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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


After the auction in Sleeping Dragon City concluded, Wang Hong left Fengwu Continent alone.

His first destination was the Xuanyuan Immortal Palace in the central continent, which was undoubtedly the wealthiest among the Human Clan's forces.

For countless ten thousand years, the Xuanyuan Immortal Palace had always been the most powerful force among the Human Clan, and its accumulated wealth surpassed that of upstart powers like the Great Chu Immortal Nation.

The arrival of Wang Hong was warmly received by the Ling Yuan Elders, who were also highly interested in the treasures he brought for trade.

However, Wang Hong only presented a dozen Ten Thousand-Year Spiritual Herbs and two barrels of Ten Thousand-Year Spirit Wine. If he were to bring out too much at once, even the Xuanyuan Immortal Palace might not be able to handle it all.

When the Ling Yuan Elders looked at the list of items Wang Hong wanted to purchase, they said, "Fellow Daoist Wang, this list is quite extensive, with a wide variety of items. Xuanyuan Immortal Palace only possesses a portion of the materials you need.

Especially the profound yin magnet and the Divine Wood mentioned here, it's unlikely that we can find more than a few of them even if we search throughout the entire Human Clan's territory."

"In that case, how can we obtain these two materials? I ask the two Fellow Daoists to enlighten me."

These two materials were essential for the refinement this time, and they had to obtain them no matter what.

The profound yin magnet was used to establish connections between each Puppet. If the Puppets couldn't communicate with each other, the entire army would be as scattered as loose sand, making it impossible to coordinate in battle.

As for the Divine Wood, it was used to receive the Divine Sense of a Cultivator. To control a Puppet, a Cultivator needed to separate a small portion of their Divine Sense and attach it to the Puppet. Only then could they control it with their mind.

However, the detached Divine Sense would quickly dissipate, so an item was needed to preserve it, and the Divine Wood happened to possess this characteristic.

Bai Lingzi stroked his long beard and said, "As far as this old man knows, the entire Little Yuan Realm only produces profound yin magnets in the black magnet continent. In other places, they occasionally appear in small quantities, making them difficult to collect."

The black magnet continent belonged to the Abyss Clan, and the relationship between the two clans had never been friendly. It was not easy to obtain profound yin magnets from the Abyss Clan.

"In that case, if we want to acquire a large quantity of profound yin magnets, we'll have to make a trip to the black magnet continent. And what about the Divine Wood? Where is it produced?"

"The Divine Wood, on the other hand, is found in the western part of the Sky Demon Continent. I have traveled there in my early years. In that place, there is a ten thousand-foot cliff, and in the deepest part of the cliff lies a secluded mountain valley where a forest of Divine Wood grows."

"Thank you both for the information."

After completing a trade for some materials at the Xuanyuan Immortal Palace, Wang Hong bid farewell to the Ling Yuan Elders and left the Central Continent.

The Sky Demon Continent was not far from the Central Continent. In the past, during the alliance between humans and demons, there used to be frequent exchanges between the two sides.

However, the relationship between the two sides had become strained, and humans who ventured into the Sky Demon Continent were met with hostility. There was a high possibility of being devoured by the Demon Clan directly.

This time, Wang Hong didn't bother with any disguises and flew directly towards the Sky Demon Continent.

With his current strength, there were only a few individuals in the entire Little Yuan Realm who could stop him.

Moreover, there were only a few cultivators in the entire Little Yuan Realm who had reached the Void Refining realm. The number was known to be less than twenty, and among them, the Human Clan only had three. This was common knowledge among the upper echelons of power in the Little Yuan Realm.

At this point, no matter how he disguised himself, as soon as he engaged in combat, the opponent would be able to guess his identity. It would only invite ridicule.

Wang Hong concealed his aura and chose a relatively less-populated corner of the Demon Clan's territory to land on the Sky Demon Continent.

Although this continent belonged to the Demon Clan, there were still surviving members of the Human Clan, albeit in a lower status. There were very few high-tier cultivators, and most of them were below the Nascent Soul stage. Clan cultivators who could reach the Nascent Soul stage were generally treated as pets by the Demon Clan. The wild humans on this continent couldn't access high-quality resources, and those who managed to reach the Golden Core stage were considered exceptional. If they were lucky enough to reach the Nascent Soul realm, they would flee this continent and return to the Human Clan's world.

Wang Hong suppressed his cultivation to the Golden Core stage and walked through the continent without attracting too much attention.

After a few months, Wang Hong finally arrived near the ten thousand-foot cliff that Bai Lingzi had mentioned. As one of the top powerhouses in this realm, as long as he didn't attract the attention of fellow cultivators at his level, it was not difficult for him to quietly sneak into this area.

The ten thousand-foot cliff was indeed a precipice. Standing at the edge of the cliff and looking down, all that could be seen was pitch blackness.

Wang Hong threw a stone down, but even after a long time, he couldn't hear any echoes.

When he used his Divine Sense to probe down, after reaching a depth of two or three miles, it became increasingly difficult, and eventually, he couldn't make any progress. There was no sign of reaching the bottom.

Since his Divine Sense couldn't explore further, he decided to go down and see for himself. Bai Lingzi had come here during his Soul Transformation stage, so it shouldn't be too dangerous.

Wang Hong jumped directly down from the cliff without disguising his descent, letting the wind whistle past his ears.

For someone of his cultivation level, the speed of falling from a cliff was far slower than his usual flying speed. It was not dangerous at all.

Wang Hong felt the falling speed gradually slowing down, and there was a layer of black mist below. This mist hindered his descent, making it slower, and also affecting his Divine Sense.

He reached out and caught a clump of black mist, carefully examining it with his Divine Sense. It turned out that the black mist was composed of tiny particles that absorbed his Divine Sense.

After understanding the nature of the black mist, Wang Hong didn't linger. He subtly manipulated his Spiritual Power, accelerated his speed, and easily broke through the black mist, shooting towards the bottom.

In just a dozen breaths, Wang Hong had already landed at the bottom of the cliff. Due to the obstruction of the black mist, the bottom of the cliff appeared dim.

The unique environment here caused the trees, plants, and flowers to be different from the outside. The overall color was dominated by shades of gray and black, even the flowers were black.

These trees seemed to be able to grow by absorbing the black mist in the absence of light.

Out of curiosity, Wang Hong transplanted several small grasses with Spiritual Energy into his Space and absorbed a large clump of black mist, moving it into his Space, using Spirit Qi to separate it from other species.

Apart from these strange Spirit Plants, there were also some Demonic Beasts living beneath the bottom of the cliff. Before obtaining the Divine Wood, Wang Hong carefully avoided them and didn't disturb them.

Continuing along the edge of the cliff, it took him more than an hour to finally see a forest ahead.

The trees here had no leaves and were entirely black. Their bark was covered in scales.

"Divine Wood!"

Wang Hong's face revealed excitement. With such a large forest, even though the trees varied in age, it would be more than enough for his needs.

He summoned a Flying Sword, and with a flash of sword light, he had already cut down a large area. Some Demonic Beasts that had been hiding in the forest were frightened by the commotion and fled in all directions.

"Bold! Who dares to be so reckless here?" a loud shout came from deep within the forest, and a sly-looking cultivator emerged from the trees. He was from the Demon Clan.

After shouting, the sly-looking man was about to make a move, but he suddenly sensed the powerful aura emanating from Wang Hong. It was not something his Soul Transformation stage could contend with.

Now, he deeply regretted why he had rushed out without even giving it a second thought. He didn't know if it was too late to escape now.

However, Wang Hong would never allow him to escape. He had always held a negative view towards the Demon Clan, and if he let this guy escape, it would only lead to more trouble if the news leaked.

Before the sly-looking man could escape more than a mile away, he was pierced by a white light.

The sly-looking man's corpse fell to the ground and quickly returned to its original form. It turned out that he was a drilling mountain beast.

The scales on the body of this Demonic Beast could be used in alchemy, and its flesh was delicious. Both the Human Clan and the Demon Clan enjoyed eating it, which made the drilling mountain beast a scarce creature among the Demon Clan.

Wang Hong approached and lifted the corpse of the drilling mountain beast, weighing it in his hand. It seemed like it would be enough for two or three meals.

After killing the Demon Clan's Soul Transformation cultivator guarding this place, Wang Hong accelerated his pace. His Flying Sword swept through the area, cutting down a large number of Divine Wood.

He also dug up several plants, uprooting them and transplanting them into his Space.

Before leaving, he performed a mystical technique, causing the surrounding black mist to quickly gather towards him and be collected into a gourd.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 835: The Human Clan


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