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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the deepest secret chamber of the Royal Palace of Great Chu Immortal Nation, Wang Hong, who seemed to be in a deep slumber, slowly opened his eyes and struggled to stand up. Having separated his Nascent Soul from his physical body for several decades, he was still adjusting to it.

After pacing around the secret chamber for a few rounds, he finally regained his normal state.

At this moment, a Jade Scroll appeared in his hand. After pondering for a while, he summoned a small stream of Spiritual Power and carefully inscribed it on the Jade Scroll.

"Let's call it 'Unity of Myriad Realm'!"

Wang Hong muttered to himself after inscribing the words "Unity of Myriad Realm" on the scroll.

The Jade Scroll contained the culmination of his efforts over a period of forty thousand years. In that time, he had studied almost all of the Cultivation Techniques, compared their strengths and weaknesses, extracted the essence, and ultimately glimpsed a trace of the Dao.

Forty thousand years was equivalent to several lifetimes for an ordinary cultivator. Despite the lengthy process, this Cultivation Technique was still not in its complete state. It could only be described as the basic framework of a Cultivation Technique.

Nevertheless, Wang Hong was still full of confidence in this Cultivation Technique. He believed that with the help of this Cultivation Technique, he would have a chance to become the strongest Void Refining Cultivator.

This was because the usual cultivation method for Void Refining Cultivators involved finding a set of Laws of Heaven and Earth, delving deep into them, and integrating their personal cultivation path with those Laws of Heaven and Earth.

In other words, each cultivator could only comprehend one set of Laws of Heaven and Earth. It was like being able to proceed only along a fixed path. There might be forks along the way, but it was impossible to tread two paths simultaneously.

In fact, predecessors had considered comprehending and integrating multiple sets of Laws of Heaven and Earth to forge their own path.

However, human energy was limited, and each set of Laws of Heaven and Earth was profound and obscure, requiring a great deal of time and effort to study.

Rather than spending a considerable amount of time and effort comprehending multiple sets of dao laws, it was more practical to specialize in one.

But the Cultivation Technique created by Wang Hong, "Unity of Myriad Realm," differed from the traditional cultivation method.

This Cultivation Technique was currently just a framework, and the various Laws of Heaven and Earth were the bricks that filled this framework.

Based on the "Unity of Myriad Realm" Cultivation Technique, one could continuously integrate multiple sets of Laws of Heaven and Earth. The more dao laws were integrated, the stronger one would become, with almost no limit.

However, this set of Cultivation Technique also had a significant flaw: since comprehending and integrating multiple sets of dao laws required more time and energy, the investment required would double accordingly.

There were no shortcuts in comprehending Laws of Heaven and Earth; everyone had to proceed step by step, leaving footprints along the way.

Therefore, it was likely that only Wang Hong could successfully cultivate this set of Cultivation Techniques in the current world.

Other cultivators did not possess a Space like Wang Hong's, where they could experience a time flow rate of over three hundred times faster.

Of course, the "Unity of Myriad Realm" Cultivation Technique was originally created for himself, so as long as it suited him, it was sufficient.

Throughout history, there have been numerous extraordinary and marvelous techniques, but they were all created by predecessors. It is not an easy task for each cultivator to find a Cultivation Technique that suits them perfectly.

Unless, like him, one specifically tailors a Cultivation Technique for oneself.

Since he had already successfully created a Cultivation Technique, his purpose for this seclusion had been achieved.

As for comprehending the defensive dao laws and integrating them into the "Unity of Myriad Realm" Cultivation Technique, he could do that later.

He had been in seclusion for over a hundred years this time, and he had no idea how the outside world had changed. It was time to come out and get some fresh air, while also getting an understanding of the current situation.

After Wang Hong's secret chamber, which had been closed for over a hundred years, finally opened again, two graceful figures, one red and one white, quickly flew towards it.

"We respectfully welcome Your Majesty's emergence!"

Wood Fairy and Yun Qingya both prostrated themselves in front of the closed secret chamber.

"Very well!"

Wang Hong gazed at the two maidservants in front of him and praised them. After more than a hundred years, both women had reached the Soul Transformation realm.

The two women led Wang Hong to bathe and change clothes, and there was already a table full of delicacies prepared, waiting for Wang Hong to enjoy.

Just as Wang Hong was savoring the food, Wang Yi arrived with Little Peng to join in the feast.

"Brother! You finally emerged. It's been so long since we saw each other."

Wang Yi was not polite at all. He walked straight to Wang Hong's side and sat down, pouring himself a cup of Spirit Wine.

Little Peng, on the other hand, appeared more reserved. He hesitated and looked at Wang Hong, as if he wanted to sit but didn't dare to.

Now that Wang Hong was already a formidable Void Refining expert and revered by countless people in the Fengwu Continent, Little Peng felt a bit intimidated in front of him.

"Stop pretending and sit down to eat," Wang Hong waved his hand and said to Little Peng.

Little Peng felt as if he had received a pardon and hurriedly found a seat. He imitated the others and poured himself a full cup of Spirit Wine. Tilting his neck, he downed the entire cup, then quickly picked up the wine jug and poured another cup.

Wang Hong ignored Little Peng's eating manners. After all, he had raised this guy himself and knew him better than anyone.

Little Peng was fond of alcohol, but unfortunately, his tolerance and taste for it were not that great.

Although he had now reached the Soul Transformation realm, his true nature hadn't changed a bit.

"Why are you here too? How are things going with the savage tribe?"

Wang Hong remembered that before his seclusion, Wang Yi had brought an army to garrison on Flying Fish Island.

"I came this time to handle matters at the Ministry of Works.

During these hundred years, the entire Little Yuan Realm has been anything but calm. The savage tribe has launched several attacks, and on two occasions, they even sent out powerful Void Realm cultivators.

Flying Fish Island has changed hands several times, but thanks to the support of Xuanyuan Immortal Palace and the forces of the Human Clan, as well as the intervention of the Ling Yuan Elders, coupled with the effective use of the Ten Thousand Forms Demon-Slaying Array in the army, we managed to barely resist the savage tribe's aggression."

As Wang Yi spoke, his spirits drooped, and he downed three cups of Spirit Wine before continuing:

"In order to resist the savage tribe, we have also sacrificed a large number of cultivators.

Before you went into seclusion, you expanded the army by three million, so the total should have been six million, but now there are only a little over four million left.

Even Soul Transformation cultivators have fallen by over twenty in these years."

Upon hearing this, Wang Hong felt a pang of heartache at the loss of over a million troops.

"Has the savage tribe launched a full-scale invasion?"

The savage tribe came from a world much stronger than the Little Yuan Realm. Previously, the passage between the two realms may not have been stable enough, limiting the amount of power they could project over here.

If the savage tribe were to fully invade with the power of an entire realm, it would indeed be challenging for the forces of the Human Clan to defend, as the Human Clan was currently the weakest faction in the Little Yuan Realm.

"I cannot be certain, but it is likely that they have exerted their full strength!"

Wang Yi wasn't very confident about it either. It would be disheartening to be beaten to a pulp only to realize that the other side hadn't even used much effort.

Wang Hong downed a large cup of wine, took a deep breath, and no longer discussed this heavy topic. "You have finally reached the peak of Soul Transformation. How is your comprehension of the dao laws? Do you have hope of breaking through to Void Refining?"

"It's passable. As for breaking through to Void Refining, I can currently say I have about a fifty percent chance."

Wang Yi shook his head inwardly. Breaking through to Void Refining was incredibly difficult.

It was only because Wang Hong had recently broken through to the Void Refining realm that he didn't regard this hurdle as a big deal, making it seem easy.

For most cultivators, reaching this realm was something they didn't even dare to dream of.

Before the invasions from other realms, there were at least several hundred Soul Transformation cultivators in the Human Clan, but there was only one Void Refining cultivator who was nearing the end of their lifespan, on the verge of passing away.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 832: Planning


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