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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Before Wang Hong began his seclusion, he commanded Luo Zhongjie to recruit another three million soldiers.

Previously, the Great Chu Immortal Nation had a total of three million soldiers, with a portion stationed on Crimson Flame Island and Qizhou Island in the east to respond swiftly to savage tribe attacks.

The remaining soldiers were dispersed throughout the Great Chu Immortal Nation to maintain local security.

Due to the vast territory, a million or two soldiers seemed like a significant force, but once dispersed, there were actually not many allocated to each location.

As for the source of the newly recruited soldiers, they mainly consisted of two types of people. One type was the captives captured during the defeat of the Celestial Maiden Palace coalition forces, and the other source was the graduates from various academies each year.

The newly enlisted soldiers would consist of a core of veterans, with the academy graduates forming the main force, and qualified cultivators selected from the previously recruited captives.

After years of accumulation, the Great Chu Immortal Nation had cultivated a large number of students who were distributed throughout the country.

These students received orthodox education from a young age in the academies, and now they possessed much stronger comprehensive qualities compared to ordinary Sect Disciples.

Most importantly, these students had a loyal heart, loyal to the Great Chu Immortal Nation and loyal to Wang Hong.

Having these individuals as the main force of the army was enough to ensure the loyalty of the future army.

As for the captives captured during the previous war with the Celestial Maiden Palace, Wang Hong had already granted them full citizenship after the celebration. They were now all citizens of the Great Chu Immortal Nation.

Previously, most of these captives were engaged in laborious mining work, but now, with the development of the Ministry of Works, they had gradually been replaced by puppets.

In the various mining tunnels of the Great Chu Immortal Nation, there were no longer miners; instead, tireless puppets worked day and night, dedicating themselves to the service of the Great Chu Immortal Nation without any complaints.

While Luo Zhongjie recruited and trained the three million new soldiers, Wang Hong sat amidst a pile of Jade Scrolls, carefully examining each one.

Before this seclusion, he had made copies of all the Jade Scrolls that the Great Chu Immortal Nation could gather, and now they were all stacked in his spatial storage.

These Jade Scrolls covered a wide range of topics, including various cultivation techniques, the skills of cultivation arts, the cultivation of spirit plants, the habits of demonic beasts, and other seemingly unrelated content.

Although he had reached the cultivation level of the Refined Void Realm, he still lacked the Cultivation Techniques specifically for the Refined Void Realm.

Ling Yuan Elders gave him some relevant insights, providing him with a reference point like a milestone on his journey.

However, the specific path he should take still required him to carefully navigate through trial and error.

His current plan was to read through every Jade Scroll he could get his hands on.

With the current strength of the Great Chu Immortal Nation, they could gather Jade Scrolls from several continents, an incalculable number of them.

Wang Hong vividly remembered the surprised expressions on Xu Lun and Liu Changsheng's faces when he assigned them to collect all the Jade Scrolls.

In the cultivation world, no one had ever had such a bold idea before.

Even for an Immortal Cultivator, time and energy were limited, making it impossible to read every single Jade Scroll.

To gather these Jade Scrolls, the Great Chu Immortal Nation expended a vast amount of wealth, and ultimately, it came from Wang Hong's personal funds.

Wang Hong specifically refined dozens of high-tier Spirit Pills for this purpose, allowing his subordinates to sell them at top-tier auctions and use the resources obtained to purchase Jade Scrolls.

As he examined each Jade Scroll, sometimes swiftly skimming through them and sometimes deeply contemplating them, time seemed to fluctuate between fast and slow.

After reading a portion of the Jade Scrolls, he would pick up a blank Jade Scroll and inscribe his insights onto it.

Time flowed slowly like this, and in the blink of an eye, Wang Hong had already experienced eight thousand years within the Space.

Through these eight thousand years of study, he had finished reading the pile of gathered Jade Scrolls and stored them in his warehouse.

The current pile beside him consisted of Jade Scrolls where he recorded his insights. The quantity of these Jade Scrolls was still enormous, totaling at least one hundred thousand or more.

At this point, Wang Hong temporarily ceased his contemplation and enjoyed a meal alone in his secret chamber.

He steamed the white fish raised in the Space, sprinkled it with Polar Small Cold Onion, creating a fragrant and delicious dish.

He braised the deer meat for the Void Realm refinement, made a soup with Lionhead Spirit Mushrooms grown in the Space, stir-fried lotus root tips, and accompanied it all with a jar of Ten Thousand-Year Spirit Wine.

After savoring the meal, he brewed a pot of Qiu Long Tea. The fatigue from the previous continuous contemplation of ten thousand years finally dissipated, and he once again felt refreshed and clear-minded.

Returning to the Space, he looked at the tens of thousands of Jade Scrolls recording his insights in front of him. He sat cross-legged once again, picked up a Jade Scroll, and immersed himself in profound contemplation.

This time, it took him five thousand years. The content of the more than a hundred thousand Jade Scrolls was comprehended and merged by him, transforming into seven thousand Jade Scrolls.

Wang Hong rested for a few days again, organizing his thoughts before delving into further contemplation.

Another five thousand years passed, and the seven thousand Jade Scrolls were reduced to just over three hundred. Then, in a blink of an eye, four thousand years went by, leaving only sixteen Jade Scrolls in front of Wang Hong.

These final sixteen Jade Scrolls represented the essence condensed through his contemplation of all the Jade Scrolls. It took him twenty-two thousand years to integrate and summarize them. Even if one of these Scrolls were to be revealed, it would be considered a priceless treasure by cultivators throughout the world. There was no room for further refinement.

With this, Wang Hong accomplished a feat never before achieved since the existence of the Cultivation World.

It's worth noting that even Void Refining experts, with their extended lifespans, can only live up to nine thousand years at most. However, most cultivators cannot reach this ideal lifespan.

After all, cultivators face many adversities and dangers throughout their lives, inevitably causing some injuries that accumulate over time and naturally affect their lifespan.

Moreover, ordinary immortal cultivators are usually very busy. They need to cultivate, search for resources, and handle various miscellaneous matters. They have little leisure to engage in long-term research like this.

Therefore, for an ordinary cultivator, this is simply an impossible task.

However, Wang Hong was still not entirely satisfied with the current sixteen Jade Scrolls. He wanted to find his own path through them.

Although everything in the world appears complex and diverse on the surface, undergoing countless changes and variations, they all follow the most basic principles—the Dao. The Dao represents the rules by which everything operates.

As long as one can grasp the Dao, understand these rules, they can see through the dazzling appearances and directly point to the essence of phenomena and changes.

Unable to make progress for the time being, Wang Hong indulged himself with a lot of delicious food as usual, enjoying it for several days. Once his mood became relaxed and content, he resumed his seclusion for further contemplation.

This time, another eighteen thousand years passed. Wang Hong sat motionless in the Space, covered by countless vines.

After more than ten thousand years of closed eyes, they slowly opened. His gaze was indifferent, as if nothing in the world could stir a ripple within his heart.

He slightly lifted his index finger, and countless profound runes emerged, evolved, and vanished. In that instant, it seemed to demonstrate the ultimate mysteries of the world.

The countless vines covering him suddenly turned into ashes and dispersed with a gentle breeze.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 831: "Unity of Myriad Realm"


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