table.

"Not enough," Schiller said, so Nick crumpled another ball of paper and threw it over, saying, "SHIELD is willing to give up its pursuit of Stark in certain areas."

"30% of the profits from the Eternity Factor."

"That's too low. How much are you going to take as a cut?"

"Stark and Osborn Joint Pharmaceuticals will pay me my share."

"The bottom line for SHIELD is 45%."

"You want almost half? That's impossible. Even if I agree, Pepper won't agree, and you better think carefully. Now that Obadiah hasn't woken up yet, but Connor's research on brain-active Medicine has made significant progress. Once Obadiah wakes up, you may not even get 30%."

"40%, no lower. Like you said, Obadiah hasn't woken up yet."

"The bottom line is 30%."

"SHIELD will give you an additional 2% separately."

"35%, final offer."


Soon, as the two of them conversed, the crumpled paper on the table grew and almost piled up into a small mountain.

After settling some distribution of interest issues, Nick sat in his chair with his fingers intertwined, resting his chin on his hands and said, "I have to admit, your bloodline plan is quite genius, but I always feel like you have even bigger ambitions."

Schiller smiled and said, "I just want to live a peaceful life and have a bit of fun."

"So, if anyone makes you uneasy, you'll just uproot all of their roots with a single shovel?" Nick asked.

"Don't talk about such heavy topics. Let's talk about something happy," Schiller replied.

Schiller also placed his hands on the table, then clasped them together and said, "Do you have any ideas about the production method of the Elixir of Life?"

"Hasn't it already been entrusted to the professionals of those two conglomerates?" Nick asked.

"Yes, but are you really satisfied with a profit margin of only 35%?" Schiller questioned.

Nick narrowed his eyes. He was familiar with this tone of conversation. "What, do you have additional business to discuss?" he asked.

"Of course, you wouldn't really be willing to let others eat the biggest piece of the pie, would you?" Schiller retorted.

Nick stared at Schiller with his one eye. Schiller said, "I have a question for you. What are your thoughts on drug safety issues?"

"I don't have any thoughts. What do you want to say?" Nick threw the question back.

"Vampires being used in medicine, how can we ensure the safety of raw materials? How can we avoid substandard products? How can we ensure compliance in the blood extraction process? How can we ensure that precious Elixir of Life is not depleted during the manufacturing process? How can we ensure the effectiveness of the finished product? What are the monitoring standards?" Schiller listed a series of questions.

"Raw material safety issues..." Nick paused for a moment, feeling keenly that there was much to be done in this area.

"Yes, that's right," Schiller waved his hand on the desk and said, "You don't think that just catching any bat can make a life-extending medicine, do you?"

"According to our research, which is the bat bloodline theory, the purer the bloodline of the vampire, the better the blood's effect. The medicinal efficacy of ordinary vampires is very poor, not to mention humans transformed into vampires, and humans transformed into bats have no medicinal value at all, just like the difference between truffles and ordinary mushrooms in cooking."

"We all know that these scarce and valuable high-level vampires are very dangerous to catch, so the cost is high, and there is a high profit for fake and shoddy products."

"Of course, there will be unscrupulous merchants who claim that their blood contains this precious factor by catching ordinary vampires and passing them off as high-quality ones."

"In order to ensure that our customers can buy the purest Eternal Factor Medicine, we must establish a supervision system to ensure that each Medicine is made from the rarest pure-blooded bats."

"And we also need to distinguish between wild and captive-bred ones. Out of humanitarian considerations, we absolutely do not support captive breeding, which is cruel and inhumane to lock up a high-level vampire and repeatedly take its blood!"

"Therefore, the most precious raw material for Medicine is nothing more than pure-blooded bats caught and killed on the battlefield."

"And, I am an extreme animal protectionist. We must end the bats' lives in a painless way since they are also animals..."

"This, of course, requires our most advanced freezing guns. At very low temperatures, organisms do not feel pain. Is there a better way to euthanize them?"

"Thus, bats that are not killed with the freezing gun cannot be made into the highest-end Eternal Factor Medicine."

"Of course, after killing the bats, the blood extraction process is also very particular. It must be carried out by the most professional SHIELD agents with delicate and complex operations, and the personnel must undergo at least three rounds of training..."

"Of course, the container also needs to be specially made to ensure that this factor is preserved to the greatest extent."

"Storing these Medicines, yes, that is of utmost importance. The preservation technique determines the freshness of most foods and drugs. Fortunately, I have a well-developed design for a low-temperature transportation chain that can meet the transportation and preservation needs of the eternal factor..."

While Schiller spoke, Nick took notes without looking up. When Schiller stopped, Nick said without raising his head, "Go on, I'm interested in the autumn account."

"You haven't grasped the essence," Schiller said with a smile. Nick put down his pen and looked at him. Schiller took the paper that Nick was taking notes on, and wrote a word on it. When Nick took it back, he found that it said "monopoly."

Schiller's voice continued, "When only we have the authority to define the 'industry standard,' we have achieved a true monopoly in the real sense."

"The unbreakable nature of this mysterious factor means that only the giants of the technology industry, namely Stark and Osborn Industries, have the final authority over everything."

"In this situation, we can turn any company that attempts to counterfeit into a fake and inferior business."

"Antitrust laws? Yes, they may still be useful for traditional industries, but now, if we say that a product produced by a certain company is fake, based on Stark's research, would you still buy it?"

"We don't have any evidence, it's all just hearsay. But since you can buy products from Stark company, why would you go and buy from those small companies?"

"In this situation, everyone will only trust companies they believe are capable of deciphering this factor, and most people will only think that Stark and Osborn have this capability."

"As long as Stark and Osborn Industries cannot truly decipher the secret of this factor, and if no other company can either, Stark and Osborn will always be in a leading position."

" This is a natural monopoly." (MFs)

"And the benefits that a complete monopoly can bring to an industry, I don't think I need to say more, do I?"

Nick pursed his lips and said, "I can tell you that I have a bigger plan, my personal plan. So if you have any skills, feel free to bring them out. I promise there will be a place for you in the future."

"At least I can guarantee that your days will remain as stable as they are now."

Schiller smiled. His smile looked somewhat nervous under the flickering cold light. He said, "Then we come to the most important step."

"Our esteemed clients paid a high price to buy the genuine Life Factor Medicine. We can't let them inject this medicine in a rotten place, can we?"

"The usage method and process of Medicine, the private customization of the entire treatment course, the post-usage recuperation and nursing care, all require an industry standard."

"So, do they need a spiritual sanatorium with official qualifications, which can perfectly achieve the above processes and provide considerate services?"

In Nick's sight, Schiller showed sharper fangs than those bats.

[ShaneFreak : Who is Vampire here?]

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 131 The Big Bat Event (13)



Schiller is the purest vampire there😂