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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Months later, Wang Hong stood before a great city, intending to enter and conduct some trades. He then recalled having already visited this place a few moons ago. 

Studying the map carefully, he realized he had plowed through all the major cities in the Demon Race's territory. 

He estimated there were few more profits to be reaped from lingering in the Demon lands.

Though he had amassed considerable resources, since he had come this far, he ought to profit further to make the journey worthwhile.

Thus, Wang Hong reappeared in the Abyss Clan's domain.  

His earlier exploits among the Demons had caused quite a stir. Besides plundering vast quantities of rare Spiritual Objects, nearly seven or eight Demon Race Soul Transformation cultivators had perished by his hands.

This was undoubtedly a severe blow to the Demon Race. High-level Void Refining cultivators were already investigating, yet Wang Hong had concealed himself well, constantly roaming to elude detection by the Demon elite.

Inspired (seduced) by his experience with the Demons, he no longer intended to trade one place at a time.

Moreover, trading required more time and risked exposure. Outright plundering seemed more efficient, since it would inevitably lead to killing and looting anyway.

Over the next couple of months, a great thief appeared across major Abyss cities, striking without a trace and leaving defenses useless.

In this short period, the Clan's major powers and merchant houses were all struck, with not a leaf left behind in the thief's wake.  

Yet to this day, no one had glimpsed this great thief's true appearance, as all witnesses were already dead.

The entire Abyss Clan was flung into chaos and dread.

However, Abyss cultivators soon discerned a pattern - the thief solely targeted major powers, while smaller forces seemed beneath his notice.

Many Abyss cultivators then lamented that poverty had saved them, while taking delight in the misfortunes of the formerly high and mighty. Spirit wine sales soared across the Clan's territory.

Some ignorant fools even revered this great thief as a hero to be admired.

At the time, Wang Hong was perusing a jade scroll in a small shop when he came across this news, surprised to find himself a hero to the Abyss Clan.

This shop was an intelligence outpost of the Great Chu Immortal Nation, having developed informant networks among the races over the years under Liu Changsheng.  

The shopkeeper and staff here were all Abyss cultivators who had joined a mysterious organization, unaware of their true master or who they served.

Their generous compensation was enough.

Wang Hong only needed to provide the codeword to obtain the intelligence he sought.

It seemed the top Void Refining experts of the Demons and Abyss had mobilized fully to locate him.

"It's time to depart."

With a contemplative sound, the jade scroll turned to ash in his hand. His figure gradually faded and vanished.

Rather than heading directly for Human territory, Wang Hong left a faint trail toward Demon lands.  

Once in Demon territory, he sold all the spoils from the Demons and Abyss, using the proceeds to purchase refining materials needed for his Puppet legions.

This major transaction also drew the attention of some unscrupulous Demons, but Wang Hong had no intention of killing and plundering among the Demons.

The Little Yuan Realm only had so many major races. If the Demons, Abyss, and Demon Clan were hit in succession, even using their toes to think, they could guess the Human Clan was behind it.

As a Void Refining expert, evading these Demons was still quite easy.

Many Soul Transformation Demons sought to track and plunder him, but returned empty-handed and rue, unaware their failures had spared their lives.

After crisscrossing Demon lands to offload his ill-gotten gains for needed materials, Wang Hong stealthily returned to the Great Chu Immortal Nation.

No sooner had he departed than top Void Refining experts from the Demons and Abyss picked up his trail in pursuit.

They circled around the area of influence of the Demon Clan, but the trail they had been tracking had disappeared, and they did not find any suspicious individuals. Everything was calm, and no killing or looting had occurred.

However, they discovered a large amount of treasure that had been looted from the Demon Race and the Abyss Clan in some cities of the Demon Clan.

Having found this evidence, they naturally had a lead to continue investigating, which reinvigorated the powerful warriors of the two clans.

However, many powerful Void Refining cultivators had come to their territory, and if the Demon Clan could not discover this and maintained an attitude of ignorance, then the Demon Clan would no longer be able to have a foothold in the Little Yuan Realm.

Thus, the Void Refining experts of the Demon Clan confronted the powerful warriors of the two clans who had come to investigate. Naturally, neither side could convince the other, and neither side was willing to make any concessions.

The Abyss and Demon clans insisted that the Demon Clan cultivators had plundered their territories, while the Demon Clan cultivators claimed that the two clans were using this as an excuse to cause trouble in their territory.

At this point, whichever side chose to back down would find it difficult to maintain their position in the Little Yuan Realm.

The two sides then engaged in several major battles, with each side experiencing victories and defeats, but without any casualties, as it was not easy to determine life and death in this Realm.

Wang Hong secretly returned to the Great Chu Immortal Nation and deposited all the resources and materials he had collected into the national treasury, leaving Xu Lun and Chen Xiaofeng to allocate them.

At this time, Luo Zhongjie came to report: "Your Majesty, the army recruitment has been completed. This time, fifty million elderly, weak, and disabled have been discharged, and four hundred million new recruits have been enlisted, bringing the total army strength to eight hundred million."

"Good, first train these four hundred million, and in five years, disperse them to supplement the various armies.

Also, go find Chen Xiaofeng and have the Ministry of Works quickly produce four hundred million sets of equipment."

The current Ministry of Works was no longer what it once was, and refining four hundred million sets of equipment would not take too much time.

"Additionally, after the four hundred million sets of equipment are ready, you can organize the army to take turns fighting against the savage tribes."

After the new recruits joined the armies, half of the soldiers in each army would be new and would need the tempering of actual combat.

Before launching a general attack against the savage tribes, he needed to integrate the armies, and the best way to do this was through real combat.

After instructing Luo Zhongjie, Xu Lun, and others, Wang Hong entered the secret chamber again and began a new period of seclusion.

Since he had created the 'Unity of Myriad Realm' Cultivation Techniques, he had not had a chance to properly cultivate it, and this time he planned to advance this Cultivation Technique.

He had currently comprehended the dao law of defense, but in his Space, there was another Grand Dao Rune that he could study – the flame Rune from the Fuxing Tree.

Now, relying on the 'Unity of Myriad Realm' Cultivation Techniques, he could incorporate this dao law into his Cultivation Techniques as well.

In this way, he would possess both an offensive and a defensive dao law.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 838 Puppet


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