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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Overhead of Brooklyn Bridge, Rhodey flew quickly in his Mech armor over the ground troops, then slammed a bat attempting to ambush him to the ground and delivered two heavy punches.

Upon receiving a signal from Stark in the sky, Director George raised his hand and shouted into the communication device, "Attention all! Prepare for suppressive fire! Force them down under the bridge!"

Captain America swung his shield, knocking back two humanoid vampires beside him, then feigned defeat and jumped off the bridge, with the vampires following suit without hesitation.

In their eyes, this guy carrying a shield was just slightly stronger than an ordinary person. If it weren't for the fact that the shield was so tough, they would have broken through Steve's defense long ago.

With the advantage on our side, the two vampires chased Steve relentlessly, completely unaware that there were several peculiar Mech armors heading towards the bridge piers from overhead.

Natasha stood on the rooftop of a truck behind the line of fire, watching as Stark's self-destructing Mech armor was ready. She said, "Listen, the detonation sequence is as follows: we can ignore the heavily damaged Pier 1 for now, as the blast wave from the subsequent explosions will destroy it. We need to blow up the sturdiest pier first, and it has to be done in one go, without giving the bats under the bridge time to react..."

Stark said from the sky, "Mech armors 4 and 5 are in position, ready for detonation. J.A.R.V.I.S, calculate the blast radius..."

"Blast radius confirmed, all friendly forces have evacuated, flight trajectory calculated... preparing for detonation... 3... 2... 1..."

Stark hovered above the Brooklyn Bridge, watching as several streaks of light rushed towards the bottom of the bridge. Upon contact with the pillars, flames erupted and a loud explosion shook his eardrums. Bricks were blasted hundreds of meters into the air and the entire bridge collapsed with a cloud of cigarette smoke and dust shrouding the battlefield.

J.A.R.V.I.S.'s voice rang through the communication devices, "The demolition was successful and achieved the desired effect. We can proceed with the next phase of the operation..."

Stark asked, "How many enemies were eliminated?"

"Based on the biological scan responses of the surrounding Mech armor, the collapse of the bridge resulted in the death of 132 vampires and about 120 are still recovering from their injuries," replied J.A.R.V.I.S.

Before J.A.R.V.I.S. could finish, Natasha shouted, "Track their location! Send it to the night vision masks! Take out those severely injured vampires right now!"

Stark clicked his tongue in the sky. He had just seen a bat that had both wings pierced by nails struggle and flap twice before flying out from under two large boulders that were pressing it down. In just a few minutes, it was able to fly crookedly again.

"This regenerative ability is deadly. Hopefully, Conners' team can hurry up. If we keep going like this, it'll never end," said Stark.

However, the situation on the battlefield was still improving. With the coordination of the fighter jet squadron, the ground special forces, heavy firepower cover, and the infiltration of Stark Mech armor troops, the formation of the vampires was disrupted severely. The wave of the bridge explosion had eliminated most of their forces, leaving only some high-level vampires to resist stubbornly.

The strategic counterattack phase has fully begun, and the human defense line continues to advance. The machine gun's gunfire and grenade explosions are continuous, and sharp screams occasionally ring out from the ground.

Blade held an assault rifle and a burst of bullets, and opened up the head of a high-level vampire. He takes a deep puff of his cigarette and tosses the cigarette butt under his feet, saying, "It looks like we won't need three days. We can take care of them tonight..."

As soon as he finishes speaking, he senses that something is not right. Suddenly, a red light shines on a rooftop in the Brooklyn area.

Immediately following, this beam of red light begins to materialize slowly into the shape of a bat.

Of course, Stark also sees this scene, and frowning, he says, "What is that? Why are people still playing light shows on the battlefield?"

Blade curses to himself and picks up the radio, shouting, "They are performing that mysterious ritual!! Stop them now!!!"

Before he can finish speaking, Captain America dashes at supersonic speed and jumps directly onto the rooftop. However, it's too late; Steve sees a huge mysterious magic circle on the rooftop, but there is no one there.

"How do I destroy this thing?" Steve asks.

Before he can finish, the battlefield is filled with screams. All the vampires illuminated by the red bat's light emit inhuman screams and then transform into bat-like monsters, with wing spans of over 10 meters, spikes growing out of their wing skeletons, and fangs becoming longer and longer. Their faces change from normal bat faces to terrifying monster appearances.

More importantly, the red light in their eyes began to intensify, and then they collectively lost their sanity and began indiscriminately attacking everyone around them.

Even the high-level vampires were not spared, but they turned into bat monsters with thick black mist surrounding them. Several police officers inhaled some of the black mist and immediately fell to the ground, clutching their necks.

"Quick! Wear gas masks! Hurry!" Chief George shouted.

But it was already too late, the police officers who had inhaled the black mist also started to struggle, growing wings on their backs and turning into frenzied bat monsters.

Previously, the vampires' attacks also had infectious abilities, but the conversion speed was relatively slow. Once infection was detected, these personnel would be immediately removed from the battlefield for treatment.

However, the police officers who had inhaled the black mist turned into bat monsters almost instantly, without even a chance to receive treatment. Chief George's eyes turned red with anger as he shouted, "Open fire! Indiscriminate attack! Blow up these monsters for me!!!"

Iron Man accelerated to full speed, grabbing hold of a bat monster and diving down, then blasting a shot at the bat's head. However, instead of stopping its struggles, the monster became even more frenzied.

"They are being controlled by something!" Stark said, "Damn it! Isn't a headshot supposed to be a fatal wound?"

The voice of Blade came over the intercom, "That's the power of the undead. Use fire! Burn them to ashes completely! It's the only way to kill them. Hurry! Prepare the flamethrowers!"

However, no one expected such a change in the situation. The flamethrower, an unconventional weapon, was not equipped by any combat unit.

The combat effectiveness of the mutated bats has been greatly enhanced. Neither headshots nor piercing their hearts can kill them. They have also become larger in size, stronger in strength, and incredibly insane. They do not fear, only attack.

The situation on the battlefield was instantly reversed, and humanity was pushed back. Even Stark was a bit flustered under the siege of these crazy bat monsters.

Finally, after being hit by a bat, Stark angrily said, "J.A.R.V.I.S! Connect me to my laboratory in Stark Tower!"

A familiar voice answered on the other end of the communication, "I'm assisting Connors with research, what's up?"

"Help me manually override the highest-level security protocols!" Stark said in a deep voice.

"Are you sure? Didn't you say you would do this when the situation became desperate?"

"It's already desperate now," Stark said, looking at more and more humans being transformed into bat monsters. The overwhelming monsters almost blocked out all the moonlight. "Quick! It's not a time to consider the cost!"

Schiller took the phone and walked to a door in the laboratory. He entered a password that Stark had left for him and went inside. There was only a lever inside, and Schiller first placed his hand on the screen. When he heard two beeps, he pulled the lever down.

Next, on the rooftop of Stark Tower, a lighthouse-like light started to spin. The door of a weapons warehouse located on the top floor opened, and dozens of Mech armors with heavy weapons flew out.

The most important thing was that two huge steel monsters also walked out, one of which looked a lot like the one Obadiah drove before, and the other was somewhat similar to General Johnson's tentacle steel monster, but with some modifications.

These two giant steel monsters walked out and jumped from the rooftop of Stark Tower to another rooftop, and then quickly rushed towards the battlefield.

With the addition of two giant Mech armors, the fierce battle was somewhat alleviated.

These steel monsters were large enough to handle both the ground and the air, and they could tear apart a bat with ease. Additionally, the steel monster that Obadiah drove had a built-in flame thrower, which killed many crazy bats.

As a result, the situation in the battle had just improved, and more vampires joined the fight. It seemed that their commander intentionally chose this moment to send them into battle. The vampires rushed into the battlefield and were immediately irradiated by a red light, turning into even more crazy bats.

Even Iron Man and his Mech armor troops had to temporarily retreat and avoid their attacks. Conners received a call from Stark, who said, "Conners, when will your support arrive? We can't hold on much longer over here!"

Peter was holding a test tube and said, "Doctor, I think we're close to success. This serum should temporarily deactivate the vampires' self-healing ability."

"Correct, but the condition is that we must cause effective damage to them within the maintenance time of this effect. That is to say, we must first retake our position."

Peter looked up at Conners and saw him take out a syringe. Peter said, "Wait! Doctor... What is that? It can't be..."

On the battlefield, Stark dove down and tore off the wing of a bat, splattering blood on his Mech armor. He cursed, "Damn it! It's so filthy!"

Before he could finish speaking, the bat's wing started to grow back.

Steve was almost buried in a pile of bats. He struggled to hold up his shield and knocked one bat far away with a swing, but it flew back shortly after.

Hawkeye hid behind a wreckage of a bridge, quickly drawing his bow and shooting arrows. His arms were trembling when he saw Quake hitting the ground knocking bats away, providing tactical support.

"Iron Man! Fall back quickly! They..."

Natasha didn't finish her sentence before Stark was tackled by a larger bat, its fangs biting into the left arm of his Mech armor. Sparks flew out, and Stark yelled, "Activate the electric shock!"

A strong surge of electricity burst out, paralyzing the bat. Stark took the opportunity to break free. Before his Mech armor could take off, the bat chased after him again.

The airflow from the bat's wings made Stark's Mech armor unstable. Just as it was about to be tackled again, Steve swung his shield and struck one of the bat's wings. The bat veered off, and Stark pulled up, saying, "Thanks!"

"You behind you!" Steve shouted.

Stark had just turned his head when a violent gust of wind hit him. Obviously, a bat had been lurking nearby for a long time. Stark tried to dodge, but it was too late. The bat was too close to him. Stark said, "Initiate the escape program! Then self-destruct the Mech armor!"

"Not now, if you eject now, the altitude is too high, and you'll be in danger." J.A.R.V.I.S replied.

Stark caught a glimpse of Steve on the ground and said, "Initiate escape! Now!"

A figure was ejected from the Mech armor, and then the armor exploded with a brilliant flash of light. The explosion sent the two bats flying, one of which was burned to a crisp.

Steve jumped and caught Stark, then placed him on the ground. Before Stark could say anything else, they both felt a giant shadow looming overhead.

They turned around to see a huge green monster over ten meters tall behind them. It stepped on the bat that had flown away, crushing it into a pulp. The lizard monster, as big as a small hill, leaned down and fixed its huge vertical pupils on Stark. It spat venom at him and said, "Your backup has arrived."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 125 The Bat Event (7)


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